Write a summary based on the attached articles

Write a summary based on the attached articles

write a summary based on the articles attached files below for about 1200 words minimum each article with double spacing.

20181118213617current_directions___accuracy_and_bias_of_judments_in_romantic_relationships (1)




Solution Preview

On Means and Ends: The Role of Goal Focus in Successful Goal Pursuit
Question One
When an individual is pursuing a goal, the critical objective and aim are to focus on the progress or the ending of goal quest. When seeking a particular purpose, the primary requirements are the level of skill and the self- regulatory conduct such that to obtain them an individual might find that the process of goal pursuit is more adaptive in that the outcome might be unfavourable to goal achievement. Targets can, therefore, be defined as the cognitive representations of the yearning or the trepidation states that are to be advanced or circumvented through actions thus the cognitive representations linking the means and ends.

(2,538 words)

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