Topic: Internal Environment
Format: APA
sources: 3
Pages: 4
Spacing: Double spaced
Topic: Internal Environment
Details: •Write a 4 page paper that describes the internal environmental in your organization.
The organization is US Army
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The United States army however complex still follows the regular structure that many organizations have. The US army shares the same characteristics with world organizations where there is a level of management, employees, and a culture that defines it. As a result, a closer look at the internal environment of the United States army unearths the management systems and its principles, the employees and the work process, and ultimately the culture that forms the core of the success of the organization. All these elements interact in a complementary manner to ensure that adaptation through technological transformation for both management and its employees is of high level in a bid to tackle threats or problems facing the nation. The paper is a precise analysis of the internal environment of the United States army thereby unearthing how it achieves efficiency and effectiveness in its functionality.
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