Today’s Digital Age

Today’s Digital Age

Iqro Adan

I believe that in today’s digital age, technology has opened up many opportunities for women to connect, express themselves, and thrive in various fields. In a research done in 2013 there are “over  200 million more men had access to the internet than women” (Mackey & Petrucka, 2021). Despite that , social media platforms have provided a powerful voice for women to share their experiences, advocate for their rights, and build supportive communities. Through hashtags and online campaigns, women have been able to raise awareness about important issues such as gender equality, body positivity, and reproductive rights.

Another example is that technology has played a significant role in promoting women’s education and career advancement. Online learning platforms such as tictok and Instagram have made education more accessible, allowing women to pursue their passions and gain knowledge in various fields. Additionally, remote work opportunities and flexible schedules made possible by technology have empowered women to balance their personal and professional lives more effectively. Most times “Women carry the bulk of responsibility for raising children and meeting household obligations, which, globally, contribute to this continued disadvantage”(Mackey & Petrucka, 2021)

There as been a rise of female entrepreneurs and influencers in the digital space. With the help of technology, women have been able to start their own businesses, create innovative products, and reach a global audience. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok have provided a stage for women to showcase their talents, share their expertise, and inspire others.

Last but not least , technology has tremendously enhanced the social roles of women by providing them with platforms to show their voices, access education and career opportunities, and pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. It has created a more inclusive and empowering environment where women can thrive and make a positive impact.

Mackey, A., & Petrucka, P. (2021, February 23). Technology as the key to women’s empowerment: A scoping review – BMC women’s health. BioMed Central. 

Brian Votel

 Automation and artificial intelligence will diminish the roles of females in the future in regard to employment. Automation and AI will replace many jobs in the future. It will create new jobs. “Evidence from the United States shows that in recent years more than 60% of newly created occupations have been in male-dominated fields.” (Ellingrud et al., 2019, para 8). While more women have college degrees than men, the skills in the degrees that women receive are not in high demand. As new jobs are created, less women will qualify for those jobs in the future because a lack of the needed skills. “To address these needs, schools, colleges, governments, and the private sector need to encourage girls and women to study and pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields; often they need to work in partnership.” (Ellingrud et al., 2019, para 11). Another obstacle for women switching careers is having to juggle work and family. This limits the time needed to learn new skills that will be required to adapt to the new digital technology.

Ellingrud K, Kristnan M, Madgavkar A. (2019, July 3). Will Automation Improve Work for Women — or Make It Worse?. hbr. Retrieved from Will Automation Improve Work for Women — or Make It Worse? (

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