“Trump Threatens Harley-Davidson”

“Trump Threatens Harley-Davidson”

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/26/business/trump-harley-davidson-tariffs.html
  2. Watch the film and read the article, “Trump Threatens Harley-Davidson, Saying It ‘Surrendered’ (Rappeport, A. & Brown, S., 2018, New York Times, 6/26).” Answer the following questions:
  3. 1. Trump’s comments come at a bad time for the company. It is losing market share and competitors are making good inroads. Trump’s tweet is a good example of which factor(s)s in the external environment (there are six – select no more than two). Definethe factor(s) and explain your answer in no more than four sentences. Two points
  4. 2. Did Harley-Davidson, Inc. make a good business decision? Why? Explain your answer in no more than five sentences.



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Competition and political environment are part of the six external environmental factors that affect businesses. In Harley Davidson’s case, losing market share has been as a result of increased competition which forces it to seek new markets where its operations are profitable. This has led the company’s move of operations to Europe where it will be better placed in the market to compete effectively against its competitors. In the political aspect, Harley Davidson’s operations have been largely impacted by the international political tension that has directly targeted its products.

(315 words)

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