Will robots replace humans in the future

Will robots replace humans in the future

Want an exciting career that blends technology, creativity, and healthcare? O&P could be the perfect fit.
Added on 4/15/2015
American Academy of orthotists & prosthetists .(2015, Apr 15). OPCaeerAwareness.Retrieved  (2016,Feb 24).from http: www.YouTube.com/watch?v=JHPhpOU_DGE .
 statement: In the future, You  should have relationship between human 
and Roberts to help each other.  Also you can depends on robot because 
teaching Robert , military and prosthetics.  
please follow the discretion form two pictures i upload them for you
listen to this video and use ideas form video in my essay
there are two links both of them are articles use them in my essay 
and use my thesis statement 
include reference
at least three pages 

please when you done email it to me at the same email 
let me know before to give you the money
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According to predictions being made by experts, robots are likely to take over 30% of the jobs currently done by human beings in the next 10 years. Today, many businesses are substituting human labor with software that are automated to perform routine and structured…
(948 Words)
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