What was your biggest takeaway from the “Beer Game”?

What was your biggest takeaway from the “Beer Game”?

Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. New York: Doubleday.
Chapter 3: Prisoners of the System, or Prisoners of Our Own Thinking
Donella Meadows Institute
The mission is to bring economic, social and environmental systems into closer harmony with the realities of a finite planet and a globally powerful human race by using the disciplines of systems thinking, system dynamics, and collaborative learning that were pioneered by our founder, Donella Meadows.
World Organization for Systems and Cybernetics
The purpose of WOSC is to promote and foster global and local collaboration of parties interested in Systems and Cybernetics, aiming at the inclusion of representatives from all parts of the world.
 Watch Video Systems Thinking: White Board Animation Project
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 Watch Video Peter Senge – Navigating Webs of Interdependence
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A white board sketch that explains systems thinking in a simplistic manner. Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline, Senior lecturer at MIT and Founder of the Society for Organizational Learning shares his perspectives on leadership and systems thinking with IBM.
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What was your biggest takeaway from the “Beer Game”? Describe experiences you have had with this type of behavior?
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Beer Game Reflection

Working with systems does not always imply computer-based systems. On the contrary, it could include the interaction between different aspects of a company, which ultimately help achieve a particular objective. In the beer game, the supply chain makes up a system, in which the brewer needs to provide the beer to the distributer, who then takes the products to wholesalers, then the retailer, and finally the consumer (Senge 2006). However, for the entire system to be termed as a success, there should be an appropriate amount of beer available to the retailer, enough to limit the potential effects of surplus or deficit on market prices.

(316 words)
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