
Building Stronger Families and Communities

Building Stronger Families and Communities Discuss how the breadth of exposure to abuse or household dysfunction duringchildhood relate to multiple risk factors for several of the leading causes of death inadults. Refer to the ACE Study.  Referring to the children and grandmother in the FSI family, discuss what risk factorsthey may have.  What interventions may be … Read more

The Stanford Prison Experiment

The Stanford Prison Experiment Describe background information of the experiment, including the method used in the experiment.Identify 1 or 2 ethical issues that occurred in this experiment.Explain the APA ethics guidelines that may have been violated. Refer to Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct from the APA.Explain if and how diversity was taken … Read more

Coaching Through Conflict

Coaching Through Conflict Over the past seven weeks you have gained some valuable knowledge related tocoaching. The weekly lectures focused on how to develop and grow in the field of coaching.Specific attention was placed on such areas as motivation, self-efficacy, self-esteem,communication, and goals, along with such coaching practices as MI, AI, and the 5-D cycle. … Read more

 Telecommunications and networking security

 Telecommunications and networking security Your final paper should be between 7 -10 pages long (Title page and reference page are not counted towards the page number). Be sure the report is in MS Word, in-text citations,Times New Roman font, with double spacing and 1 inch margins all-around, no additional spaces allowed. Title page and reference(s) pages … Read more

Media Log

Media Log Now that you have a better idea of your own media usage, write your reaction to how much media use consume. Include the total number of hours in your post, as well as what media you use the most. Do you think you are a heavy, medium, or light media user? Think about … Read more

Computer Systems Technology

Computer Systems Technology Answer Preview APA Format, 989 words

Exterminate All the Brutes

Exterminate All the Brutes Watch one episode of Exterminate All the Brutes by Raoul Peck and answer the question on the template and uses reference.  Your submission should be a complete Movie Analysis Template and a reference page at the end. Your submission should include the following elements: Answer Preview APA Format, 800 words

African American

African American In the journal articles for your reading, several historical and current laws were discussed that have negatively impacted African Americans. For this discussion, you will share your thoughts on legislation you consider beneficial and harmful for African American equality. Answer Preview APA Format, 367 words

Aesthetics in African and African American Art

Aesthetics in African and African American Art  Traditional styles of art in many parts of Africa is bound by specific cultural practices and beliefs that determine the modes and styles of expression. Every culture’s art is influenced by their mythology and rituals and other elements of culture that signify their ethnic identity. African American artists … Read more

 Evidence-Based Change Process

 Evidence-Based Change Process To apply the PICOT elements identified in the Week 2 Check-In as the foundation for a nursing change process using the ACE Star Model and a systematic review as evidence.The information from the ‘Illustration‘ part of our lessons in Weeks 1-6 will mentor you through this process. Your change process is to … Read more

Investigation Essay

Investigation Essay  In this assignment, you will create an essay discussing a contested aspect of health or education in the United States. Select one topic from your readings or from a news source (include a link in your submission). Do not use the topic from this week’s Discussion Board. You might discuss your thoughts on the … Read more


Transforming Nursing & Healthcare There are very few areas today where nurses do not use some form of technology in caring fortheir patients; diagnostic equipment, monitors, charting on your patient, and medicationadministration records (MARS). Nursing informatics is the junction between nursing care,technology, health information systems, and the data used in health care settings. According toCurioso et … Read more

Applying Super forecasting Principles in Data Analytics

Applying Super forecasting Principles in Data Analytics read Chapters 7 and 8 in Superforecasting. The intent of the journal is to apply what you have learned to how data analytics is applied in industry. After reading the assigned chapters of Superforecasting this week, write a reflective journal of the three most important take-aways contained in the chapters. Your … Read more

Chemistry in Daily Life

Chemistry in Daily Life Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to thefollowing questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation forfuture discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforceyour ideas.For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:The scientific method serves as an outline for … Read more

Time Value for Money

Time Value for Money Write a short paper (300–500 words) that answers the following questions: How long will it take for Mark to get his balance to $0? (Use the interest calculator linkedabove.) What strategies should Mark use to pay off the card sooner? Answer Preview APA Format, 524 words

peer response

peer response When looking over the case to allow his daughters to use the company vans for personal use I would also advise them not to use them for a few different reasons. The first is any risk involved when using the vans outside of company use. They can be on the hook financially and … Read more

Discussion Post

Discussion Post Is it wise for Mr. Richards to allow his daughters access to corporate property in the manner just described. explain. support your thoughts using a minimum of 2 academic sources. 350 words. Answer Preview APA Format, 379 words

How to Respond to Requests to Act Unethically

How to Respond to Requests to Act Unethically Imagine that you work for a mortgage broker. You are considering the application for a mortgage for someone who falls below the income threshold. When you bring the application to your supervisor, she tells you “Just approve it. We need to make our quota this month. Who … Read more

Business Ethics

Business Ethics After having the opportunity to complete the course, what would you change and why? What topic particularly caught your interest and what do you want to know more about? Last, but not least, if you could share with the next class one piece of advice about this class, what would it be? Please … Read more


Health Answer Preview APA Format, 636 words


Discussion Answer the following prompts and respond to two of your peers for full credit. When making your initial response, be sure to use the information you have read from the text with specific examples to support your answers. Your response should be informed and should not be off the top of your head or … Read more

Nutrition reply

Nutrition reply First i think this family needs support from a nutritional standpoint as well as mental health. Obesity is not the issue, Brianna is being bullied in school and needs some motivation and positivity s that she isn’t only hearing about the negativity about her weight at school, home and at the doctor. Answer … Read more

Historical Figures and Philosophies in Psychology

Historical Figures and Philosophies in Psychology Through readings and videos, you have been introduced to many historical figures in psychology. These key figures introduced some of the major schools of thought and philosophies of psychology. In this assignment, you will conduct a review of historical figures and the schools of thought or philosophies they represent. … Read more

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama  To prepare for this Summary of your Final Project Assignment: Review the Final Project Assignment Overview and consider the criteria for your biography selection.Select the individual and the biography you want to learn about for this Final Project Assignment.For this Assignment: Write a 100- to 200-word summary that includes: The name of the … Read more

Pediatric Health Promotion Plan

Pediatric Health Promotion Plan A family just migrated from another country to your area and you are seeing them in the clinic for the first time. They do not speak English well. There are two children, ages 2 years 6 months and 6 years. When taking the children’s history, you become aware they have not … Read more

Presidential Roles

Presidential Roles The list below describes ten roles the American people expect their president to perform. Use thisinformation to identify the role being described in the statements that follow.Chief of State: Serves as the ceremonial head of government at public functions.Chief Executive: Oversees the operation of government agencies; appoints cabinet members, agency heads and otherofficials; … Read more

Discussion 1, Journal 1 and assignment

Discussion 1, Journal 1 and assignment Explain why you want to conduct the survey and what you hope to gain from the survey responses.Identify the type(s) of data you hope to collect.Outline the parameters for your proposed survey, taking into consideration what you believemanagement wants to know.Create 10 sample questions that will be used in … Read more

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Write a 3-4-page academic paper in which you describe a business situation, apply a critical thinking framework to the situation, and recommend evidence-based solutions to the situation. Explain how the concepts of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) could affect both the situation and the solution. Answer Preview APA Format, 1002 words


Discussion Brigham and Ehrhardt (2022) argued that information technology (IT) brings certain unique and potentially significant risks in terms of security, segregation of duties, change management, and data integrity. Therefore, companies must assess IT risks and identify controls to mitigate them. Without appropriate knowledge, tools, and people, companies will risk doing too much or too … Read more

Case Study: Davidson, M. 

Case Study: Davidson, M.  How did the session start once the roles were read? What were your impressions of the role play?• What were the issues? How was the conflict addressed?• Provide evidence of what you observed in the other person under the ‘To What Extent Did You…” Use these sections as a starting point … Read more


HOW PROCESSES AFFECT YOUR DEVELOPMENT/THE IMPACT OF DIVERSITY I have uploaded a document that has discussion questions from a classmate that need a response, if you need any reading material to accompany this please email and let me know as soon as possible Answer Preview APA Format, 333 words

Case Analysis Topic Outline

Case Analysis Topic Outline Using the topic proposal from last assignment, create an outline of the case analysis using a full sentence outline format. you should demonstrate that progress has been made on the course project, and that your research in well underway. include the same references as the last assignment. Feed back from professor … Read more

Chronic kidney disease management

Chronic kidney disease management chronic kidney disease management Details: Contribute a minimum of 250 words for your initial post. It should include at least 2 academic sources, formatted, and cited in APA Answer Preview APA Format, 310 words

Milestone 2

Milestone 2 You are to select a diagnostic model that you can utilize to review aspects of change activities and actions that have been taken by the companies chosen. For this analysis, we are looking at the parts of the companies as well as their strategies, as surmised by your earlier research in Milestone 1. … Read more

Theories & Foundations of Crisis Intervention

Theories & Foundations of Crisis Intervention Research and Review studies or theorists (Victor Franks, Carl Rogers, Erik Erikson, etc.) that have contributed to the field of Crisis Intervention..pick at least 1. Here are some ideas (or you may pick your own)                * Studies done with Veterans                *  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder                *  Large … Read more

Making a Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Making a Grilled Cheese Sandwich Pretend you have met an alien and you need to teach the alien how to perform a task( such as making a sandwich or applying makeup. use your imagination but keep the task PG). Answer Preview APA Format, 364 words

Motivational Theories

Motivational Theories Write a 3-5 page paper that discusses motivation and the leading theories that explain it. Consider the following; Answer Preview APA Format, 1072 words


INTRODUCTION TO INTRA AND INTERPERSONAL PROCESSES Please take a look at these children and select one child that best fits your HERE AND NOWself.  Describe the child so we can be sure which child you have selected and then say what it isabout the child that best represents your here and now self. Answer Preview … Read more

Nutrition for personal assessment project

Nutrition for personal assessment project Please combine all these documents into one Word Document for your instructor. Combine them in this order: 1. Written Assessment and Analysis 2. Food Diary with CHO circled (plus any corrections from instructor feedback) 3. Dietary Analysis form (plus any corrections from instructor feedback) 4. Carbohydrate Intake Analysis worksheet (plus … Read more


THE CONTRIBUTION OF CLASSICAL THEORISTS TO CONTEMPORARY DEVELOPMENTAL THEORISTS While all major developmental theories attempt to explain the growth of individuals, each theory has a slightly different perspective. Some theories emphasize environmental (nurture) more than biological (nature) influences. Some theories focus on a particular construct (e.g., cognition), while others emphasize the impact of age range … Read more

Function and Meaning in African Art

Function and Meaning in African Art  Traditional African art is bound by certain cultural restrictions that require that the creators of functional objects include certain themes and motifs in the decorative designs. Within these boundaries there are ideals of beauty that are unique to each culture. For example, in the bronze castings of the heads … Read more

difference between Telehealth and Telemedicine

difference between Telehealth and Telemedicine Telemedicine and telehealth are two related terms but with distinct differences. Telemedicine involves the provision of remote clinical services by healthcare professionals to patients, typically through video consultations. On the other hand, telehealth encompasses different healthcare services and information exchange that are facilitated by technology. While both concepts have their … Read more


INTERACTION BETWEEN NURSE INFORMATICISTS AND OTHER SPECIALISTS Nature offers many examples of specialization and collaboration. Ant colonies and bee hives are but two examples of nature’s sophisticated organizations. Each thrives because their members specialize by tasks, divide labor, and collaborate to ensure food, safety, and general well-being of the colony or hive. Of course, humans … Read more

Sales Contracts and Risk of Loss

Sales Contracts and Risk of Loss Imagine that you are the owner of a small jewelry store. A customer leaves a family heirloom with you for cleaning. By mistake, a salesperson sells the ring to another customer. How would you handle the situation? Now, imagine that you were the customer who purchased the ring for … Read more

Human Growth and Development

Human Growth and Development Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory describes the lifelong process of human growth and development. It consists of eight stages, each presenting unique challenges. One of these stages is called Trust versus Mistrust, which spans from birth to around 18 months. During this stage, infants develop a sense of trust or mistrust towards … Read more

African American Culture and Identity in the Visual Arts

African American Culture and Identity in the Visual Arts There are several categories of expression that must be considered when we look at the evolution of African American visual arts culture—folk art such as quilting, basket-making, pottery, painting, and sculpture; urban and street art like murals and graffiti; and painting, sculpture and photography that emerge … Read more

Case study

Case study Submit a 4- to 5-page proposal/research plan for single-subject evaluation for your work with your chosen client. Identify the problem that you will target, the outcomes that you will measure, the evidence-based intervention, and the evaluation design. Include the following sections: IntroductionLiterature ReviewMethodologySetting and InterventionExpected Results Answer Preview APA Format, 1329 words


Nutrition What two important nutritional principles or concept have you learnt and will always remember. What is their impact on your delivery of quality safe nursing care. Select one assignment that you submitted in this course that you believe is ‘your best work‘. Explain why you selected this assignment. Answer Preview APA Format, 373 words

Health assessment

Health assessment Answer Preview APA Format, 323 words

Advanced Cybercrime Analysis

Advanced Cybercrime Analysis Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #7). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research to support your answers. The assignment must be a minimum of 3-full … Read more

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