
Unit 4 Discussion Board-Budgeting Due

Unit 4 Discussion Board-Budgeting Due Explain why it is important to have a budget.• Include other topics that you have learned about in this class, such as savings, investments, purchases, credit, and debt.NOTE** From Professor: For this week, all right for the discussion board, you are going to explain why it’s important to have a … Read more

Pastoral Care and Burnout

Pastoral Care and Burnout Use this grid to record your observations about the oft-ignored benefits and pitfalls of ministerialself-care.  Use short phrases, or even one word to describe the benefits to your family when youare vitally connected to God, (like:  easier to live with) or when you are disconnected (like: grumpy or argumentative).  You are encouraged … Read more

Kids Count Data

Kids Count Data The KIDS COUNT online data center is a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation to track the well-beingof children in the United States. Data can be accessed by location or by topics such as demographics,economic well-being, education, family & community, health and safety & risky behaviors. Answer Preview APA Format, 433 … Read more

Staying connected with God

Staying connected with God Review your notes on Chapters 1—5 of Strengthening the Soul ofYour Leadership.  View the video from Soul City Church:  “BlessedRest – Sacred Rhythms(new tab)”. (Start Viewing YouTubeVideo at 29:42 and End Viewing YouTube Video at 104:48.) Answer preview APA Format, 1936 words

From Renaissance to Resistance

From Renaissance to Resistance The Harlem Renaissance was only a brief period in American and African American history, but for the people who experienced this flowering of cultural expression in the visual arts, music, dance, theater, and literature, and for those who remember the era in books and films, there are enough memories to last … Read more


Fundamental Using the NUR2115 module 01 written assignment determine your strengths and weaknesses for each role you must have a specific example of the weakness and strength of each. Answer Preview APA Format, 415 words

Responding to a classmate; Autumn G Johnson Kline

Responding to a classmate; Autumn G Johnson Kline : When conducting research and making claims based on findings, looking at potential threats in quantitative (and all) research is crucial. Overlooking these potential threats can lead to making discoveries that are not sound and just happen to work for that specific study. Accounting for all potential … Read more

 Final Walmart Expansion Analysis

 Final Walmart Expansion Analysis Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapter 24 of your textbook and the Walmart CaseStudy. Download Walmart Case Study. You will also need to access Walmart’s most recent annual reportfrom Walmart’s Financial InformationLinks to an external site. page. You can use the annual report togather additional international data. In … Read more

The World’s First Civilizations

The World’s First Civilizations Choose one of the three parts of the world where civilization first developed, Mesopotamia, Egypt, or China, and describe what about their natural environment allowed for the growth of a complex society. Then describe three features of the civilization that you have chosen: its government, its writing system, and a cultural … Read more

Spiritual Life and Leadership

Spiritual Life and Leadership Reread:  Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership, Chapter 5,“The Conundrum of Calling.” continuation as a minister is often dependent upon knowing thatyou are actually within the will of God.  What, exactly, has Godcalled you to do?  If you are unsure today, just state that.  Youmay have been certain of the answer last … Read more

See the video and textbook Addicted to Hurry

See the video and textbook Addicted to Hurry Jones (2003) identifies why we run, and what we run from, and offersstrategies for slowing down.  As we enter this study of spiritual lifeand leadership, it is important that we, as Christian leaders, setgood examples of what it means to live a balanced Christian life. Even when we … Read more


 DESIGNING QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH  In the context of research design, two types of validity, which speak to the quality of different features of the research process, are considered: internal validity and external validity. Assuming that the findings of a research study are internally valid—i.e., the researcher has used controls to determine that the outcome is indeed … Read more

Management Question

Management Question Throughout this course, students will be developing a final research proposal that could be utilized either in an academic or corporate environment. The proposal will include the following three sections: Introduction/Overview; Literature Review; and Methodology. In addition to these sections students will need to submit additional documentation to support the proposal; these documents … Read more

Criminal Justice Question

Criminal Justice Question In Unit Three, students learn about the measures of central tendency and the role of these statistical terms in research analysis. Students begin to review and analyze data sets presented in tables and figures in the textbook. For the Unit 3 Complete assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum 1,200 words) that addresses … Read more

Management Question

Management Question Throughout this course students will be developing a final research proposal that could be utilized either in an academic or corporate environment. The proposal will include the following three sections: Introduction/Overview; Literature Review; and Methodology. In addition to these sections students will need to submit additional documentation to support the proposal; these documents … Read more

Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences • Based on what you have learned about genetic testing kits, would you want to try one yourself, or have you tried one yourself already? Why or why not?• What do you think is 1 positive and 1 negative aspect of genetic testing? Answer Preview APA Format, 444 words

Sustainable Goals

Sustainable Goals 1 Sustainable Goals in Action – Global HealthGoal 3 – Good Health and Well-Being – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.Child and Maternal Mortality Answer Preview APA Format, 407 words

Measuring Instruments

Measuring Instruments Describe how you would measure the outcomes that you identified in the Discussion.Specifically, identify the two best measurement instruments that you would use and explain why.Include strengths and limitations, and consider criteria such as usefulness, validity, reliability, precision, feasibility, and cost.Describe how you would collect the data and what you would expect to … Read more

Lifespan development

Lifespan development Intelligence and academic achievement are two distinct concepts that, while related, are not synonymous. Intelligence refers to an individual’s overall cognitive ability, encompassing various mental processes such as reasoning, problem-solving, memory, and learning capacity. Virtually all intelligence tests provide an overall score (IQ) which represents general intelligence, or reasoning ability, along with an … Read more

Global Health

Global Health Define,then compare and contrast the countries (Australia and Indonesia) reviewed.How do these Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) impact health outcomes in each country?Is one system more effective than the other at addressing this SDOH, and why?What changes need to occur to create improvement?What discipline makes the most impact, and why do you think … Read more

Adult Cultural and Spiritual Assessment

Adult Cultural and Spiritual Assessment Perform the following tasks:1. Complete a cultural assessment using the ETHNIC mnemonic.2. Complete a spiritual assessment using either the HOPE Approach or the FICA tool.3. Research the importance and impact of a cultural assessment in patient care. Write an APA formatted paper, no longer than 5 body pages. Paper is … Read more

Individual Project/Budget Worksheet

Individual Project/Budget Worksheet Write a short paper (200-300 words) answering the following questions.• Do the Jones’s have a surplus or a deficit? If they have a surplus, suggest how they can use the extra money.• Explain why it is important to have 3 to 6 months’ salary saved for an emergency fund.• Explain the concept … Read more

Social Services and The Disenfranchised

Social Services and The Disenfranchised After reading the chapter and the PowerPoint presentation and reviewing the website andwatching/listening to the videos, try and put yourself in the place of the Social Worker in theMiddle East. What are your reactions to the Social Worker’s heartfelt thoughts?What types of adjustments in approach might a human services worker … Read more

 Ethical issues

 Ethical issues Discuss an area in which you might be uncertain about your position in an unethical dilemma with a client.* What about an unethical encounter with a colleague?* Discuss your ambiguities.* How might you manage your professional position ethically?*As you also read, dual or multiple relationships are inevitable, pervasive, and unavoidable, and have the … Read more

 Building Stronger Families and Communities

 Building Stronger Families and Communities In American society today there are a number of groups that are vulnerable ordisenfranchised.  Some include:    – the homeless,     – those struggling with addiction or alcoholism,     – incarcerated and/or ex-offenders,    – mental illness,    – children,    – the elderly,    – the poor, or    – women and families struggling with family violence.   Choose one … Read more

Domestic Abuse and Family Violence

Domestic Abuse and Family Violence After viewing the elder abuse video, share one idea from the video that you believe was mosthelpful in understanding elder abuse. Your post should be at least one paragraph. Answer Preview APA Format, 347 words


INTRODUCTION TO INTRA AND INTERPERSONAL PROCESSES Read “Taking Good Care of Yourself” – from Empowering Skills for Family Workers byClaire Forest- Cornell UniversityDISCUSSION QUESTION: What was your biggest takeaway from this reading assignment?Choose one of the topics A through K, (example: F. Creating a Support System at Work) andtell us what it is about that topic … Read more

conspiracy of silence

conspiracy of silence • Prompt: What effects (positive and/or negative) might the “conspiracy of silence” have on the quality of medical care?• Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post. Answer Preview APA Format, 370 words

culture affects communication

culture affects communication 1. Consider a recent conversation with a friend, relative, or acquaintance that was in person or electronic.2. In what ways did your culture and the other person’s culture affect the communication?3. Use examples of your personal knowledge of culture and communication competence to support your position.4. Write a two- to three-page paper, … Read more

Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice Prompt: In what circumstances is expert testimony unnecessary in medical malpractice? Have you ever known of or been involved with such a case? Without disclosing the identity of the parties, share that story.Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post. Answer Preview APA Format, 348 word

Discussion Question 1

Discussion Question 1  Prompt: Generally, non-employee members of any board of directors serve without pay. As they could face personal liability in certain situations, why do you think they are willing to essentially donate their time? What various factors might motivate such commitment?• Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post. Answer Preview APA Format, 343 words

Discussion Question 2

Discussion Question 2 • Prompt: From an employee’s standpoint, what expectations do you have of the directors of a corporation where you are employed?• Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post. Answer Preview APA Format, 343 words

Module Legal and Regulatory Issues

Module Legal and Regulatory Issues In addition to following ethical codes and guidelines, you also are expected to follow laws, regulations, policies, and/or procedures applicable to your field experience setting. Think for a moment about the laws, regulations, policies, and/or procedures might be specific to your field experience setting. As you do so, consider how … Read more

Goals for Success

Goals for Success Write your introduction to include the elements you developed in the outline.Summarize the final version of each SMART goal, addressing each letter of the SMART acronym as it relates to the goal, as well as your responses to the questions presented in the outline.Describe how each goal will help you achieve success … Read more


EVALUATING RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS For this Discussion, you will evaluate qualitative research questions in assigned journal articles in your discipline and consider the alignment of theory, problem, purpose, research questions, and design. You will also identify the type of qualitative research design or approach the authors used and explain how it was … Read more


SCHOOLS, PEERS, AND MEDIA INFLUENCES ON CHILDHOOD BEHAVIOR AND BELIEFS For this Discussion, you will examine social-development theories as they relate to the impact of schools, peers, and media. Post a brief description of the event or news item you selected. Then conceptualize and explain this event within the framework of social-emotional development theories. Be … Read more

Lifespan Development

Lifespan Development Explain the person’s life from prenatal development through childhood in terms of nature/nurture influences.Provide an analysis of the role cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development/changes played in the person’s life. Note: You must select two of the three processes to include in your paper.Include at least one theory that is relevant in describing the … Read more

 Substance Abuse Disorder and Addictions

 Substance Abuse Disorder and Addictions As you know, social justice and advocacy are important aspects of counseling. As such, groups exist that are dedicated to advocating for specific cultural groups. Individuals experiencing substance use disorders often experience barriers and judgement from society and may have a difficult time accessing resources. Several advocacy groups exist to … Read more

Integrated Delivery Systems Versus Prevention Over Cure Models

Integrated Delivery Systems Versus Prevention Over Cure Models  Integrated Delivery Systems Versus Prevention Over Cure Models Compare and contrast an integrated delivery system and a prevention-over-cure model on population health. Provide examples of the pros and cons of both. Answer Preview APA Format, 468 words

Human growth

Human growth The nature versus the nature debate questions the extent to which persons‘ behavior and personality are products of genetics or whether they are product of upbringing, environment, life experience, and influences. Answer Preview APA Format, 334 words

 Human growth

 Human growth Identify the information that would be gathered from the patient. Explain how the information gathered is connected to human development and how it will be useful in the medical team Answer Preview APA Format,855 words


Pharmacology Choose a medication type from the following list, note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. invent a scenario where giving this medication would result in an ethical and legal change situation. Answer Preview APA Format, 408 words


Fundamentals Complete the NUR2115 module assignment template by explaining how each QSEN topic can promote safety and quality care. Include a title page and text invitation to support your explanation include an APA reference in the list at the end of the assignment. Answer Preview APA Format, 443 words

Financial Strategies

Financial Strategies write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Review and reflect on the knowledge that you have gained from the last 4 weeks of this course. Based on your review and reflection, discuss the following:• How has your opinion on personal finance changed? Answer Preview APA … Read more

English Question

English Question 1. Discuss the symbolic meaning of nature in Robert Frost’s poetry. 2. Discuss the pastoral tradition in “Passionate Shepherd to His Love” by Christopher Marlowe. 3. Discuss the representation of women in selected texts. Pick PRIMARY SOURCES such as poems, short stories and/or a play. Answer Preview APA Format, 2451 words

Native America Problem

Native America Problem Consider one state or national problem/challenging factor you might encounter when working with diverse client populations. Consider challenges such as sexism, racism, heterosexism, ableism, immigration, discrimination, poverty, language barriers, and acculturative stresses. Please respond to the following: Answer Preview APA Format, 372 words

Discussion Board

Discussion Board Review and reflect on the knowledge that you have gained from the last four weeks of this course. Based on your review and reflection, write 200–250 words on the following:• What were the most compelling topics that you learned in this course? Over the past three weeks in this course, please write about … Read more

Transforming Healthcare

Transforming Healthcare Voalte phones have become increasingly popular in my organization’s healthcareinformation technology practices. Voalte technology application provides securemessages to healthcare providers through their phones; answers patient call lights; makesand receives direct calls; and displays critical alarms regarding any emergencies.  With thistechnology, workflows are streamlined and patients can receive care more quickly.Additionally, the application is … Read more

discussion and journal entry

discussion and journal entry By the end of this week, you will be able to: Analyze how ethical practice and behavior are maintained in the field experience setting Analyze disparities between ethical codes and guidelines, practices, and behaviors in the field experience setting Ethical Codes and Guidelines Forensic psychology professionals must behave ethically. Many use … Read more

Lesson 7&8

Lesson 7&8 A family recently served through the Family Services Initiative (FSI) felt they hadnowhere to turn. A grandmother and her two teenage grandchildren were being kickedout of the home they shared with their uncle, thus making them homeless. There was areal threat that they would be on the streets with nowhere to turn. At … Read more

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