

Psychology Within the discussion board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussion by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas; Answer Preview APA Format, 718 words

Nutrition reply

Nutrition reply It has been discovered that some foods (nutrients) negatively interact with some drugs. It is essential for a patient to be aware of such drug-food(nutrient) interactions in order to prevent conflict. Answer Preview APA Format, 340 words


Discussion  Read Porter and Kramer’s assigned article for this week “Strategy & Society: The Link between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility” and address the following questions: Provide key points of the article that show the link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility.Provide at least three examples of companies that pursue sustainability strategies and … Read more

Managing Risk and Security

Managing Risk and Security Reflect on an organization that must meet complex security and regulatory compliance requirements. Explain 2 similarities and 2 differences between risk management, regulatory compliance, and other forms of compliance that influence risk mitigation plan development within the selected organization context. You may need to do additional research on legal and regulatory … Read more


Paper Using the feedback provided by your instructor and information from the two additional articles you selected, write a Revised Synthesis Paper with reflection (1250-1800 words). Include the following in your paper. Answer Preview APA Format, 1495 words

Finding Academic Sources

Finding Academic Sources Find 4 academic sources for your Final Paper. Provide a short summary of how the source relates to your final paper topic. Write a short thesis statement– including the short story / film, and 1 Humanities theme for your Final Paper.    Answer Preview APA Format, 957 words

Child and Family Biopsychosocial Assessment of Almeada and Baby Anne

Child and Family Biopsychosocial Assessment of Almeada and Baby Anne Child and Family Biopsychosocial Assessment of Almeada and Baby Anne Details: Any questions please email me. Please use and refer back to the assessment you did of Almeda and Baby Anne. Last week with Almeada the assessment. Answer Preview APA Format, 1215 words

Anthropology case study project on Canva

Anthropology case study project on Canva You will be doing a case study on the Sugar Land 95. As a Forensic Anthropologist, it will be your job to come to the scene and analyze the evidence! You will be making yourself a guide to “take with you”. Be sure to include information about You can … Read more

Discussion 1

Discussion 1 For this assignment, you will be keeping track of your own sleep habits and your dreams in order to analyze your sleep habits and examine dream theories. To begin make a copy of sleep vlog. Answer Preview APA Format, 387 words

Discussion 2

Discussion 2 In this activity, you will write a paragraph (or paragraph) summarizing an anecdote or a brief personal essay. You may also opt to write an original short story. Utilize parallelism, a consistent point of view, specific words, active verbs, concise words, and be able to vary sentences. Answer Preview APA Format, 422 words

Federalism Journal Review

Federalism Journal Review Your Name:Content Connection: FEDERALISMSource:Article Title:Article Publication Date:SummaryBriefly summarize the article. ConnectionExplain the connection between this article and the class content/Ch. 3. OpinionExplain your opinion on this issue/topic/story with one piece of evidence to support you. Answer Preview APA Format, 420 words

African History and Cultural Heritage

African History and Cultural Heritage  African History and Cultural HeritageDetails: Much of Western history overlooks the contributions and accomplishments of African civilizations. It is a part of the legacy of subjugation and oppression that accompanied the Atlantic Slave Trade as Europeans attempted to justify their relationship with slavery by claiming that Africans had contributed little … Read more


Literature The final paper (7+ pages plus Works Cited page) needs to be a multi-source (scholarly sources only—minimum 6 sources including two target novels), documented, persuasive, double spaced, grammatically correct paper in MLA format. The goal is to take a deeper dive into the intertwining of two central themes we have focused on throughout our … Read more

Capstone Project element 5

Capstone Project element 5  Write a paper describing your organization’s compensation, rewards, and benefit programsIs it helping your organization achieve its goals?How are wage and salary levels determined?What methods are used for evaluating employees to determine salary increases?Are salary levels adequate to enable the organization to attract and maintain an effective work force?Do differentials in … Read more

Delivering Quality Delivering

Delivering Quality : I have uploaded the information needed for the assignment. Please answer each question in complete detail…You will also need to use Minitab. Here is a tutorial for the assignment: The passcode is w49?E&GK Also Please note that in the instructions it mentioned 05-03 SPC Data. That should be 03-04 SPC Data. Answer … Read more

Business plan part 3

Business plan part 3 Include historical details such as when, where, and how your company was (or will be) formed. Now would also be a good time to mention your current status as a legal entity, and whether you have plans to change that status. This is not a place in your business plan where … Read more

The Overpaid Bank Teller

The Overpaid Bank Teller  Write the Executive SummaryWrite between 750 – 1,000 words using Microsoft Word in APA format (only the body of the paper counts towards the word requirement)Use font size 12 and 1” margins.Include cover page and reference page.At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.No more than 20% of your … Read more

ortho and perio

ortho and perio  The intention of this project is for the dental hygiene student to recognize and identify key points in research and establish the levels of evidence in preventive and therapeutic studies. Understanding published work will enable the student to review and interpret clinical studies that are imperative for practicing evidence-based dental hygiene.Students will … Read more

One Summary

One Summary 1: The framers of the Constitution were concerned that everyday citizens wouldnot be able to understand or comprehend the makings of our government. They felt thateveryday citizens were uninformed and did not care what was going on in ourgovernment. Even today we see where citizens are interested in government affairsseemingly only if our country … Read more


Nutrition In your discussion about GERD include; Answer Preview APA Format, 412 words

Social Unrest

Social Unrest Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions: Watch YouTube video (see attached assignment) Choose ONE advancement (cultural or technological) that is discussed in the video and answer the following questions: How did this advancement change the way that Americans lived their daily lives?What have been the … Read more

 African-American Humanities

 African-American Humanities One of long-standing justifications for the Slave Trade has been that slavery existed in Africa prior to the Atlantic Slave Trade and that it was Africans who helped to initiate and sustain the Slave Trade by selling other Africans into slavery. The error of this argument is that it overlooks the type of … Read more

Legal Issues: Contract & Agency Law

Legal Issues: Contract & Agency Law  Assignment due Thursday, May 18, 2023. Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions: his week you will learn about fiduciary duty. Fiduciary duty is the legal obligation of one person or party to act in the best interest of another person or … Read more


Dimensions For this written assignment, select one recent(within the past two years) evidence-based article from a peer reviewed nursing journal that describes a “best practice” in an area of nursing area you are interested in. Answer Preview APA Format, 785 words

module 07

module 07 The focus for this live classroom is a discussion about diet therapy for a 58 year old woman who experienced her first MI and is being discharged home. She currently works fulltime and is divorced. She lives in an apartment and has no family in the surrounding community. Answer Preview APA Format, 366 … Read more

Leadership vs Management Paper and Journal

Leadership vs Management Paper and Journal 1. First, watch the above Leadership vs. Management video entitled The Rarest Commodity is Leadership without Ego 2. Then, watch the second video, The Difference Between Healthcare Management and Healthcare Leadership 3. Remember to complete the assigned reading for this module to inform your writing for this assignment (see … Read more

Response to discussion

Response to discussion Mrs. G should stay away from hot fatty foods since this might exacerbate GERD symptoms additionally she has to refrain from eating a lot eating late at night and lying down straight after eating instead she need to eat small and more frequent meals. Answer Preview APA Format, 372 words

Criminal law

Criminal law In this case, after agreeing to hear the case (known as granting certiorari) the United States Supreme Court held that detectives interrogating Thompkins did not violate Thompkins’ Miranda rights in obtaining his confession.Read the case of Berghuis v. Thompkins. You may also find it helpful to listen to the oral arguments the lawyers … Read more

Define & Phase

Define & Phase After watching the “Six Sigma: Define & Measure Phase” videos from this week, respond to the following: Based on the Define phase videos: Describe how you would identify potential quality improvement projects in your industry. List two quality improvement projects you would like to undertake in your organization. Explain why you selected … Read more

 Different reading topics-please see attached instructions

 Different reading topics-please see attached instructions Noll, Mark, et al. Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity, 4th Edition. Baker Academic, 2022. ISBN: 978-1540964885• Dzubinski, Leanne M. and Anneke H. Stasson. Women in the Mission of the Church: Their Opportunities and Obstacles Throughout Christian History. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2021. ISBN: 1540960722• Jacobsen, Douglas. … Read more

Health assessment

Health assessment Write a summary of the assessment and the skills utilized. What skills was utilized during the assessment? What subjective data did you collect? What objective data did you collect? Answer Preview APA Format, 355 words

 Assessing Community Needs

 Assessing Community Needs As the new business analyst for your health organization, you are charged with the task of completing a community needs assessment in order to support the Chief Executive Officer’s proposed mobile clinic unit. The unit will contain a variety of services including health education, medical and dental screenings, HIV testing, a syringe … Read more

 Change Management

 Change Management You are the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the local health system. Your organization held its annual strategic planning session and decided that there needed to be a change in the Emergency Departments (ED) relative to the Chief Executive Officer process at one of the facilities. The Chief Executive Officer has suggested a … Read more


Race QUESTION ONE: Week 9: Race (3/27 & 3/29)James Quane, William Julius Wilson, and Jackelyn Hwang. Black Men and the Struggle for Work: Social andEconomic Barriers Persist. Education Next. Spring 2015.Kolbert, Elizabeth. There’s No Scientific Basis for Race – It’s a Made-Up Label. National Geographic. March12, 2018.Video: Race – The Power of an Illusion, 1, … Read more


Heisenberg  Before and after Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Based on Heisenberg’s 1959 book, Physics and Philosophy, present a critical synopsis of the author’s own reflections on the significance of the discovery of the principle in the 1930s. (I will post a pdf of that book) You might or might not decide to offer a critical expansion … Read more


assignment Imagine one of your best friend is struggling with his classes he aspires to graduate in exercise science and go to earn a degree in occupational therapy but he failed his two chemistry exam he is feeling nervous about his performance and comfort you for an advice. Answer Preview APA Format, 900 words

2 discussions 

2 discussions  Kurt Lewin proposed that they are 3 leadership style Autocratic, Democratic and laissez- faire find the definition of each type and then answer the following question. Which type of leadership do you identify the most. How have you used the style in the style in the leadership role. Answer Preview APA Format, 727 … Read more

Cyber crime and psychological profiling

Cyber crime and psychological profiling In order to complete assignment #3 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #3). Use examples from the readings, lecture … Read more

Cultural Competence

Cultural Competence As a health care leader, you will work with people from different countries, different backgrounds, and with different beliefs. It is important that you respect and understand patients, employees, physicians, and all stakeholders who are different from you. Meanwhile, you must operate in an environment of dynamic change while striving to exceed the … Read more

Vulnerabilities in Telephony

Vulnerabilities in Telephony Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research to support your answers. All questions must answered with viable support and … Read more

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography You must submit your Annotated Bibliography as a “Microsoft Word” document using the template provided (rather than a Word Pad, Works, etc. document) AND title your file name as FirstnameLastname_CHEM180_Assg1.doc. Otherwise, you will not receive credit for your assignment. Upload your assignment for grading by clicking on the “Add Attachment” button at the bottom … Read more

Thesis paper

Thesis paper The study was focused at determining the impact of change in the performance of a firm in reference to a telecommunication firm inKenya, Telkom company. The study primary objective of the study was guided by four specific objectives; To establish the impact ofreadiness to change and employee The study was focused at determining … Read more

Multicultural Dimensions of Helping in Human Service Delivery

Multicultural Dimensions of Helping in Human Service Delivery  This is a 300-word discussion. The Boys and Girls Club, mental Health Services is here in Alabama. But if the boys and girls club can be used use it. I just google AL to find a program. Answer Preview APA Format 459 words

Week 2 Discussion

Week 2 Discussion  Answer the following prompts and respond to two of your peers for full credit. When making your initial response, be sure to use the information you have read from the text with specific examples to support your answers. Your response should be informed and should not be off the top of your … Read more


Discussion Your initial post over the material outlined above for Topic should be typed text within the text box of the Rich Text Editor, thus words on any attached documents will not count towards the total). To make your posts, select START A NEW THREAD above: State your name and Problem Numbers in the title … Read more

Community Health – Peer Comment

Community Health – Peer Comment The United States Department of Health and Human Services‘ Healthy People 2020 initiative has broad goals for both disease prevention and health promotion. These objectives serve as a guide for public health initiatives and actions to enhance the health of the U.S. population. Key objectives of Healthy People 2020 include: … Read more


 Baptism Write a thesis-driven research paper in which you examine thedevelopment of a specific Christian belief or practice (e.g. Baptism). Trace the historical development of the belief or practice throughoutthe history of the church and across different denominations or areasof the world, highlighting key people, events, or ideas that shifted thebelief or practice in significant ways.  … Read more

Testlet Project Description

Testlet Project Description Students will work in groups to develop an original testlet, like the ones found inthe back of the textbook. The ethical dilemma presented in the testlet must be anoriginal dilemma, not previously discussed in class or found in the testlet examplesin the textbook. The group will type the ethical dilemma: one-page, double … Read more

Writing Question

Writing Question The goal of this type of composition is to summarize another essay, ascertain the thesis and positions presented in the text, and to present feedback about the efficacy of the text as well as the message it proposes. Your assignment is to pick one of the scholarly articles that you have either identified … Read more

 Capable Organization for Strategy Execution

 Capable Organization for Strategy Execution Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 300 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. For this week’s discussion, read Hansen’s assigned … Read more

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