three pages essay
Find and turn in a full bibliographic citation of a peer-reviewed academic journal article that uses some form of cultural argumentation with respect to understanding variation in democratic quality, democratiz
Always include the page number on citations/references that have page numbers; second best indications of location are … second best, but much better than nothing (e.g. Freedom House uses letters and numbers to specify thematic sections).
lways reference a reading by the author’s name, not by the title of the reading; where no human author can be found, use the ‘institutional author.’
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Democracy and Culture
According to Welzel (2002), development in democracy is closely associated with the quality of elites within the environment in question, in which case a high number of elites in the society represents an improvement in the quality of democracy due to their improved representation of in different positions within the economy. In particular, the scholars hypothesized and determined that the low corruption and high representation of females in a society are some of the critical factors that help formalize democracy, in effect making it more effective in meeting the needs of society.
(875 words)