water pollution

water pollution

Write 5 pages (Chicago)about water pollution. I need it to explain about the introduction about water (general information), information about water pollution that is real life problem, how does water pollution effect soil plants and vegetables (how does effect the farmers in their economy), how does the water pollution effect the animals , how does the water pollution effect the weather. at the end write a solution for the water pollution. and any other information that you think can help.

I also need 1 page of bibliography that as 4 research references and 3 quotations that are footnoted in the paper. cite your sources of information.




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More than two-thirds of the earth is covered by water bodies like lakes, rivers, streams and oceans, with only less than a third taken by land. Water is among the most vital forms of life required for the survival of all living creatures including humans, animals and plants. The element is chemically composed of two hydrogen molecules, one oxygen molecule and written as H2O. The environment largely depends on water for agriculture, fishing, domestic use and industrial activities which are the main life-supporting operations. The world population continues to grow at a rapid rate which increases the pressure on the water resources and hence reducing the quality of the primary sources.

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