
History of U.S. to 1865

History of U.S. to 1865 In what sense did the Reconstruction Amendments mark a second founding of the United States? What is birthright citizenship and why is it important? Explain the Reconstruction Amendments. By 1877, how did the condition of former slaves in the United States compare with that of freed-people around the globe? Details: … Read more

 Exploring Databases and Creating a Research Strategy

 Exploring Databases and Creating a Research Strategy InstructionsExplore: DatabasesEvaluation Title: Exploring Databases and Creating a Research StrategyThis assignment will develop your understanding of how to best use the databases that are located within the Herzing University Library. Please download the Unit 4 Assignment Worksheet (below) to your computer. Navigate to the Herzing University Library. Follow … Read more

Children’s Health and Presentation

Children’s Health and Presentation week 10 – Children’s Health and Disabilities Diving Deeper PresentationsThe student will select an article from the diving deeper material provided by the professor to summarize and synthesize with the module for the week. The student will create a presentation summarizing their article following the outline provided in Canvas. The student … Read more

Analyzing Cash Flows

Analyzing Cash Flows Overview:Congratulations! You have moved up to the XYZ Corps Financial Team. For your first assignment as part of team you are asked to compare 3 potential capital investments.Instructions:Each project has a 10-year life span with no residual value. The initial investment on each is $15,000. The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) … Read more

Data Collection Methods

Data Collection Methods This assignment supports the following unit learning outcome:  This assignment is part 4 of 7 for your public health plan, which will be due in Unit 7. You do not need to include parts 1-3 with this submission, however, be sure you have reviewed grading feedback and make appropriated edits prior to … Read more

Vulnerability & Moral Compassing

Vulnerability & Moral Compassing Details: Discuss how vulnerability can be a positive leadership trait for the Christian health administrator. Answer preview for Vulnerability & Moral Compassing APA 900 Words

Christian Health Administrator

Christian Health Administrator Discussion Question 1:• Discuss ways in which the Christian health administrator can mitigate the negative impact of toxic system practices on employee performance. • Discussion Question 2:Alvin Toffler states, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” … Read more

Support for Leadership Vulnerability & Moral Compassing

Support for Leadership Vulnerability & Moral Compassing Details: Discussion Question 1:• Discuss how the biblical worldview provides support for leadership vulnerability. Discussion Question 2:• Discuss the importance of “moral compassing” for the Christian health administrator. Answer preview for Support for Leadership Vulnerability & Moral Compassing APA 664 Words

 Covey’s Three Solutions

 Covey’s Three Solutions Details: Unit 2 Discussion Question: Discuss how Covey’s three resolutions might be utilized by the Christian health administrator to lead change. Answer preview for  Covey’s Three Solutions APA 302 Words

Management and the Role of Human Resources

Management and the Role of Human Resources Review the Learning Resources on leadership skills and the role of human resources.You may wish to revisit People First San Diego’s websiteLinks to an external site.. For this Assignment, focus on the organization’s mission, vision, and diversity and inclusion statement located on the Who We Are tab.Explore the … Read more

Digital Object Identifiers

Digital Object Identifiers As you learned in the reading for Unit 4, URLs (web addresses) associated with the retrieval information while others only have a series of numbers.  These numbers are known as Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). The purpose of a DOI is to clearly and directly identify content and provide a persistent link to its … Read more

 Unit 4 Data Reliability and Validity

 Unit 4 Data Reliability and Validity Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.  This discussion supports the following unit learning objective:  Discuss: Public health researchers use data to influence behavioral changes, promote wellness initiatives, and even advance health policies. Data can be interpreted and illustrated to suit the objectives of the researcher, … Read more


De-prescribing What is the importance of de-prescribing? How might you assist a patient to taper from a medication safely or transition to a new medication?In this Assignment, you will use the following patient examples to write a 5- to 6-page paper on considerations you have for how you might de-prescribe. Support your answers with five … Read more

Human growth and development

Human growth and development Write a 2-3 page paper with the following: Answer preview for Human growth and development APA 750 Words

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics For this short assignment please only provide answers for ONE of the docuseries, Gabriel Fernandez, or Kalief Browder. NOT BOTH. 2 pages MAXIMUM, using APA formatting. Answer the following questions for the docuseries you choose to watch: Gabriel Fernandez Ethics- Which NASW code of ethicsLinks to an external site. did authorities who interacted with … Read more

Child Welfare

Child Welfare Unit Exercises – Blog, Vlog or Canva You will create a Blog, Vlog or Canva following the steps laid out in the Canvas assignment which demonstrates your understanding of the modules in this unit through textual analysis. You will be evaluated on your ability to synthesize your learning across different modules. Ask yourself … Read more

Advanced Theory, Leadership and Management

Advanced Theory, Leadership and Management In an essay of at least 2,500 words, describe which of the nine Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing apply to you and your coursework in regard to your ability to: Lead change to improve quality outcomes, Advance a culture of excellence through lifelong learning, Build and lead collaborative interprofessional … Read more

Unit 4 DB: Externalities

Unit 4 DB: Externalities One definition of Externalities reads as follows.   “In economics, an externality or external cost is an indirect cost or benefit to an uninvolved third party that arises as an effect of another party’s activity.” – Wikipedia contributors. (2022, November 18). Externality. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.  List some of the externalities associated with driving a … Read more

 Ethical Considerations Study Summary

 Ethical Considerations Study Summary Refer to the study, “The emotional carryover effect in memory for words,” in the University Library. Write a 450 word summary of the study in which you do the following: Describe the study.What was the hypothesis?What methods were used to test the hypothesis?What were the results?Provide an analysis of the ethical … Read more

Leadership And Nursing Practice Role Development

Leadership And Nursing Practice Role Development Based upon readings and learning activities within the class lessons, reflect upon specific leadership-related competencies which you possess and leadership competencies where there is an opportunity for enhancement. Identify two specific areas of strength, and two areas for improvement. How will those competencies impact future practice as an MSN-prepared … Read more

Organizational Culture and Cultural Competency

Organizational Culture and Cultural Competency Details: Submit a 2-page paper (not including title page and references) in which you address the following: Define organizational culture. Identify elements of the culture at People First San Diego using data from the organization’s website.Analyze People First San Diego’s location, population served, and demographics of the population and staff … Read more

Common Conversations

Common Conversations Details: write a two- to three-page paper, not counting the title page and the references page, describing your good and bad recommendations. Answer preview for Common Conversations APA 600 Words

Human growth and development

Human growth and development Description: In this Mid-Course Reflection Assignment, you will evaluate your performance in the course so far, reflect on your learning journey, and set goals for the remainder of the term. This assignment provides an opportunity for self-assessment, self-reflection, and an opportunity to discuss your progress with your instructor.Instructions:Write a reflection on … Read more

Reflection on my Course

Reflection on my Course Description: In this Mid-Course Reflection Assignment, you will evaluate your performance in the course so far, reflect on your learning journey, and set goals for the remainder of the term. This assignment provides an opportunity for self-assessment, self-reflection, and an opportunity to discuss your progress with your instructor.Instructions:Write a reflection on … Read more

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis This assignment supports the following unit learning outcome: This assignment is part 3 of 7 for your public health plan, which will be due in Unit 7. You do not need to include parts 1 and 2 with this submission, however, be sure you have reviewed grading feedback and make appropriated edits prior … Read more

Source Comparison

Source Comparison Evaluation Title: Source Comparison This assignment will give you the opportunity to carefully explore two different resource types to further your understanding of selecting the appropriate resource type for your information needs. There are three parts of this assignment. For Part 1, you’ll be reading an article posted on the web and answering questions … Read more

Unit 3 Discussion- Health Issue

Unit 3 Discussion- Health Issue Think of a health issue that interests you. Then, go to the following government websites and explore each website to find information about the health topic you have chosen. (You may need to adjust your topic if you do not get results—that’s okay.)  Explore each website.  In your initial post, fully … Read more

Health Education Models

Health Education Models Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response. This discussion supports the following unit learning objective: Create a scenario and define two models: Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. Answer preview for Health Education Models APA 300 Words

Price Inflation

Price Inflation Inflation recently decreased to 9.1%. For the 12 months ending November 2023, in the U.S., it was down to 3.1%. By comparison, inflation in the European Union is down to 2.4%. Please find two articles written in the last year describing the causes of price inflation and how it does or does not impact demand for … Read more

 Identifying a Topic and Incorrect APA Usage

 Identifying a Topic and Incorrect APA Usage Assignment Purpose:The first part of this assignment will assist you in identifying a topic which you will work with for subsequent activities in the course. The second part of the assignment helps you articulate what constitutes plagiarism.Part 1:In this course you will be using a variety of resources and … Read more

My Personal Plan for Spiritual and Emotional Health

My Personal Plan for Spiritual and Emotional Health Assignment: My Personal Plan for Spiritual and Emotional Health Throughout the course you have been invited into a process of self-awareness and reflection about your own spiritual andemotional health and the spiritual well-being of your context of ministry.  It is apparent from the symbiotic nature of therelationship … Read more

Organizational Design

Organizational Design Details: Submit a 1- to 2-page paper (not including title page and references): Organizational design is a formal process of integrating people, information, and technology. Using this definition and the Learning Resources, identify and describe People First San Diego’s organizational design.Explain how the design supports People First San Diego’s mission.Explain the importance and … Read more

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Presentation

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Presentation When conducting or evaluating research, it’s important to understand when it’s appropriate to use numeric or nonnumeric data gathering, analysis, and study. Many careers require an ability to locate, review, and incorporate data and hypothesis testing into outcome-based projects. This assessment requires you to evaluate a quantitative and a qualitative research … Read more

Establish a Timeline

Establish a Timeline This assignment supports the following unit learning outcome:  This assignment is part 2 of 7 for your public health plan, which will be due in Unit 7. You do not need to include part 1 with this submission, however, be sure you have reviewed grading feedback and make appropriated edits prior to … Read more

Erving Goffman’s Theory

Erving Goffman’s Theory 1.Recall and explain Erving Goffman’s ideas about the presentation of self. How have social media sites such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram affected the presentation of self? In other words, what are ways in which social media has expanded Goffman’s original theory? Have there been changes to what Goffman saw as our … Read more

Concert Report Information

Concert Report Information Details: You are required to type 2 well-written concert reports, 375 words each (1 full page and 1/2, double spaced). You will only receive full credit if your report is long enough, has correct information, and follows the guidelines listed in this document.Choose one or more instrumental pieces/songs from a live concert … Read more

Health Educators

Health Educators Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.  This discussion supports the following unit learning objective:  Discuss:   In today’s world, especially with the prevalence of social media, “health educators” can be a diverse group of individuals. Health educators may hold extensive credentials and degrees, or they may be self-proclaimed with … Read more

Feedback to the Student

Feedback to the Student Let’s imagine you are now a college instructor. Congratulations! Now it’s time to start grading papers. A student has submitted an essay which has used secondary sources but has not acknowledged the various authors. If sources are used, be sure to include citations and references in APA format. Answer preview for … Read more

Time Value Money in Everyday Life

Time Value Money in Everyday Life Overview:This assignment will give you the opportunity to apply what you have learned about Time Value Money to everday life. In this instance, calculating a mortage’s monthypayment and principle. Instructions:Congratulations! You have just signed a contract to purchase your first home. Your purchase price is $300,000 and you plan … Read more

Capstone Research Outline for approval

Capstone Research Outline for approval Details: Submit Capstone Research Outline for approval. If your outline does not follow the section heading format, it will be returned to you for rework. Submit an OUTLINE, not an essay. You don’t have to list references with your outline but plan to have at least eight for your final … Read more

Patient Guide

Patient Guide For this Assignment, you will choose a vulnerable patient and develop a 2- to 3-page Medication Guide for them and their family. In your guide, you will consider their ages, birth-assigned sex, FDA approvals, and considerations for increased or decreased risk for side effects. You will choose the most appropriate medication for each … Read more

The Value of Food Labels

The Value of Food Labels You are at the grocery store and want to buy some crackers, but you want to choose the healthiest option. You are considering two different brands and decide to compare the nutrition labels on the boxes. The image below shows what you see for Cracker A and for Cracker B. … Read more

Time Value of Your Money

Time Value of Your Money Your goal is to retire in 20 years. You plan to start on this path by saving $200 a month. If you earn 6% annually (using monthly compounding), how much will you have saved in 20 years? Right before you started saving, you were notified by your auto insurance company … Read more

Unit 2 DB: How Markets Work

Unit 2 DB: How Markets Work The textbook defines market participants as consumers, producers, and governments charged with regulating markets for the economy’s good. Consumers, like those in this class, need and want things that we deem essential for our livelihood. Producers make those goods and supply services. In a capitalist economy like ours, producers … Read more

The Biblical scriptures from James

The Biblical scriptures from James After completing the lecture and reading assignments, develop a 750-1000 word written response paper to the following question. Papers must include a substantive elaboration on the topic and support from Scripture. Do not use the question in your response.The Biblical scriptures from James indicate that conflict is often a result … Read more

 Conflict and Power

 Conflict and Power Details: Unit 4: Discussion Question 2: Discuss why conflict is either helpful or harmful in the accomplishment of organizational goals. Answer preview for  Conflict and Power APA 300 Words

Health & Wellness Plan

Health & Wellness Plan This assignment supports the following unit learning outcome: Throughout this course, each week will have an assignment that builds towards a final public health project due in Unit 7. View the Health & Wellness Plan OverviewLinks to an external site. presentation to prepare for the project. For this assignment, identify a public health … Read more

Concept map

Concept map You will submit a concept map exploring the four agonists on the agonist spectrum (agonist, partial agonist, antagonist, and inverse agonist) in which you: Describe the different characteristics of the four agonists and how each mediates distinct biological activities. Include proposed mechanisms and the receptor it is targeting. Scavenge the literature after describing … Read more

Keynote on Strategy

Keynote on Strategy Details: As a business professional, what are your key takeaways from the video? (Keynote on Strategy By Michael Porter, Professor, Harvard Business School) Were there parts of the presentation you disagreed with? If so, what were they and why? Answer preview for Keynote on Strategy APA 600 Words

Self-Assessment of Leadership and Followership

Self-Assessment of Leadership and Followership Details: Submit a 2- to 3-page paper (not including title page and references) evaluating your leadership style and followership style based on the four questionnaires you completed. Be sure to: Summarize your personal leadership traits and style based on the Leadership Traits and Leadership Styles Questionnaire results. Include both strengths … Read more

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