
Architectural Design

Architectural Design In your initial post, explain the architectural patterns—layered, client-server, and application architecture. Describe the Model-View-Controller (MVC) and provide an example of a web application using the MVC pattern. Using the iLearn digital learning system in the text, explain a generic layered architecture and a client-server architecture for an online film library application. Answer … Read more

System Modeling

System Modeling  In your initial post, describe the fundamental system modeling of context, interaction, structure, and behavioral and three to five UML diagram types. Using the Mentcare system described in Chapter 5, explain the context model and UML activity diagrams for the Mentcare system. Describe how case modeling and sequence diagrams transfer data from “Medical … Read more

Software Development and Requirements Engineering

Software Development and Requirements Engineering Explain agile development techniques, including the Extreme Programming (XP) process and user stories.Specify practical concerns with agile methods.Describe the fundamental requirements in scaling agile methods to integrate with plan-driven methods.Describe the concepts of user and systems requirements.Describe how they need to be documented differently.Explain the differences between functional and non-functional … Read more

Design and Implementation

Design and Implementation Select five object-oriented design activities and explain the system context and the interactions use cases.Describe the elements of a high-level architecture and the data collection systems that are essential for the weather station.Describe the WeatherStation and WeatherData objects, their functions, and their interactions, using the Wilderness Weather Station example within Chapter 7.Use … Read more

Software Testing

Software Testing Explain three to four benefits of using the TDD approach.Use at least one Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library or elsewhere to help formulate your initial discussion post. Cite your source in APA format as outlined by the APA Essay … Read more

 Summative Assessment

 Summative Assessment Think about the tools you used in the previous part of the Summative Assessment.Identify one that you found particularly useful and reflect on why you found this tool tobe effective. Consider how you applied it, its strengths, its limitations and how youovercame the latter. Perhaps you can describe how you might have engaged with thetool … Read more


Humanity You will act as a critic for some of the main subjects covered in the humanities. You will conduct a series of short, evaluative critiques of film, philosophy, literature, music, and myth. You will respond to five different prompts, and each response should include an analysis of the topics using terminology unique to that … Read more

Recognizing Human Struggles

Recognizing Human Struggles Answer Preview APA Format, 912 words

Use of Media in Promoting Policy Change

Use of Media in Promoting Policy Change Critique an example of a professional organization’s use of media to promote a health policy agenda. Discuss attributes of success or lack thereof. Expectations Answer Preview APA Format, 437 words


Discussion Discussion 1.) Discussion 2.) Answer Preview APA Format, 744 words

Discussion Question

Discussion Question Provide an overview of the section you are adding to the chapter (topic: Public Administration). See the Chapter 2 section of the dissertation template attached. Provide your response on a separate page. Answer Preview APA Format, 295 words

Design and Software Testing

Design and Software Testing In this week’s interactive assignment, you will add to your concept map that you created in Week 3 and further illustrate and make connections among the concepts of design and software testing. This week’s section of the concept map is focused on design and implementation and software testing. Illustrate the three … Read more

Business Question

Business Question Answer Preview APA Format, 1126 words

System Modeling and Architectural Design

System Modeling and Architectural Design  In this week’s interactive assignment, you will add to your concept map that you created in Week 2 and further illustrate and make connections among the concepts of software development and requirements. This week’s section of the concept map is focused on System Modeling and Architectural Design. Illustrate the essential … Read more

Software Evolution Concept Map–Section 5

Software Evolution Concept Map–Section 5 Describe the four clusters of N systems using “quality” versus “business value” coordinates.Provide a pie chart showing the approximate distribution of costs, based on the available survey by Davidson and Krogstie (2010) in your text.Explain three different types of software maintenance.Describe a general model for the reengineering of software process, … Read more

Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making

Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making Please discuss the following with your classmates: Answer Preview APA Format, 355 words

Asian Americans: Model Minorities?

Asian Americans: Model Minorities? * Read the purpose carefully* Read the chapter carefully* Write a two-double-spaced page essay that answers the following questions:1) In your opinion, what are the three most important concepts/ideas you learned in this chapter (11 points)2) what surprised you most and why? (7 points)3) What would you like to learn more … Read more

Elderly Aging Assessment

Elderly Aging Assessment Submit a 1-page paper analyzing the assessment tool you have chosen: Why did you select the assessment tool?Why might it be especially helpful for use with elderly/aging adults?What challenges or limitations might there be for this assessment tool?What are two common mental health diagnoses associated with the elderly/aging population, and how might … Read more


Theory Answer Preview APA Format, 408 words


Theory In this unit, you learned about the history of advocacy in the human service profession and were introduced to the foundational system theories that guide practice in the field. For this journal, please reflect on which foundational systems theory you believe will guide your practice as a human service professional. Please respond to the … Read more

Discussion 2

Discussion 2 Read Chapter 4 of the course textbook.Browse the Markkula Center for Applied EthicsLinks to an external site. webpage and The InternetEncyclopedia of PhilosophyLinks to an external site. for additional information. Answer Preview APA Format, 317 words

Discussion 1

Discussion 1 Why does it make a difference whether the speech in which Coors was engaged (disclosure of thealcohol content) was commercial speech or noncommercial speech?What type of speech (commercial or noncommercial) did the Supreme Court determine that Coors wasengaged in?Suppose Coors started to sell cocaine and wanted to disclose the purity of their cocaine … Read more

Criminal Justice Question

Criminal Justice Question Each student is required to complete the thesis paper, which is a 15 pages double spaced (not counting the cover, abstract and reference page) research paper in proper APA format. Please use the attached Professor example outline and rubric. I have started the paper under the attachment “draft excuse me” and the … Read more


assignment Be sure to include all items that you will need to investigate a computer incident. Create a portable forensic evidence kit for corporate security investigations. Be sure to include all items that you will need to investigate a computer incident. You can use “pre-packaged” kits if they are available on the internet – if … Read more


discussion a) Have you had to count physical inventory, if so please describe the process(5pts).(see chapter 9) b) Have you ever had to compute depreciation expense, if so, describe the circumstance. Answer Preview APA Format, 415 words


Marketing In this section, you will briefly describe your company, target market, core competencies,competitive advantage, and the industry in which it operates. This section will also include yourcompany’s mission and core value. Answer Preview APA Format, 1415 words

Research paper

Research paper Poor oral hygiene can lead to development of dental caries and periodontitis, and is also associated with diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Many of these diseases are preventable through education about risk factors. As well as learning how to practice good oral health. Answer Preview APA Format, 1259 words

Gender- Video-Child Development

Gender- Video-Child Development Click on the link to view the video below. Summarize the important components and write a personal reflection of your thoughts Some questions you may ask yourself. Do you agree, disagree? What effect do you think this has on how children are socialized and develop gender identity? Do you think it’s important? … Read more

Conflict that exist between Haiti and those UN Missions

Conflict that exist between Haiti and those UN Missions The Influence of the United Nations on the Human Rights in Haiti Look at each conflict between Haiti and those UN Missions during that time, such as MINUSTAH, BUNUH, and MINUJUSTH. Using APA Style Answer Preview APA Format, 6664 words

Business Question

Business Question There are many advantages to using Agile project management framework as an iterative and incremental approach with features like having the project manager involved from start to finish. Leadership in Agile frameworks plays a vital role in overseeing the project as there is a need for organizational change and with no frequent changes … Read more

Individual project

Individual project In this article, we define leadership theory, explore six main leadership theories and explain how you can define your leadership approach.manage others. Also, during the job search process, interviewers may assess your leadership potential, so it can be helpful to understand your preferred leadership practice. Answer Preview APA Format, 473 words

case study

case study requirements: 1- TERRA BITE LOUNGE: PAY WHAT YOU WANT CAFÉ2– Spotlight on the consumer insight : The elements of value 2- Spotlight on the consumer insight : The elements of value Answer Preview APA Format, 363 words


assignment Answer Preview APA Format, 313 words

discussion 3

discussion 3 The focus of this weeks discussion is on team work and the major problem of a lack of communication between supervisor, nurse manager and assistant nurse manager in the case study. After reading this case study post a response to the following questions: Answer Preview APA Format, 428 words

discussion 2

discussion 2 Read Chapter 31 case study: The doctors dilemma. Summarize what you read in your own words. one full page is required. Submit an APA STYLE word document: Answer Preview APA Format, 418 words


Outline Complete introductory paragraph. This paragraph should offer a summary of the book (in your own words). You should also introduce main characters of the book. If you plan on discussing “minor” characters in the body of your paper, be sure to introduce them here as well. THE VERY LAST SENTENCE OF THIS PARAGRAPH SHOULD … Read more

chem discussion

chem discussion The Theranos Diagnostics story is widely known today. In case you aren’t familiar, here’s a start to learning more. Theranos 2019Links to an external site.. Most of the popular information focuses on fraud and deception related to investors. As health professionals, we have greater concerns. You have sufficient background in test development and regulation … Read more

Computer Storage Peripherals.

Computer Storage Peripherals. Q1: Identify where magnetic tape is still in use and explain why. Q2: What are the considerations when deciding which RAID level to use? Q3: How has the cloud architecture affected the way organizations and individuals store information? Is it secure? Q4: Compare and contrast only two types of computer data storage … Read more

personality traits

personality traits In this exercise, you will identify the different personality traits and research methods available by assessing your personality. Take at least two personality tests mentioned in this module. Answer Preview APA Format, 1251 words

Unit 2 Discussion Board

Unit 2 Discussion Board View this Ethical Dilemma to learn more about the relationship between Joe, the salesman for UWEAR, and Bill, the customer. Bill and Joe have a history of business dealings, which you will analyze using ethical principles. It seems that their dealings are in the grey area of business conduct and it’s important to … Read more

Policy & Advocacy of population and health

Policy & Advocacy of population and health  Review the Congress website provided in the Resources and identify one recent (within the past 5 years) proposed health policy. Review the health policy you identified and reflect on the background and development of this health policy. Details: a description of the health policy you selected and a … Read more

Histroy summary question

Histroy summary question QUALITY: This is a personal reaction to/reflection on a specific part of the reading. Step 1: Describe something from the reading that surprised you, challenged you, piqued your interest, made you curious, or was unpleasant. Step 2: Explain why it impacted you in this way. QUOTE: Identify a specific part of the reading that you found memorable or quotable, and type … Read more

Is Integration Comp

Is Integration Comp Develop a high-level IT sourcing plan to guide Phoenix Fine Electronics to adopting enterprise solutions rather than multiple stand-alone systems. As a guideline, your sourcing plan should be a 3- to 4-page outline or summary. Answer Preview APA Format, 967 words

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography  From these 3 topics: 1-Major concepts of biological psychology, 2- Biological systems on mental health and daily patterns (e.g., the sleep-wake cycle), and 3- Impact of biology on learning, complete a annotated bibliography. Only using ProQuest or EBSCOHOST find 2 journal articles related to each of the chosen areas. The types of articles … Read more

Drafted Resumé Cover Letter

Drafted Resumé Cover Letter  The introductory paragraph states the position you are applying for, how you heard about it, and why you are interested in the position. If someone referred you for the position, mention their name. The goal is to hook the employer and motivate them to want to review your resumé and invite … Read more


Nutrition Describe your selection in one paragraph and why you chose it. You may use your textbook or other resources for your selection. The disease selected must be approved by your instructor before you continue on the next project assignment. Answer Preview APA Format, 368 words

Comp 2 IS Integration

Comp 2 IS Integration Use your SWOT analysis to create a guide for managers at Phoenix Fine Electronics to help determine if the business should build or buy a system. Incorporate feedback from the sourcing plan you created last week. As a guideline, this type of guide should be 4 to 5 pages in length … Read more

Security Architecture and Design

Security Architecture and Design  Who consumes requirements?2. Getting security requirements implemented.3. Why do good requirements go bad? Answer the questions with an APA-formatted paper (Title page, body and references only). Your response should have a minimum of 500 words. Count the words only in the body of your response, not the references. A table of … Read more

Discussion Question 2

Discussion Question 2 The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 states that all employees must join the union if a union becomes the collective bargaining representative at the workplace. The NLRA was amended in 1947 to allow each state to enact “right-towork” laws. Explain the right-to-work law and determine whether your state is a right-to-work … Read more

Psychology Question

Psychology Question  References: APA format citations of at least three scholarly journal articlesIn your outline identify which source pertains to the information you plan to include. Be sure to include a list of references that consists of APA format citations of at least three scholarly journal articles that you plan to use in your final … Read more

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