Yglesias on Post-Trump Election: Summary and Annotations
For this assignment, start by typing up a double-spaced, 10-line summary of Yglesias’ article. This is practice, so just freewrite your retelling of his article in your journal, then type it up and revise it to a single ten-line paragraph. Remember: Lines are not sentences. Count the lines. Ten is just an arbitrary number; the point is to practice revising to a particular length. Once you’ve got your summary paragraph, type up your list of annotations. There were 22 paragraphs, so you should have 22 annotations. For the list, create two columns, 1-11 and 12-22, and type up your three-word phrases. (Google for a video on how to create columns using your word processor.) Use only nouns, verbs and adjectives in your annotation phrases. And remember: no lists for annotations, just three-word phrases. Reduce the font size of your annotation list to 10 so that everything fits on one page. Keep the memo heading and 10-line paragraph as 12-pt font. Match the format of the attached visual model, following as well the general format instructions provided in the syllabus.
20180214194031m4_reading_hw__sum___annos_ (1)
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Article Summary
The article is concerned with an analysis of the position of the Democratic Party in the United States, after the election of Trump to the presidency. While the former president Obama takes quite a mouthful on his role in the Democratic Party’s declining fortunes, the authors are quick to note the inevitability of one party of the other ascending to the top.
(210 words)