Transformational Leadership Styles

Transformational Leadership Styles

Mod 3 Discussion response

Kiara R

This week’s discussion focuses on two insights that focus on transformational leadership styles and how these styles affect their followers. It is known that influence plays a significant role in individual performance and the overall well-being of followers. One reviewed study describes transformational leadership as providing motivational visions, individualized support, and empowering employees. The study highlights that the leadership style also gives employees a sense of autonomy (Stempel et al., 2023). The second study I reviewed discussed the benefits of how speaking to one under leadership is beneficial to outcomes. One piece that stood out was called individual consideration, meaning face-to-face interaction. This study explained that leaders who were highly engaged with staff have overall better relationships.

Furthermore, if staff see that leadership is highly involved in the work, the domino effect snaps into place, causing the workers to be highly engaged. This type of work environment encourages an “active follower” dialect. These followers highly regard leadership, creating a willingness to follow said leader (Coleman & Donoher, 2022).  

For example, leadership at previous employment sites are the “heads” of the unit. However, staff under their leadership chose to run committees, review chart audits, and provide aid to fellow nurses as charge. It is widely known that these committees and roles are done voluntarily. Most individuals only agree to the extra workload underneath management they respect and are happy to work beside. These staff members are actively involved with oversight for the betterment of the unit or workspace area. In this example, staff and management need to be on one accord. The primary importance is safe patient handling and positive patient outcomes. 

Mariah W

Leadership and leadership styles greatly impact the workplace and has the ability to make the workplace a healthy environment or an environment in which employees do not enjoy. I have seen many different types of leadership implemented by different administrative and nursing leaders. One leadership type that sticks out to me is the transformation leadership style. “Transformational leadership can identify a person’s potential, as well as enhance employees’ sense of satisfaction in their work” (Rahmatulloh et al., 2023, p.19). This is a good example of leadership that can enhance new or transitioning nurses while still orientating to the units or still learning their craft as a new nurse.

“Transformational leadership is based on the trust and respect that employees feel about their leader and therefore are motivated to do much more than is expected from them. Transformational Leaders have a vision for the future, seek change and are challenged from their followers” (Krepia et al., 2018). I have witnessed experienced charge nurses that were orientating new graduate nurses utilize the transformational leadership style in a way that impowered the new graduate nurse. This new graduate nurse went on to come off orientation and begin to excel on their own and later began to orientate new nurses and become a charge nurse as well. I feel as though the nurse leadership that they were exposed to early on helped to shape their outlook on the field of nursing and instill a sense of confidence in the skills they demonstrated. Transformational leaders inspire others to achieve extraordinary results (Broome & Marshall, 2021).

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