
 The geographic and product markets

 The geographic and product markets Details: • How would you define the geographic and product markets of large healthcare organizations such as Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins? What are new competitors’ barriers to entry to those markets? Answer Preview APA Format, 368 words

Human growth 

Human growth  In your infographic, identify and explain the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development milestones for; Answer Preview APA Format, 429 words


discussion What type of objective and subjective data can you collect with what you know? How will you collect these data? What further evidence do you need? Answer Preview APA Format, 337 words

Drafting a process evaluation

Drafting a process evaluation Details: Submit a 3- to 4-page plan for a process evaluation based on the new program that you proposed earlier in the course.The paper was the needs assessment earlier, which was the community mental health project. Answer Preview APA Format, 1094 words

Human Growth and Development

Human Growth and Development Explain each of the results and whether you agree or disagree with eachAnswer the following question, “How can knowing my specific “Big Five” traits help me in my current or future career?”You may use the information you learned in the Explore learning module this week, in addition to the websites and … Read more

Leading Operational Change

Leading Operational Change In this week’s readings, we explore the critical steps in executing operational change projects including the benefits and challenges of creating an effective guiding coalition. Using the prompts below, discuss your experience with participating in, or observing, a change project and its guiding coalition: What did the change project set out to … Read more

Africa’s Civilizations

Africa’s Civilizations After reading Chapter 17, choose one of the great trade empires of Africa (Axum, Ghana, Mali, Ife, Oyo, Benin, or the Swahili City-States). Then, pretend that you teaching a history class. Write a two-paragraph summary of the civilization that you chose. What are the main features of the civilization? What made that civilization … Read more


Revictimization Details: Why does revictimization frequently occur? Does this differ based on gender or age? Include a minimum of three studies looking at current research. Answer Preview APA Format, 414 words


 Pharmacology Provide your answer in a 2-page paper using APA format in all the citations. What should the culture and environmental safety look like when preparing and administering medication? Answer preview APA Format, 631 words

Advanced English

Advanced English Topic: The Role of the United States in the world’s access to clean water, unsafe sanitation practice, and decreasing water availability Answer Preview APA Format, 1723 words

Blockchain Security

Blockchain Security For your first assignment, the goal is to present a white paper. Your White Paper should be 5 pages long, not including a title page or reference list.   Note:  In writing for intelligence, succinctness counts, so papers longer than six pages (not including title and reference pages) will have points deducted. You must develop a white … Read more


History This assignment is worth 150 points. It must be written in Microsoft Word format, 12 point Times New Roman font, standard 1-inch margins, double spaced and a minimum of 1,200 words in length. Be sure to include your name and ID# on the paper. Submit your assignment via Blackboard by Grading criteria: Be clear, … Read more

Professionals working with children are mandated reporters

Professionals working with children are mandated reporters  Professionals working with children are mandated reporters. CPS/DCF and law enforcement are typically involved when there is an allegation of abuse. To protect the alleged victim, what are some ways to help keep children safe during the investigation, even when environmental risks remain? In addition, state statutes dictate … Read more


ANNOTATION OF A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH  This week, you will submit the annotation of a qualitative research article on a topic of your interest. Narrative, ethnographic, grounded theory, case study, and phenomenology are examples of types of research designs or approaches used in qualitative research. An annotation consists of three separate paragraphs that cover three respective … Read more

Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Leadership and Organizational Behavior Initial Proposal of Research1) An overview of your selected organization and your role in it.2) An explanation of why your selected organization is important to you.3) A preliminary problem statement in the form of a research question. Consult with your instructor concerning yourresearch question, if needed.A narrative description of the organizational … Read more

Leadership and organizational behavior

Leadership and organizational behavior In a one to two page document, answer the following questions: Answer Preview APA Format, 838 words

symptoms of developmental trauma

symptoms of developmental trauma Review 10 common symptoms seen in children who have experienced severe trauma.Write a 750-1,000-word paper about common trauma symptoms. Include the following in your paper:A listing of the 10 symptoms reviewed and a brief explanation of the symptomatology and age correlation to symptoms.A discussion of at least two examples of a … Read more

Case Presentation

Case Presentation Answer Preview APA format, 3111 words

 Responding to classmate: Collapse Subdiscussion Yralia Devereux Yralia Devereux

Responding to classmate: Collapse Subdiscussion Yralia Devereux Yralia Devereux Throughout this class I have been learning about the different stages of development. I was especially interested in my adolescent years. I wanted to better understand my children who are in that stage of development. For this week’s assignment, I appreciated learning about middle adulthood. I … Read more

 Addressing Bias

 Addressing Bias  In today’s current healthcare settings, the increasing diversity, globalization, and expanding technologies produce complex ethical pressures that influence nursing practice and practice outcomes. To be effective in a master’s-prepared advanced nurse practice role it is important to understand personal values, beliefs, strengths, and limitations. The purpose of this assessment is to promote introspective … Read more

Gene Ownership

Gene Ownership Discuss the monomers of nucleic acids are nucleotides. Discuss how the primary structures of nucleic acid are the order of the bases in the consequence and the secondary structure in the three-dimensional conformational of the backbone. Answer Preview APA format 1005 words

Civilizations on Three Continents

Civilizations on Three Continents Choose one of the civilizations that interests you the most. Requirements: Answer preview APA format, 649 words


PICOT Review the elements included in PICOT questions to guide evidence-based nursing practice.Respond to the questions below using the PICOT Question Worksheet Template Download the PICOT Question Worksheet Template.Using a minimum of 3 scholarly nursing sources, current within 5 years: Identify and describe one practice-related issue or concern.  You may choose to build on the practice … Read more

Stress & The Immune System

Stress & The Immune System Describe how stress affects immune responses. What strategies might be used to combat these types of responses? Stress & The Immune SystemDiscussion Post Requirements 1.) First, post a response to the original questions. Your original response needs to meet a minimum of 100 words. Answer Preview APA Format, 402 words


 BIG DATA RISKS AND REWARDS When you wake in the morning, you may reach for your cell phone to reply to a few text or email messages that you missed overnight. On your drive to work, you may stop to refuel your car. Upon your arrival, you might swipe a key card at the door … Read more

 Assignment and Journal

 Assignment and Journal The intent of the journal is to apply what you have learned to how data analytics is applied in industry.After reading the assigned chapters of Superforecasting this week, write a reflective journal of the threemost important take-aways contained in the chapters. Your journal should be two to pages excludingcover and reference page. … Read more


Discussion After reviewing all of the content in the lesson, find a movie, or a book. play, poem, etc. in popular culture that depicts an individual/group/family that is dealing with a crisis. Share with us any links or information you have on your selection.   I have shared one of my favorite examples of the inventor, Dr. Robert … Read more


 DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES Milestones refer to important points in the development of a particular skill or ability. For example, some (but not all) of the milestones related to gross motor development include rolling over, sitting up, crawling, standing up, cruising, and walking. The ability to communicate is an important skill. In fact, it is one of … Read more


 INTRODUCTION TO INTRA AND INTERPERSONAL PROCESSES Write a paragraph exploring what could you have done in class this semester to more fully participate and get the most out of thisexperience.  What could you have done differently to make this class more valuable to yourself and others?  Confront yourself about your own behavior. Answer Preview APA … Read more


 EVALUATING RESEARCH QUESTIONS, HYPOTHESES, AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS The selection of a research design is guided by the study’s purpose and research questions and hypotheses, and the design then links the research questions and hypotheses to the data that will be collected. You should keep in mind, however, that the research process is interactive, not … Read more

Social Services and The Disenfranchised

Social Services and The Disenfranchised Discuss some of the legal and social difficulties immigrant and refugee groups might have if they practice their native medicinal techniques within their families. Do you see any difficulties that can arise pertaining to situations dealing with questionable abuse or violence?Explain your answer.Can you suggest some communication techniques that might … Read more


DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES As stated in this discussion’s introduction communication is one of the primary skills infants and toddlers must grasp. It all begins with those subtle and loud cries and eventually leads to actual language development. There is a process of communication that takes place from infancy to the toddler stages. Between two- and six-months … Read more

Lesson 10 & 11

Lesson 10 & 11 Consider the following scenario:Parents bring in a 15 year old malefor substance counseling. His grades have recently dropped fromB’s to D’s. He is skipping classes and has a new set of friends. Hereports he sometimes “parties” with friends and has experimentedwith Ecstasy. He tells you, “So what? All my friends do … Read more

Religious Practices of African Diaspora

Religious Practices of African Diaspora Throughout the twentieth century people in the African Diaspora have sought what they have perceived as more culturally legitimate forms of religious expression. The solutions to this problem extend across many different spiritual idioms, from Rastafarianism in Jamaica to the Nation of Islam in the United States. It also includes … Read more

Discussion board

Discussion board Question 1A 48-year-old woman presents to your clinic for a new patient visit. She has a personal history of HTN and anxiety which are both managed well with medications. Her family history is notable for her mother dying of breast cancer at age 55 and two aunts who both were treated with mastectomies … Read more

discussion 2

discussion 2 What are some valid economic justifications for mergers? According to Stahl (2006), a merger or acquisition promises to create synergy. Statistics show that the benefits that look so good on paper often need to materialize. The failure of an M&A is frequently blamed on a clash of cultures between merging companies, which led … Read more


discussion According to Stahl (2006), a merger or acquisition promises to create synergy. Statistics show that the benefits that look so good on paper often need to materialize. The failure of an M&A is frequently blamed on a clash of cultures between merging companies, which led to significant integration problems and undermined the deal’s success. … Read more

Big Data Risk

Big Data Risk Big data is a group of data that is collected and analyzed to see if trends are occurring. Big data can be invarious forms such as images, graphs, videos, or text. One of the most widely used big data collection inhealthcare is electronic medical records (EMRs). The EMRs are considered big data … Read more

Afro-American Religious Expressions

Afro-American Religious Expressions Syncretism is defined as “the attempted combination of different systems of philosophical or religious belief or practice” and “the reconciliation of different belief systems.” However, the term is limited when applied to African American religious practices because it doesn’t fully address the variety ethnic and cultural influences from Africa, Europe, and the … Read more

Biology and Health

Biology and Health Watch video (see attachment) then answer question in assignment details. There are four major biological molecules that make up living organisms. They are:• Carbohydrates• Lipids (fats)• Nucleic acids• ProteinsTo be at your healthiest, your body needs to manufacture these molecules. You get the building blocks for these molecules by eating. This is … Read more

Recovery and Support Groups

Recovery and Support Groups  Locate an “open” recovery or support group in your local community (be sure to review “What to Know About the Types of AA Meetings” in the Topic 4 Resources). Attend one of the group’s “open” meetings. The group can be for any type of substance or process addiction and does not … Read more


ATTACHMENT AND CHILD-REARING STYLE  A key element of social-emotional development during infancy and toddlerhood is the establishment of bonds of attachment. A child’s temperament can influence the nature of attachment with caregivers. For instance, an infant’s difficult temperament might make it more likely that he or she will develop an insecure attachment to the caregiver. … Read more

Humans in the Stone Age

Humans in the Stone Age First, review the definitions of “Paleolithic” and “Neolithic” and the main features of each period in human history. Then reflect on how society changes when people go from hunting and gathering to agriculture. Then list one advantage and one disadvantage of how people lived in the Paleolithic and the Neolithic … Read more

 Hospital Rights

 Hospital Rights “Courts have reasoned that hospitals have to reserve their beds and facilities for patients who genuinely need them.” (Showalter) Who do you feel this ‘duty’ is owed to? (Current patients? Future patients? Staff? Shareholders? Community? Others?) Answer Preview APA Format, 341 words

Complementary and Alternative medical treatment

Complementary and Alternative medical treatment What is the difference between complementary and alternative medical treatment, and how comfortable would you be with a physician who practices alternative healthcare instead of traditional practice? Answer Preview APA Format, 356 words

National Federation of Independent Business

National Federation of Independent Business In a well-organized, two to three-page essay, discuss the case of National Federation of Independent Business et al. v. Sebellius. Be sure to include who benefited from this decision and what negative consequences might follow. Answer Preview APA Format, 1094 words

One summary and a Journal

One summary and a Journal Attached is one summary, which is a page long, and a journal which is two pages. Citation has to be more than five years and the book and outside resources can be use . and please cite the book as well. Answer Preview APA Format, 1119 words

Women in the Mission of the Church, Global Gospel

Women in the Mission of the Church, Global Gospel Write 10 questions based on the assigned reading that require a high level of engagement with the reading to answer, then answer each of your questions.  Your questions should cover the breadth of the assigned reading (3 books across 10 questions, not necessarily each question) and … Read more


EVALUATING RESEARCH QUESTIONS, HYPOTHESES, AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS The article by Ivcevic titled “Predicting Creativity: Interactive Effects of Openness to Experience and Emotion Regulation Ability” explores the relationship between openness to experience, emotion regulation ability, and creativity. While the study presents interesting findings, there are some aspects that warrant critique. The type of quantitative research … Read more


Discussion Brigham & Ehrhardt (2022) argue that flexibility in the integration approach for growth companies through acquisitions has become a central part of business strategies. Serial acquisition of companies in the M&A literature can allow companies to learn from past mistakes. This would also allow companies to accumulate experience and put processes that enable them … Read more

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