Customer Service
Style | APA |
Number of words | 0 |
Number of sources | 0 |
Spacing | Double |
PowerPoint slides | 17 |
Topic: Customer Service
Details: picture link to an internet location video clip clip art table chart
information that is supported with in-text citations. A minimum of 2 visual elements (in total) must b
You are asked to include an animation fade series as explained above.
4. Where necessary for credibility, in-text citations should be included.
5. A slide at the end of the presentation is required to contain reference citations. (APA or MLA
format only)
6. The first and last slides should always begin and end a PowerPoint presentation on a blank version of the visual theme. When presenting, the audience should never see the “set-up” part of a PowerPoint presentation. They should only see the image, upon the screen, when the presenter is ready to begin with the first blank visual element showing. The final blank image should be removed from the screen, prior to closing the PowerPoint program file.