Youth Sports
Take a topic that you would like to study, and using the four combinations of worldviews, strategies of inquiry, and research methods, discuss a project that brings these three together. Identify whether this would be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research. What would you like to learn about this topic? Which worldview will you bring to the study?What are some implications of this worldview for your study? Which of the three types of design will you use and why? Which strategy of inquiry will you use and why? My topic is “What is the role and effect youth sports have on kids when becoming adults”. It’s a mixed methods research paper so I need to explain why I choose this method.
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Youth Sports
Engaging in sporting activities has long been regarded as one of the engaging activities in which people not only develop social bonds, but they also get to engage in healthy exercises. Consequently, in addition to promoting engagement in sports as a way of encouraging healthy living, the modern society views the activities as being effective in getting parents involved in the activities of their children. According to statistical analysis, more than 75% of American families with children eligible to attend school have at least one of the children actively participating in organized sports (Merkel, 2013). The statistical evidence proves the extent to which the American households encourage and pay Attention to their children’s sporting activities. The involvement in sports among children not only affects their childhood but also determines the relationships and activities in which they engage as adults.
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