The strategic planning process is applied to develop the direction and future goals within an organization

Topic: discussion question

Style APA
Number of words 331
Number of sources 1
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


Details:  Question 1. The process of strategic planning uses a sequence of actions that build upon each other, helping leaders and managers to examine the alignment of vision, mission, and goals of the organization; test assumptions; gather and incorporate information about current practices and processes, and anticipate the environment in which the behavioral health care organization will be working in the future. The plan, simply put, involves a set of decisions about what to do, why to do it, and how to do it. Much of the strategy pertains to prioritizing which organizational decisions and actions are more important than others and subsequently, making the decision about what is most important to achieving optimal organizational effectiveness and success in behavioral health care settings.

Example below

The strategic planning process is applied to develop the direction and future goals within an organization (Burns et al., 2020). The mission statement is beneficial for the organization as it helps to identify operational methods, the organization’s business, and strategies for accomplishing goals. The mission statement may also form and influence the organization’s culture. According to the HCBHC’s brochure, the mission statement is listed and discusses the tactics and purpose of the organization and basically explains why the HCBHC exists for future reference.

It is essential to have organizational support for creating a mission statement by involving employees, such as board members, to provide input either during a meeting, via email, or anonymously via survey regarding the information to be included in the mission statement. The mission statement allows for employees to unite by working together, toward the organization’s goals regardless of the employee’s specific job title. It is also important to seek legal advice to ensure that the mission statement of the organization does not contradict the organization and employee’s actions to ensure that the organization is moving forward legally.

Burns et al. (2020) stated the following:

For example, Health-South, HCA, and Tenet (among many others) experienced indictments, significant fines, lower stock prices, and tarnished public reputation as a result of their fraudulent actions that contradicted their stated mission, vision, and values. (p. 247)

The IT department may also be helpful in including the mission statement on the company website along with the appropriate party that is responsible for listing the mission statement on the organization’s brochure.


Burns, L. R., Bradley, E. H., & Weiner, B. J. (2020). Shortell & Kaluzny’s health care management: Organization design & behavior (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.

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The strategic planning process is applied to develop the direction and future goals within an organization

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