Write one paper
Read the following article by Graeme Sullivan, “Research Acts in Art Practice.” After seeing how Sullivan expands our understanding of Arts Based Research to focus more specifically on the act of artmaking as research, how do you view your own artmaking practice differently? What questions does the article raise for you about your own artmaking-as-research? Bring a one-page typewritten (double-spaced)
Note: my studios are painting and drawing, they talked about different cultures.
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Creativity takes courage. It involves taking a step towards what hasn’t been explored before and making it your own. Throughout various generations, art was a practice for the bold. Only the bold or rather the ones who practiced art were said to be fortunate or gifted. However, in our recent atmosphere, overall human understanding comes from a state of inquiry or rather curiosity thus it involved critical reflection and creative action. As we take lessons from Graeme Sullivan, I am able to understand how my own art signature resonates with our evolution as human beings.
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