Will coke really rot teeth?
3 pg Research Paper with bibliography and
form question/find problem(purpose)
develop hypothesis
record observation and results
conclusion and discussion
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Hu Bo, Wu Min, Yang Jing, & Zhu Huaqi. (2012). An optimization scheduling method for coke oven pushing the plan in abnormal operating conditions. 2008 27th Chinese Control Conference. doi:10.1109/chicc.2008.4605326. This article talks about the operations that have undergone in the coke company and how these changes have affected the findings of the study.
Reasons Why Soda Rots Your Teeth. (2012, June 11). Retrieved from https://healthyeating.sfgate.com/reasons-soda-rots-teeth-2949.html this reference explains the possible situation that coke will rot teeth when consumed in a large amount, especially on the faster rate in children.
What We Learned From a Tooth Decay Experiment With Eggshells. (2017, December 21). Retrieved from https://happytoothnc.com/tooth-decay-experiment-with-eggshells/, This article explains further the experiments conducted to prove the project hypothesis.
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