
Business Question

Business Question Click on the link below to watch the video. If the URL doesn’t work, open YouTube and search for the title. Click on the ‘closed caption’ [cc] or ‘subtitle languages’ to select subtitles. Watch the video and detail five things you learned from it. Answer Preview APA Format, 248 words


Nutrition Dietary concerns and barriers for an older adult to maintain appropriate nutrition levels. Identify the types of concerns and barriers they may encounter. Include two client teaching and nursing intervention for prevention of nutritional deficit as well as consequences of inadequate nutrition and hydration. Answer Preview APA Format, 401 words

Researching and Interviewing

Researching and Interviewing Consider how you would present yourself in a networking situation or job interview, and then answer the following questions:• How would you respond if a networking contact or potential employer said, “Tell me about yourself”? (Keep in mind that answers to this question should be kept to 1 minute or less.)• Why … Read more

Writing with Purpose and Integrity

Writing with Purpose and Integrity  write an argument to convince your audience to take up a hobby or interest that you are passionate about. This could be a sport you play (or follow), a craft you make, an activity you do with friends or family, or any other interest that you are passionate about. Your … Read more


Considerations There is a lot to consider when making a career decision. After viewing the LinkedIn Learning video Negotiating Your Job Offer and then completing the form Getting Clear on What You want, consider these questions: What are your top 3 must-haves and top 3 walkaways when considering a career/job offer? Describe what is the … Read more

Business Question

Business Question Provide thorough, well-developed answers to the following questions. You must write, in your own words and a minimum of 100 words for each section: Answer Preview APA Format, 675 words

Health assessment

Health assessment a) Describe the four physical assessment techniques discussed in the textbook. Why is it important to perform the assessment techniques in order. b) Describe the significant characteristics of a general survey. Why is the general survey important. c) Conduct a pain assessment on a family member using one of the pain scales that … Read more

Raising the awareness of children against cyber scammers methods

Raising the awareness of children against cyber scammers methods Please follow the attached document called (CYS698 Research_Template-202230 (1)) to fill in the following parts for the research proposal about (Raising the awareness of children against cyber scammers methods): -Cover Page (Keep this page empty I will fill it) -Table and Figure of Contents, and List of Abbreviations: … Read more

Case Study

Case Study the case study file is attached Answer Preview APA Format, 370 words


ADULT INTERVENTION Access the Clinical Social Work Interventions link in the Learning Resources. On that site, explore three different interventions for use with adults. Select one that you can see yourself using in practice with adult clients. Do not use an intervention that you have chosen previously. Consider why you have chosen this intervention and … Read more


Nutrition 1 Describe the role that nutrition plays in the prevention of the disease.(2pts) 2. Etiology and progression of the disease(2pts) 3. Treatment and Recommended diets (2pts) 4. Nursing assessment and intervention. Answer Preview APA Format, 354 words

Educational Counseling Research

Educational Counseling Research The research paper is provided but there is work that needs to be done. I have attached Templete and Guidelines documents for reference. Also, the Akko-Research Paper has comments that needs to be fixed. Answer Preview APA Format, 5327 words

respond to the discussions with 2 references

respond to the discussions with 2 references HealthcareProgram/PolicyEvaluationDescription How was the successof the program orpolicy measured? How many peoplewere reached by theprogram or policyselected? How muchof an impact was realized with theprogram or policyselected? Answer Preview APA Format, 936 words


Discussion Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Answer Preview APA Format, 618 words

1 Page

1 Page Evaluation topic: The impact of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) onopioid prescribing and overdose rates in the United States. Answer Preview APA Format, 487 words

Module 7

Module 7  What is Mental health?  How do Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use/abuse impact individuals and society? What is Stigma and what role does it play? What are Personal and community consequences of alcohol and other drug abuse? Answer Preview APA Format, 390 words

Module 8

Module 8  What is the association between the environment and public, community and personal health? What are examples of environmental threats to health? What environmental regulations are aimed at protecting community health: How are environmental health and safety related to overall community wellness? What impact do injuries have on community and public health problems? … Read more


CAREER PLANNING  Please use Family and Community For information when prompt and use common communication with words no odd words. If the file didn’t come through email me with questions and concerns Answer Preview APA Format, 1591 words


Vocabulary  Define and explain in writing in your own words the vocabulary assigned for the Workshop 1. Cefalea 2. Vértigo 3. Otitis 4. Rhinitis 5. Sinusitis 6. Ear irrigation 7. Weber and Rinne test Use the Virtual Library to find and identify articles related to class topics and prepare an outline. Use APA style and … Read more


assignment Pretend you have met an alien and you need to teach the alien how to perform a task (such as making a sandwich or applying makeup; use you imagination but keep the task PG). Keeping in mind that the alien will do exactly as you instruct, write out the process of how to perform … Read more

Business Question

Business Question You will submit as much of a section as you are able to write. The section should include any sub-sections. You will need to provide a narrative (just submitting the outline is not sufficient). Answer Preview APA Format, 866 words

Summative Assessment

Summative Assessment Throughout this course you have been introduced to a variety of tools and frameworks. We would like you to apply some of these tools to your chosen business and explore ways of increasing the company’s position within its industry. We would like you to look into how the company could maximize the possibilities … Read more

Business Question

Business Question Answer Preview APA Format, 1008 words

Disscusion 4

Disscusion 4 Discuss which should be the primary basis for formulating strategy: The external market or the internal environment (firm’s resources and capabilities)? Answer Preview APA Format, 486 words

Crisis module 2 discussion responses

Crisis module 2 discussion responses The student must post 2 replies of 125-150 words. Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in current APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. A Christian worldview or biblical integration should be included. Answer Preview APA Format, 410 words

Motivational Theories

Motivational Theories Review the assigned reading for this module and do some internet and or library research about different theories of motivation. It is recommended that you conduct research through our library or use scholarly internet search. Wikipedia is not allowed. Answer Preview APA Format, 908 words

Unit 4 assignment

Unit 4 assignment  Complete the case at the end of Chapter 7, “It’s All in the Family” byanswering the questions at the end of the case. This case is located in the supplemental cases at You will have to follow the directions to set up a user account to access this case (if you have … Read more

Histroy summary question

Histroy summary question -This is a critical thinking question: According to the background statement on Phyllis Wheatley, she was a teenager when she started writing—but also very young and poor when she died. This Wheatley poem was extremely positive about white colonial slaveholders and white Christianity, especially for someone who was enslaved. How might the tone of her … Read more

Module 3

Module 3  What is the importance of using reliable and valid information. How do community organizing and community capacity aid in the building of healthy communities? What is the foundation of the social ecological approach to community health? How does the social ecological model help to address community health problems? What are the steps in … Read more

Discussion 5

Discussion 5 Post your response to the following questions, Answer Preview APA Format, 494 words

Race and Ethnicity

Race and Ethnicity 1. How important is it for writers, producers, directors, and actors to come from the ethnic groups being depicted in TV shows and movies? How might the lack of diversity in these creative teams lead to media that inaccurately portrays individuals of ethnic minorities or does not portray them at all? Why … Read more

Race and ethnicity

Race and ethnicity How important is it for writers, producers, directors, and actors to come from the ethnic groups being depicted in TV shows and movies? How might the lack of diversity in these creative teams lead to media that inaccurately portrays individuals of ethnic minorities or does not portray them at all? Why does … Read more

Assessment and Health and Illness Beliefs

Assessment and Health and Illness Beliefs In a 2-3 page paper discuss how health and illness beliefs can influence the assessment process. You can use your textbook or any other evidence-based sources. Include how belief structure might impact how a client responds to an assessment interview and how culture might influence physical findings. Your assignment … Read more

Legacy of Nursing’s History

Legacy of Nursing’s History After reviewing the Nursing Standards of Practice, describe three reasons why these are important to nursing practice, safety, and achieving good client outcomes. We will have this discussion in class, please post your group’s summary here. Each student must post a summary of their group’s discussion to receive points. Answer Preview … Read more

US History

US History For the initial post, pick two (2) of the following categories representing minority groupsduring 1880-1914: Women’s rights activists African Americans Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe Child workers Great Plain Indians Answer Preview APA Format, 1407 words

Criminal Justice Question

Criminal Justice Question The basic idea is simple: put the most important details first. Don’t tease or delay your mainpoint because people are busy and their time is valuable. And make it clear—life-or-deathdecisions could be made using your information. What is your BLUF Statement? Answer Preview APA Format, 427 words

Us histroy

Us histroy For the initial post, pick two (2) of the following categories representing minority groupsduring 1880-1914: Women’s rights activists African Americans Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe Child workers Great Plain Indians Answer Preview APA Format, 1349 words

The Feminist Theory

The Feminist Theory After reading the chapter and having discussion on feminist theory, what are your thoughts around it. Engage in a thoughtful conversation with peers around the advantages and limitations of this theoretical orientation. This is a discussion question so the answer can be one paragraph. Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories In Context and Practice … Read more

Dietary Likes and Dislikes Awareness

Dietary Likes and Dislikes Awareness Our nutrition and eating patterns are shaped by our perceptions of food; what we have learned to like and dislike, what we feel is healthful, and it is even formed by our family, cultural, and religious beliefs. For this discussion, list five foods/liquids you like and five foods/liquids you don’t … Read more

SS Reading 2

SS Reading 2 Read both essays from your textbook (see below the line), andchoose one of the essays to write a minimum 200-word response. In 100 words, explain what the article is about; in another hundredwords, explain if you agree or disagree with the author. The total is aminimum of 200 words. Answer Preview APA Format, 324 words

SS Reading 1

SS Reading 1 Read both essays from your textbook (see below the line), andchoose one of the essays to write a minimum 200-word response. In 100 words, explain what the article is about; in another hundredwords, analyze and evaluate the information that you read. The total is aminimum of 200 words. Answer Preview APA Format, 312 words

Why Nursing Standards of Practice

Why Nursing Standards of Practice Directions: After reviewing the Nursing Standards of Practice, describe three reasons why these are important to nursing practice, safety, and achieving good client outcomes. Answer Preview APA Format, 341 words

Module 01 Written Assignment – Reflection

Module 01 Written Assignment – Reflection What experiences have you had interviewing people to gather information?What communication skills do you have that will help you conduct interviews to gather information?What communication skills do you have that may hinder your ability to gather information? What can you do to overcome these? Answer Preview APA Format, 463 … Read more


Discussion Nurses significantly influence the overall quality of healthcare provided and play a pivotal role in improving patient outcomes. For this discussion, you will consider the standards that are in place for nurses and how they can be used to improve quality of care. Answer Preview APA Format, 385 words

Module 01 Written Assignment – Reflection

Module 01 Written Assignment – Reflection Think about your own nutrition and diet. If you were asked to give yourself a rating from 1 to 5, with 5 representing the most “healthy eater,” what number would you give yourself? (2pts)If your rating was 4 -5, what are you eating and doing with regard to your … Read more

Software Evolution

Software Evolution Describe the software evolution life cycle for business systems, including software development, evolution, servicing, and retirement phases.Explain the fundamental activities within a general model of the software evolution process.For cases in which change requests are to fix problems within operational systems, describe emergency repair processes and explain the pros and cons for emergency … Read more

Writing Question

Writing Question Choose TWO of the following terms/concept and answer each in one paragraph, 5sentences max. The best answer will a) identify the term/person/concept, b) will name wherethey appeared and in some cases who conceptualised the concept, c) why this is important,d) and an example that illustrates its importance: Again, choose 2:1) Hybridity2) The Noble … Read more

Software Engineering Concept Map and Paper

Software Engineering Concept Map and Paper Outline the features of contemporary Software Engineering, within the context of: Software development, software engineering, software process, process models, process activities, software design and implementation, software validations, and evolution.Describe software engineering development techniques, including agile and plan-driven methodologies, requirements engineering processes, specifications, use cases, validations, and change management.Explain how … Read more

Create a Benefits Plan

Create a Benefits Plan You are the Director of HR and have been tasked to offer a new employee an ideal benefits package. This new employee has been highly recruited by other organizations, but has selected yours. Design an overall benefits package that includes compensation and a specific benefits package. How will you select certain … Read more

Requirements Engineering

Requirements Engineering  In your initial post, provide some examples of functional and non-functional requirements. Explain requirements engineering as an iterative process, focusing on the requirements elicitation process. Discuss some of the challenges in determining the software requirements when stakeholders are involved. Answer Preview APA Format, 404 words

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