watch video and answer the question

watch video and answer the question

What are the resources used by this organization? Give Examples
How can a bar be full of customers every night and yet lose money? Describe and evaluate the use of planning, organizing, leading and controlling performed by David Radky (i.e., the owner)? Explain
What are the Managerial Roles (by Mintzberg) and skills used by the owner/manager? Give examples.
What are the internal and external forces influencing the results of this company?

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The instructor will provide feedback on each assignment. In the gradebook you can click on the specific assignment and access to feedback. Each homework assignment is out of 75 points.




Spelling & Grammar

0 (0%)

Four o more grammatically incorrect sentences and/or two to four spelling mistakes.

7.5 (10%)

One to three grammatically incorrect sentences and/or two to four spelling mistakes.

15 (20%)

Grammatically correct sentences without any spelling errors

Length & Formatting

0 (0%)

Did not meet minimum of 1/2-page report, Times New Roman font, size 12, and single spaced directions.

Does not clearly identify new information, like headers, titles, concepts, etc.

7.5 (10%)

Complies with minimum of 1/2-page report, Times New Roman font, size 12, and single-spaced direction.

Does identify some new information and uses headers, titles, etc.

15 (20%)

Writes entire 1-page report, follows Times New Roman font, size 12, single-spaced direction.

Clearly identifies new information (underlines, Bold to recognize concepts or vocabulary used).

Concepts used

0 (0%)

Doesn’t identify and/or doesn’t use concepts to relate to the case or article

11.25 (15%)

Identify only a few concepts, but they are not used properly

22.5 (30%)

Clearly identifies allconcepts related to the article or video and use them appropriately

Analysis and Examples

0 (0%)

Doesn’t apply the concepts. Does not explain how specific examples from the article/video demonstrate the use of those concepts by the company

11.25 (15%)

Applies only a few of the concepts, and only a few of the examples

22.5 (30%)

Clearly relates concepts to article/video and provides specific examples.




Solution Preview

The Café bar Case Study
There are several resources that are used by the organization to ensure success in the market. The first resource is to conduct research with members of the community. Such research may allow the owner of the bar to understand what the people want. Such information can be used by the owner to develop an establishment that will be loved by everyone within the community. The owner has also conducted a lot of consultations from members of the public and professionals about the design of the establishment. Doing this will ensure that the design incorporates the wishes and desires of the people who may be visiting the joint. The use of these resources also ensure that the bar is successful once it has been opened.

(603 words)

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