
Writing Question

Writing Question A tsunami caused a major breach of the Fukushima Dalichi Nuclear plant. Examine this picture and post of misshapen daisies from the area. According to our chats and readings, what kind of evidence is this? How would you test this evidence? How valid would you consider this evidence? Answer Preview APA Format, 354 … Read more

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman Your final paper must be 6-8 pages in length (body of the paper) plus the title page and reference page. Do not include graphics or images unless you put them in the end matter. Your paper should have an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement as the last sentence in the paragraph, several … Read more

Discussion Board-Investing

Discussion Board-Investing Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a50–100-word reply about their Primary Response regarding items you found to be compellingand enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following question: What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates‘postings? Answer Preview APA … Read more

Final Walmart Expansion Analysis

Final Walmart Expansion Analysis The case is based upon past and current information about Walmart and the country of destination. Answer Preview APA Format, 2551 words

Week 5 discussion and journal entry

Week 5 discussion and journal entry Throughout this program of study, you have learned about ethical codes and guidelines forensic psychology professionals follow. As you have learned in the past few weeks, forensic psychology professionals typically work in multi-disciplinary teams with a variety of professionals. With this in mind, consider the following questions: Do all … Read more

Lesson 7 & 8

Lesson 7 & 8  Please remember to place the course number on the returned assignment.Please see the attached Word document for a complete overview and the required assignments.Please use sources if the assignment asks forI will attach the zip files that are for the lessons, if available, which are supposed to have all the information … Read more

Nurse burnout: strategies to help understaffing and patient overload

Nurse burnout: strategies to help understaffing and patient overload  I have included a rough outline of what I want to be included in the essay and a couple of references. I will need two more of your choosing. Assignments requirements:Now that you have created a thorough outline, you should continue to expand the outline into … Read more

The United States Office of Personnel Management Case Conclusion

The United States Office of Personnel Management Case Conclusion  The United States Office of Personnel Management Case Conclusion:InstructionsIn order to complete assignment #8 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use … Read more

Lesson 5

Lesson 5  Please remember to place the course number on the returned assignment.Please see the attached Word document for a complete overview and the required assignments.Please use the correct source(s) for what assignments asks for.I will attach the zip files that are for the lessons. The ZIP FILE is supposed to have all the information … Read more

The History of Medicine

The History of Medicine  Discussion Questions:See Chapter 1, pp. 34-37)What was the most important development in the history of medicine?Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post. Answer Preview APA Format, 343 words

Lesson 5

Lesson 5 : Please remember to place the course number on the returned assignment.Please see the attached Word document for a complete overview and the required assignments.Please use the correct source(s) for what assignments asks for.I will attach the zip files that are for the lessons. The ZIP FILE is supposed to have all the … Read more

Hospital Admission Policies

Hospital Admission Policies  Discussion Question 2: (See Chapter 2, p 60)Our text mentions the necessity of clear written policies on the admission of patients. What factors must be addressed? Do you feel a hospital should be required to admit any patient regardless of ability to pay? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post. Answer Preview APA … Read more

Aspects of Traditional Religion in Africa

Aspects of Traditional Religion in Africa  In African religions all things, animate and inanimate, are imbued with a unique life-force at the time of Creation and as conscious beings humans have the ability to interact with the energies that make up the life-force of any animate or inanimate object and to bend them to our … Read more


EVALUATING PURPOSE STATEMENTS  For this Discussion, you will evaluate the purpose statements in assigned journal articles in your discipline and consider the alignment of theory, problem, and purpose. You will also explain your position on the relationship between research and social change. Answer Preview APA Format, 336 words


ENVIRONMENTAL AND GENETIC IMPACT ON FETAL DEVELOPMENT Both environmental and genetic influences impact fetal development. Some substances (e.g., folic acid, hormones, etc.) have the biggest influence at sensitive periods during gestation. Early in gestation, when neurological development is at its peak, folic acid is most important. Hormones, such as androgen and estrogen, are necessary for … Read more


THE IMPACT OF NURSING INFORMATICS ON PATIENT OUTCOMES AND PATIENT CARE EFFICIENCIES  In the Discussion for this module, you considered the interaction of nurse informaticists with other specialists to ensure successful care. How is that success determined? Patient outcomes and the fulfillment of care goals is one of the major ways that healthcare success is … Read more


SEARCHING DATABASES  When you decide to purchase a new car, you first decide what is important to you. If mileage and dependability are the important factors, you will search for data focused more on these factors and less on color options and sound systems. The same holds true when searching for research evidence to guide … Read more

SMART Goals Worksheet

SMART Goals Worksheet When beginning an academic program, it is important to consider what you would like to achieve by completion. Creating goals is a great way to make sure you are working toward something and tracking your progress. In this SMART Goals Worksheet assignment, you will identify personal, academic, or career goals that you … Read more

Needs assessment

Needs assessment Submit a 1- to 2-page paper expanding on and justifying the potential program you identified in this week’s Discussion. Include: A brief description of the program to be developedCriteria for inclusion in the program (which clients and why)Justification for the proposed program. What two best methods would you use to gather credible information … Read more

Parenting Styles

Parenting Styles Many factors influence parenting styles, including the parents’ own upbringing, community and societal influences, and cultural influences. Use the information you learned in the Explore learning module this week to complete the following: “Explain parenting styles and the difference between parenting styles and parenting practices. Give a description of each parenting style. Then, … Read more

Human Growth and Development

Human Growth and Development Breaking Gender Norms: Provide a clear explanation of the concept “gender norm“.Share a specific incident or situation where you have witnessed or experienced the breaking of a gender norm – include the the context, actions, and reactions involved in this situation.Discuss any positive or negative responses that you observed or experienced, … Read more


 LEGAL & REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT OF HC In a well-organized, two- to three-page essay, discuss the Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital case. Include how licensing laws may be used positively or negatively and incorporate Paul Tillich’s relational issues of love, power, and justice. Answer Preview APA Format, 952 words

Philosophy Question

Philosophy Question Attached are two word document One summary which would be a page long and One Course Project which is an Argumentative writing which is six page with one reference page and title page which sums up to eight pages. The Intext citation has to be in APA format and more than five years. … Read more

Law Question

Law Question You completed a Case Analysis Topic Proposal and Outline on an ethical or financial scandal of your choice (see attachments please). This week you will complete the course project by constructing a paper incorporating the instructor’s feedback. To complete the case analysis, you should research the assigned topic to provide a measure of … Read more

 Building Stronger Families and Communities

 Building Stronger Families and Communities In this discussion you will complete a video “teach back.”   Use the video tool in MyCourses to complete this assignment.  Spend as much time as you need but try to stay under 5 minutes.  Select something from this lesson, Lesson 9, that stood out most for you or interested you … Read more

 The United States Office of Personnel Management 

 The United States Office of Personnel Management  In order to complete this assignment you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_FinalReport). Use examples from the readings, … Read more

 Evidence- Based Practice

 Evidence- Based Practice My clinical issue of interest is how to prevent interruptions and distractions during nurse-nursehandoff/bedside shift reports. The goal of the nurse bedside shift report, also known as thehandoff, is to guarantee safe continuity of care and implement best clinical practices by passingon important patient information, duty, and accountability from one nurse to … Read more

Cross-cultural work

Cross-cultural work Cross-cultural work is essential in the field of human services, especially as the cultural diversity of the U.S. population increases. Think about how you will prepare to work with clients whose culture or ethnicity you are unfamiliar with. For example, perhaps you have no knowledge of a specific cultural group, or maybe you … Read more


SMART Goals Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that describes your 3 SMART goals and your plans to achieve them. Be sure to do the following in your paper: Write your introduction to include the elements you developed in the outline.State the final version of each SMART goal, addressing each letter of the SMART acronym … Read more


Research You are required to research a career for this course. Please see the list of sources below. The paper must include the items listed below. All items must be included to get full credit.If you can you can use nursing as the career You must choose a career that requires a minimum of a … Read more

Telecommunications and Network Security

Telecommunications and Network Security Write a short reflection paper based on the week 8 discussion (Privacy) that affirms your position using at least 1 source and select one opposing or different access from one of your peers and elaborate on that in this paper as well.  This assignment should be approximately 1 to 2 pages … Read more

Sexuality,Family and Religion 

Sexuality,Family and Religion  For this assignment, go to this Humans of New York website and explore a series for stories based on either sexuality, family, or religion. In a 1-2 page paper, summarize the Series article you chose and explain how the Series feature relates to a sociological issue in sexuality, family, or religion that … Read more

Human Growth and Development

Human Growth and Development Explain the attachment style that best characterizes the relationship you had with your parents or caregivers and discuss the factors you believe contributed to this attachment style. Describe separation anxiety within the framework of attachment theory. List two online sources that could aid in your understanding of Attachment Theory. Provide the name of … Read more

Response Disc to searching database

Response Disc to searching database My clinical issue of interest is how to prevent interruptions and distractions during nurse-nursehandoff/bedside shift reports. The goal of the nurse bedside shift report, also known as thehandoff, is to guarantee safe continuity of care and implement best clinical practices by passingon important patient information, duty, and accountability from one … Read more


AN INFANT CASE STUDY  Many changes happen from conception to birth. A single-celled zygote multiplies and grows over approximately 9 months into a living, breathing human being composed of trillions of cells. That’s quite an amazing feat! With such rapid growth occurring, it is not surprising that the developing fetus is vulnerable to a number … Read more

 Transference and Countertransference

 Transference and Countertransference 1. Identify the ways in which transference and countertransference unfold in the helping process? 2. Explain how you would deal with transference and countertransference issues. 3. Identify how transference toward a client might interfere in the helping process based on your personal experiences or issues. 4. How might human services professionals’ self-disclosure affect the helping … Read more


ENVIRONMENTAL AND GENETIC IMPACT ON FETAL DEVELOPMENT Genetic Influence The genetic code is only just beginning to be understood. All humans are comprised of chromosomes which are made up of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA); a gene is a segment of DNA along the chromosome (Berk, 2023). There are protein-coding genes that directly affect individual characteristics and … Read more


EVALUATING PURPOSE STATEMENTS there can be many uses for this type of research that should be well thought out and examined prior to beginning a project – some of which include, but are not limited to exploring an interest, testing a specific idea, or validating a complex theory. “Once you have a well-defined purpose and … Read more

The African Roots of Afro-American Faith

The African Roots of Afro-American Faith Many African religions are based on hierarchical relationships among various divine forces. At the top of the hierarchy is the Creator; somewhat below the Creator are various intermediary divinities, often embodied forces of nature representing aspects of cultural aesthetics or social order; and below these are eternal life-forces, ancestors … Read more

Managing organization change

Managing organization change What are some things Licht did to cause his firing (in other words, what are some mistakes he made)? How could he have done better? Refer to at least two key terms or concepts from the course (eg: internal and external pressures, change management images, communication styles, diagnostic models, etc.) Answer Preview … Read more

Sexuality, family, religion

Sexuality, family, religion In a 2-3 page paper, summarize the series article you chose and explain how the series you chose and explain how the series feature relates to a sociological issue in sexuality, family or religion that you read in your text or lessons from this week. Be sure to relate to the series … Read more

Addicted to hurry; Spiritual Strategies for Slowing Down

Addicted to hurry; Spiritual Strategies for Slowing Down Answer Preview APA Format, 389 words

Principles of Substance Abuse

Principles of Substance Abuse A client with whom you’ve been working relapses. How would you respond if otherssay things like: “Well s/he just hadn’t hit bottom yet”, “Well, they obviously weren’t‘ready’ yet”, “They weren’t motivated”, or “They failed treatment“.    Justify yourresponse.How should a counselor view relapse, in your opinion?Please share your thoughts on this topic.Post … Read more

Research, Theory, and Design Methods

Research, Theory, and Design Methods Responding to a classmate post Details: Respond by Day 6 to a classmate who was assigned a different article than you by further supporting his or her critique or respectfully offering a differing perspective Answer Preview APA Format, 329 words

Domestic Abuse and Family Violence

Domestic Abuse and Family Violence After viewing the documentary film, Private Violence consider the personal toll this workmight have on these domestic violence advocates. We know that for those who are confrontedon a daily basis with family violence are at higher risk for experiencing psychologicaldifficulties like depression, substance abuse, and conflict in their own personal relationships.This is … Read more


THE CONTRIBUTION OF CLASSICAL THEORISTS TO CONTEMPORARY DEVELOPMENTAL THEORISTS Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ posts and search the Internet and/or the Walden Library and select a current article (within the last 5 years) that is related to the same developmental process (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional) that your colleague posted. Summarize the … Read more

Emerging Threats and Counter Measures

Emerging Threats and Counter Measures Threat ModelingA new medium-sized health care facility just opened and you are hired as the CIO. The CEO is somewhat technical and has tasked you with creating a threat model. The CEO needs to decide from 3 selected models but needs your recommendation. Review this week’s readings, conduct your own … Read more

Social Services and The Disenfranchised

Social Services and The Disenfranchised After viewing the Chimamanda Adiche TED Talk please respond to thefollowing: In your view how does the concept of the single story align withcultural humility? Do you feel that you may have functioned in yourlife as it pertains to your own culture under this concept of the singlestory? According to … Read more

Cocaine use causes vasoconstriction

Cocaine use causes vasoconstriction First, post a response to the original questions. Your original response needs to meet a minimum of 100 words. You will not earn points for completion alone. Both the content and the quality of your writing will be assessed. The depth and breadth of the response will be considered. Grammar counts, … Read more

Principles of Substance Abuse

Principles of Substance Abuse In what ways is alcoholism/addiction a “family disease”. How would you as a counselor include the family in a client’s treatment?How would you respond if a family member told you “We don’t need counseling (he or she’s) got theproblem not us?” Please share your thoughts on this topic. Answer Preview APA … Read more

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