We need to watch the video and provide feedback in discussion and on the observation sheet.

HUS 2200 Lesson 14 Video discussion


HUS 2200 Dynamics of Groups and Group Counseling

Corey, Corey, and Corey (Cengage)

We need to watch the video and provide feedback in discussion and on the observation sheet.
It needs to be about the facilitator of the group. TODD

1. Video to Review for Lesson 14 – Stress
Stress (Todd C.) Summer 2019 -560

Most of the skills are listed in the book between pg. 38-47 if that helps.
2. Observation Checklist (will download for you)
3. Assignment

Lesson 14 Video discussion and Review of Skills and Feedback (Group Facilitator/Leader)

Please use this forum to post your observations of the assigned group video. Please use your active listening, and observational skills to provide critical feedback for this video. I am looking for:

The identification of skills demonstrated by the name of the skill as well as a description of use.
• I am also looking for you to identify missed opportunities to use an identified skill.
• All posts should have a detailed description of your observation. Please identify the skills by name.
• Are there issues with SOLER? The tone of voice?


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We need to watch the video and provide feedback in discussion and on the observation sheet.


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