
 Locating and Evaluating Sources of Information

 Locating and Evaluating Sources of Information  Your other assignment this week, the Unit 3 Individual Project, asks you to locate 1 source that you could use to convince someone else to take up a hobby or interest of yours. The purpose of this Discussion Board is to help you find and evaluate that source to … Read more

Marketing Yourself: Who Are You Professionally

Marketing Yourself: Who Are You Professionally Take a look at the different resume examples and templates (chronological, functional, combination, and federal) located on the CTU Career Services Web site below:CTU Career Services: Resumes, Cover Letters, and CVs (see attached sheet)After you have reviewed the Web site, answer the following questions:• Which resume format do you … Read more

Discussion 7 case study

Discussion 7 case study This weeks discussion is focused on the children of opioid crisis. After reading the case study post your response to the following questions: Answer Preview APA Format, 400 words


Aggression This activity will be considered complete after you have posted a topic (by Wednesday) and commented on 2 peers (by Sun). Please prioritize your comments to peers who have not yet received feedback. Only thoughtful, evidence-based, and proofread posts and responses will receive full credit. See Weekly Journal and Responses in the course syllabus … Read more

Advancing the Cause

Advancing the Cause Discuss the most personally meaningful key points you have learned over the past eight weeks about the impact of grassroots policy initiatives and the role of nurse leaders in improving health outcomes and/or impacting barriers to practice by their engagement in policy processes. Answer Preview APA Format, 296 words

Personal Leadership Reflection

Personal Leadership Reflection Before you can begin to lead others, you must first understand yourself. You must understand your strengths so you can further develop those talents, and you must also understand your weaknesses so you can identify areas to improve. Both strengths and weaknesses should be included in a personal development plan. The ACHE … Read more

Direct Care Practicum Experience

Direct Care Practicum Experience The executive summary is a written paper with a title page and reference page. Due to the individualized nature of the direct care practicum experience, there is no length requirements.Title page, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This … Read more

Leveraging Data to Evaluate Quality

Leveraging Data to Evaluate Quality The course materials this week address why data and statistics have become an essential foundation for quality analysis and improvement initiatives. Identify two quality-related metrics that are collected in your industry, product or service. Are these the “right” metrics? Why? Which stakeholders use the data and for what purposes? For … Read more


CURRENT EVENTS Draft a paper that critically analyzes a current, domestic or foreign political issue of importance to the United States. Students will (1) identify a current political event to analyze; (2) research and summarize the different approaches to understanding the political issue selected; (3) provide a clear, personal analysis of the issue and an … Read more


STRATEGIES FOR ACADEMIC PORTFOLIOS  Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements.Review one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on portfolio development.Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals. Then, … Read more

Explain the Gestalt Theory

Explain the Gestalt Theory Students will be required to complete a 5 page APA 7th edition paper related to the developmental of their theoretical orientation. The purpose of this paper is to increase students’ understanding of one specific counseling theory which potentially may be utilized in practice. In addition, students must include a discussion of … Read more

Following Up Effectively

Following Up Effectively After reviewing the sample thank-you note provided with this assignment(attached), submit a thank-you letter for the position you are using for your final portfolio. Requirements: Answer Preview APA Format, 253 words

Discussion 8

Discussion 8 Discuss in team: What is the next step after co workers apology Can you ever trust the co worker or any other co worker in the department again. If so what step would you take to move on. If not what step would you take would you ask for transfer from the department … Read more

Assignment 6

Assignment 6 Case study in chapter 35 summarize in your own words: must be at least one page length include a cover page with the name CFID course tittle and code and assignment tittle. Any type of document is accepted ( pdf, words or excel) Answer Preview APA Format, 321 words

Security and Ethics 

Security and Ethics  Include the following in your analysis of information security components: Section 2: Role of Ethics Include the following in your illustration of the role of ethics: APA format, 1101 words

Digital / Cyber Forensic

Digital / Cyber Forensic An investigator of an incident scene is looking for physical AND testimonial evidence. Submission Instructions: There are a total of six activities that must be addressed. Describe each of these and note the relevance of each. The six activities or more in some literatures are related to the activities performed by … Read more

 Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation

 Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation In this Assignment, you will practice this type of leadership by advocating for a healthcare program. Equally as important, you will advocate for a collaborative role of the nurse in the design and implementation of this program. To do this, assume you are preparing to … Read more

Security and Ethics 3

Security and Ethics 3 Part 2: Devil’s Canyon Security Controls Using the potential risks for Devil’s Canyon you identified in Part 1, create a 3- to 4-page matrix to share with the team. In your matrix, you should do the following: Answer Preview APA Format, 1499 words


EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT #1  Watch the film,London%2C%20or%20UCL%2C%20estimate Links to an external site.. (57 min) 3. Read the article: Killing of Native Americans in California Links to an external site.. 4. Provide thoughtful and comprehensive answers to the following three questions 1. In your opinion, what are the three most essential points of the film and the … Read more

 Research Proposal Paper

 Research Proposal Paper Introduce and summarize research (include discussion of at least 10 peer-reviewed, empirical psychology articles) that has already been doneSet up your hypotheses (final statement in this section should be your formal hypothesis)Proposed methodDiscussProposed sampleMeasures (including how these will be reliable and valid)Research strategyResearch designDiscussion of threats to validity and how they will … Read more

 Ethical Values in Human Services

 Ethical Values in Human Services This is a 3-5 page it is up to you how many. Please use the book human services’ ninth edition. Any questions feel free to call Answer Preview APA Format, 1010 words


AUTISM In week 3 you conducted a literature review using the course competencies as a guide in choosing the articles. For this week you will take that information and incorporate it into a final paper. The paper is not just the literature review; it is a culmination of what you have learned over the course … Read more

 Identifying Internal Strategic Strengths and Weaknesses of a Company

 Identifying Internal Strategic Strengths and Weaknesses of a Company  If you were advising Hilton Hotels, what three main approaches would you suggest to rectify any weaknesses in this company’s customer value proposition? Question B: Analyze a company (real or fictional) that is at a cost disadvantage compared to its rivals. What strategic moves should this … Read more

Recruiting Recreational Vehicle Surveyors

Recruiting Recreational Vehicle Surveyors Recruiting Recreational Vehicle Surveyors” on pp. 109-111 and write a paper answering questions 1 through 3.Write between 750 – 1,000 words using Microsoft Word in APA format (only the body of the paper counts towards the word requirement)Use font size 12 and 1” margins.Include cover page and reference page.At least 80% … Read more

Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Answer Preview APA Format, 4435 words

Marketing Question

Marketing Question Please discuss the importance of understanding you prospect and researching them before you plan asales call? What is the risk of going on a sales call without having done proper research?Question 2)Please discuss the ways successful sales professionals use social media to promote their product orservice? What ways make social media an effective … Read more

Adolescent Intervention

Adolescent Intervention  On that site, explore three different interventions for use with adolescents. Select one that you can see yourself using in practice with adolescent clients. Do not use an intervention that you have chosen previously.Consider why you have chosen this intervention and its strengths and limitations. Submit a 1-page paper analyzing the adolescent intervention … Read more

The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy Evaluation

The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy Evaluation  In the Module 4 Discussion, you considered how professional nurses can become involved in policy-making.Review the Resources and reflect on the role of professional nurses in policy evaluation.Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.Review community, state, or federal policy … Read more

Drug Mandatory Minimums

Drug Mandatory Minimums Answer Preview APA Format, 3246 words

 Capstone Project element 2

 Capstone Project element 2 Write a paper focusing on your organizations HR staffing elements such as planning, forecasting, recruiting, and selection.How have shifting workforce demographics impacted the human resource function?What methods are used for human resource planning and forecasting for the organization?Does the organization focus primarily upon short-term or long-term human resource needs, or both?Once … Read more

Business plan Rough draft

Business plan Rough draft  of the business plan is due in week 1. Submitting this part on time is crucial as it will allow the instructor to properly evaluate the direction of your plan and provide you with important feedback for the future of the project. The format of the business plan is APA style. … Read more

HEALTH Reading 1 

HEALTH Reading 1  HEALTH Reading 1 Read the essay from your textbook (see below the line), and write aminimum 200-word response.In 100 words, explain what the article is about; in another hundred words,analyze and evaluate the information that you read. . The total is aminimum of 200 words. *Remember to format the response in APA format (creating a templateand … Read more

Module 6

Module 6 There are a total of 2 discussion assignments due within this module. Please read and follow all directions.Remember discussions are discussions, NOT essays, and need additional sources other than the textbook.PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS.Again I did not specify a number but we need sources.reach out to me if you have any … Read more

 The Four Coaching Mechanisms of Action

 The Four Coaching Mechanisms of Action  Utilizing the Four Coaching Mechanisms of Action mentioned in the text, how would you apply each in coaching an employee or a client through change? Provide a “script” for what you would say to your coworker/client to help them transform (change) their mindset. Answer Preview APA Format, 405 words


Nutrition Describe the role the nutrition plays in prevention of diseases. Ethology cause and progression of diseases Treatment and recommended Diet Answer Preview APA Format, 486 words

 Conflict Resolution

 Conflict Resolution The Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) is an essential factor one must consider when coaching an employee. How would this theory be beneficial in coaching co-workers at your workplace? Answer Preview APA Format, 380 words


 Dimensions Describe your perspective about the nursing profession. Discuss your personal brief about the role of a nurse. Explain your approach about caring for others. Answer Preview APA Format, 439 words

Journal – School support

Journal – School support ) Who, if anyone, in your life gave you the belief that you would make it to college? Connect your experience with an idea from the “schools” or “mentors” section of the chapter. Please use textbook , chapter 9 Parke, R. D., Roisman, G. I., & Rose, A. J. (2019). Social development. John … Read more

Digital Forensic Investigation

Digital Forensic Investigation Were the major finding of the analysis included. Was there a brief summary of interpretation and conclusion Establish the scope, context and the significant of the research Answer Preview APA Format, 3381 words

Management Question

Management Question create a Research Paper addressing information surrounding Management and how changes in business have impacted Management throughout time. Assignment Requirements: The paper must be 5-6 pages and include historical background, examples of progress, and challenges that have existed in the history of Management until current day. The paper is to be written in … Read more

School support

School support Who, if anyone, in your life gave you the belief that you would make it to college? Connect your experience with an idea from the “schools” or “mentors” section of the chapter.Please use textbook , Parke, R. D., Roisman, G. I., & Rose, A. J. (2019). Social development. John Wiley &Sons. Answer Preview APA Format, … Read more


DEMENTIA AND ALZHEIMER DISEASE Choose one of the two following specific populations: either pregnant women or older adults. Then, select a specific disorder from the DSM-5-TR to use.Use the Walden Library to research evidence-based treatments for your selected disorder in your selected population (either older adults or pregnant women). You will need to recommend one … Read more

Employee Recruitment and Selection

Employee Recruitment and Selection  Explain how and where you would let potential applicants know that this job is available,other than this site. Describe what kinds of information you would want applicants to provide in theirresumes and cover letters. Identify how you will use this information to screen applicants and determine that someare not eligible … Read more

Nursing Motivation and History

Nursing Motivation and History  Identify and elaborate on one or two lessons you have learned from our study ofUnited States history that affect you today in your daily life and/or work. Provide advice to the next group of students who will be taking this course.o How has this course affected you today in your … Read more

Team Conflict

Team Conflict Write a minimum of 50 words to explain how a team leader can manage conflict constructively and even use it to improve the team. Answer Preview APA Format, 123 words

American Government

American Government  Explain the differences between Liberalism and Conservatism. Does ideology really make a difference in the United States today? Support your reasoning with examples. How does this impact American culture, government and politics in your opinion? Your paper should be 6-8 pages in length and include proper APA citation. You should utilize information provided … Read more

Putting Bacteria to Work

Putting Bacteria to Work Recognize the importance of microorganisms in water and sewage treatment plants.Describe food Microbiology, focusing on both preventative infection methods and the implication of specific microbial taxa in food preparation.Describe the employment of microorganisms in industrial Microbiology. Resource can’t be older than five years,New technology Answer Preview APA Format, 1978 words

Project work

Project work Briefly presents topic including context (relevance to healthcare in general and pharmacology specifically). Provide an overview of what you will present and describe the central point of the paper. This gives the reader information on what to expect from the paper. Using sources from your literature review, develop your narrative. Each paragraph should … Read more

U3 – Individual Project

U3 – Individual Project The newly merged company JEANSTYLE needs to create a new Mission, Vision, and Values statement for the new company. You have been asked you to work on this project. You will create a document that will establish the foundation for the success of JEANSTYLE. The document will help to support unity … Read more

How will you grow your GRIT

How will you grow your GRIT  How will your experiences in this course help you succeed in school, in life, and in your career, AND what is your plan to grow your GRIT?Response: In one response, answer this question: what have you learned about your own GRIT by taking this course? What questions about the … Read more

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