What made swing music so popular in the 1930s, according to the Ken Burns Jazz documentary?

Ken Burns Jazz documentary and serialism

Style APA
Number of words 359
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


For this assignment, watch the first 30 minutes of the Ken Burns Jazz documentary and the other short videos below. Then answer each of these questions in a detailed paragraph (5-7 sentences):

1: What made swing music so popular in the 1930s, according to the Ken Burns Jazz documentary?

2: Choose one musical style (besides jazz) that became part of the popular mainstream later in the 20th century. How was its rise to popularity similar to that of jazz in the 1930s?

3: (This question is related to the topic of serialism, as discussed in the textbook.)

Part A: Briefly explain what serialism is, and how it works.

Part B: What makes it a modernist approach to music?


Ken Burns Jazz documentary


A (20 points): Paper has ample information, evidence, and details on the topic to support the author’s perspective(s).
B (17 points): Paper would benefit from more detailed information and/or more evidence or logic to support some ideas.
C (15 points): Ideas are often asserted without supporting evidence or reason.

D (13 points): Little or no reason/evidence or details to support conclusions.

Requirements: 1 page


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What made swing music so popular in the 1930s according to the Ken Burns Jazz documentary

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