What is the concept, subjective data,

What is the concept, subjective data,

What is the concept, subjective data, and objective data of the deep venous thrombosis, and something that one thinks is good to expect in the physical examination?

Topic: Deep venous thrombosis.Using APA style. No less than three pages(the first outline, and the last one the references.) The references from 2015 up to now. Three references. This paper should have a strong scientific base.
Please be sure that outline, references, and in general everything be in APA style.



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Deep Venous Thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a term used to describe a severe health disorderthat develops when a blood clot develops in a vein founddeep in the body. The blood clot alludes to a blood clomp, which has assumed a solid-state. Deep vein thrombosis appearsin the lower leg or thigh. However, they can be found in other regions.

(992 words)

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