
Is Integration Comp 1

Is Integration Comp 1 The strategic sourcing plan is a plan for how you will do business going forward. The sourcing plan can address how to supply resources to staff, your current and future systems, and how you will purchase raw materials or new IT systems. Develop a high-level IT sourcing plan to guide Phoenix … Read more


DISSCUTION For this discussion please conduct research on a contaminant that has been found in our food and/or water. Conduct a literature review for a specific contaminant that has been found in food and/or water and find at least three references, two of which must be journal articles. You can have more than three references. … Read more

Health Information Technologies

Health Information Technologies In this discussion, you will highlight the scope of health information technology and give an example on how it has evolved to its current state of implementation in hospitals, ambulatory care, and other healthcare settings. For this discussion, you will answer the following questions in your post: For this discussion, read Chapter 11 and research the internet to gather information. … Read more

American Government

American Government Explain the differences between Liberalism and Conservatism. Does ideology really make a difference in the United States today? Support your reasoning with examples. How does this impact American culture, government and politics in your opinion? Your paper should be 6-8 pages in length and include proper APA citation. You should utilize information provided … Read more


Question The Dr Soldatenko lecture slides on Brazil also introduced the history of quilombos, another quintessential example of cultural hybridity. Pick only one of these three examples 1. candomble, OR 2. capoeira, OR 3. quilombos and explain how the history and cultural roots of this tradition conveys the course themes of cultural hybridity and resistance … Read more

Writing Research-Supported Arguments

Writing Research-Supported Arguments  Think about a hobby or interest that you have. This could be a sport you like to play, a craft you make in your spare time, an activity you do with your friends or family, or some other interest that you are passionate about. Respond to the following: Describe your hobby or … Read more

Peer review

Peer review Peer review of 2 classmates presentations and handouts due by 4/10 at 11:59 pm Eastern time Requirements: peer review Answer Preview APA FORMAT, 799 words

Career Planning and Management

Career Planning and Management Think about which of these soft skills you have. Then, answer the following questions: How do you demonstrate these soft skills in your personal, professional, or academiclife? How will these characteristics make you successful in your future career? Answer Preview APA Format, 302 words


question Please answer only one of the two questions below. Answer Preview APA Format, 222 words

English Question

English Question Essential Questions to Address:Why is this topic relevant? Answer Preview APA Format, 1309 words

Ethical Decision Making

Ethical Decision Making Using ethical principles that you have learned thus far to justify your answers, please respond to the following questions: Answer Preview APA Format, 499 words



promotion and advertising

promotion and advertising could you help me with this assignment the case study attached as well as the rubric please follow the rubric Requirements: detailed Answer Preview APA Format, 503 words

What theory works for this case study?

What theory works for this case study? Students will review two case studies provided by this instructor. Utilizing the information in the case study and a theory of YOUR choice, students will answer the following questions below. Students will submit a 5-7 page APA paper that utilizes the key terms and overall language of the … Read more

Module 4

Module 4 Please see the Word document for the complete overview and assignments of the module. Please follow assignment directions and use the appropriate souses needed. (not just textbook please) Zip file should contain complete module information but if not please email me. Answer Preview APA Format, 973 words


Symbolism  Henry and Walker provide stories that include symbols that are life-changing for the protagonist(s). In two or more well-developed paragraphs, answer the following prompts:Choose a symbol from either “The Gift of the Magi” or “Everyday Use” and discuss what significance this symbol had to you as the reader (an example of this would be … Read more


Vocabulary  Define and explain in writing in your own words the vocabulary assigned for the Workshop 1. Diabetes Type I 2. Diabetes Type II 3. Insulin resistance 4. HgAc1 5. Blood glucose Use the Virtual Library to find and identify articles related to class topics and prepare an outline. Use APA style and no fewer … Read more

discussion and assignment

discussion and assignment What was the Court of Appeal’s decision?Was the search and seizure a violation of the Fourth Amendment? Why or why not?Would the result have been different if the dumpster was on private property rather than oncommercial property?Suppose you were an executive at Bet-Air. What recommendations would you make to help Bet-Airassert an … Read more

US History

US History  Assess if the United States foreign policy during the 1930s helped to promoteWorld War II. Could the United States have prevented the outbreak of WorldWar II? If so, how? If not, why not? Explain if the United States, despite neutrality, aided the Allies against the Axispowers. Analyze if the use of atomic … Read more

Ethical Services Delivery

Ethical Services Delivery HN 501 Foundation of Human Serviced Ethical Services Delivery Details: This is a 300-word discussion using the textbook for reference. Answer Preview APA Format, 362 words

Two summary histroy

Two summary histroy Assess if the United States foreign policy during the 1930s helped to promoteWorld War II. Could the United States have prevented the outbreak of WorldWar II? If so, how? If not, why not? Explain if the United States, despite neutrality, aided the Allies against the Axispowers. Analyze if the use of atomic … Read more

Dime t

Dime t Describe the tool you used and why you chose this tool. include a link to the tool. Discuss at least two strength related t your quality of life. identify at least two strategies to maintain or maximize these strengths. Describe how you would implement these strategies using SMART goals. Answer Preview APA Format, … Read more

The Role of the RN/APRN in Policymaking

The Role of the RN/APRN in Policymaking Revisit the website provided in the Resources and consider the role of RNs and APRNs in policy-making.Reflect on potential opportunities that may exist for RNs and APRNs to participate in the policy-making process. Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that exist for RNs and APRNs … Read more

Leveraging Data, Literature Review, Survey and Research

Leveraging Data, Literature Review, Survey and Research How does data become usable or misused?Find articles to support your topic.Is the article based on quantitative or qualitative research? Explain.What are the differences between primary and secondary sources?Provide examples of primary and/or secondary sources you will use in your paper Answer Preview APA Format, 874 words

2 Diabetes Mellitus

2 Diabetes Mellitus Write a report on the factors contributing to diabetes Type I & II and explain some pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapies used to cope with this disease. Use APA style and include all references. Answer Preview APA Format, 397 words

 Diabetes Mellitus report

 Diabetes Mellitus report Write a report on the factors contributing to diabetes Type I & II and explain some pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapies used to cope with this disease. Use APA style and include all references. Answer Preview APA Format, 454 words

Define and explain

Define and explain  Define and explain in writing in your own words the vocabulary assigned for the Workshop Ischemic StrokeEpilepsyMeningitisKerning’s signElectroencephalogramBrudzinski’s signParkinson’s Answer Preview APA Format, 383 words


Neurological What Diagnostic test can we use to help r/o your differential diagnosis? And why? 1. Meningitis (Peds) 2. Seizure 3. Stroke Ischemic and hemorrhagic 4. Altered mental status 5. Epilepsy 6. Parkison Answer Preview APA Format, 470 words

The Kano Model or Quality by Design

The Kano Model or Quality by Design Discuss the pros and cons of Design Thinking, Quality Function Deployment and Design for Six Sigma in the development of new products or services. What tools do you currently use, or have used in the past, to identify customer needs and to incorporate the Voice of the Customer … Read more

Urban heat island effect

Urban heat island effect A minimum of 10 peer reviewed references should be cited if the literature survey project is selected. Figures and Tables should be appropriately referenced. The main body of the report should be min. 10 pages (i.e., excluding cover pages, TOC, references, etc.) Answer Preview APA Format, 3497 words

Child intervention

Child intervention Access the Clinical Social Work Interventions link in the Learning Resources.On that site, explore three different interventions for use with children. Select one that you can see yourself using in practice with child clients.Consider why you have chosen this intervention and its strengths and limitations Answer Preview APA Format, 409 words

Mental Health Screening and Depression

Mental Health Screening and Depression Research Question: Could Access to Mental Health Screening in School Settings Minimize the Adverse long-term effect of Depression in Early Adulthood? Answer Preview APA Format, 11789 words


Peers Your assignment is to read the responses your peers have posted and ask two of your peers a follow-up question. Your goal is not to stump them, but rather to see if you can develop a question that helps them think more deeply or consider their perspective in a new light. You may use … Read more

Journal: Peers

Journal: Peers Your assignment is to read the responses your peers have posted and ask two of your peers a follow-up question. Your goal is not to stump them, but rather to see if you can develop a question that helps them think more deeply or consider their perspective in a new light. You may … Read more

Sonnet Assignment

Sonnet Assignment On a new Word document with a MLA heading, you will create your own sonnet on a topic of your choosing. You may also choose your own approach (funny, sad, serious, silly, etc.). You don’t need to use the Shakespearean language. Use our English to create your poem. Answer Preview APA Format, 268 … Read more


History Describe the events that shape Bleeding Kansas. What do you think it represents? And why did the event become violent? Do you think the event could have been avoided? Use the document and context to back your claims. Answer Preview APA Format, 879 words


Vocabulary Define and explain in writing in your own words the vocabulary assigned for the Workshop 1. HIV 2. HPV 3. Chancroid 4. CD4 5. Syphilis stages 6. Chlamydia 7. Gram stain 8. Viral load Answer Preview APA Format, 844 words


LGBT How do you plan to make a positive impact on the care of LGBT patients when you become a NP? What attitudes/behaviors/communication/understanding is important for the NP to have? What specific screenings/interventions will you incorporate into practice when providing care to a LGBT patient? Answer Preview APA Format, 365 words

Discussion Board

Discussion Board Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words Theresa and Mike want to create a merged company called JEANSTYLE that is defined by a culture of integrity, thus aiding employees in making ethical decisions, such as in Joe’s ethical dilemma. They will begin by understanding the methods of embedding ethical decision making and … Read more

Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Write a minimum of 50 words to address each section below: Answer Preview APA Format, 248 words

Putting bacteria to work

Putting bacteria to work Discuss how you can put microbes to work to facilitates our lives: from keeping our landscape clean to making delicious food and beverages. Review the learning activities in module 9 to assist you with this assignment. Answer Preview APA Format, 1747 words


PERSONALITY AND PARAPHYLLIC DISORDER Personality disorders represent perhaps the most challenging disorders that psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioners will have to address in their professional careers. Personality disorders can co-occur in every mental health disorder and, in some cases, can mask other disorders. Although difficult to treat, the PMHNP must be able to identify personality disorders … Read more

Business Plan Part I

Business Plan Part I Part I of the Business PlanPart I of the business plan is due in week 1. Submitting this part on time is crucial as it will allow the instructor to properly evaluate the direction of your plan and provide you with important feedback for the future of the project. The format … Read more

Search Engine Plan

Search Engine Plan You are hired! For your final project, you will take the role of a consultant who has been hired to help a brand with their digital presence. Specifically, thecompany is interested in search engine optimization (SEO) of their website and in learning more about search engine marketing (SEM) and would like for … Read more

Case study

Case study Read Case #26 “Strategic Human Resource Management” on pp. 86-88 and write a paper answering questions 1 through 5.• Write between 750 – 1,000 words using Microsoft Word in APA format (only the body of the paper counts towards the word requirement)Use font size 12 and 1” marginsInclude cover page and reference page.At … Read more

Capstone Project

Capstone Project The project is a report detailing the organization’s human resources objectives, structure, policies, procedures, practices, challenges, etc. Essentially, this is your turn to be in charge and use your ideas to develop an effective HR function. Be creative! An outline is provided each week to help give you an idea of what information … Read more

MG post 124

MG post 124 Answer Preview APA Format, 604 words

Project Foundations

Project Foundations This assignment has four problems, and each problem is worth 25 points Answers for the assignment’s problems must be integrated into a Word document that will be named following this structure: LastName_FirstName_Asgn1. In my case, such document would be named Flores_Javier_Asgn1.Problem 2 requires drawing a network diagram. You may use MS Visio, which … Read more

Domestic Violence/social problem

Domestic Violence/social problem Provide a brief synopsis of the social problem and policy you identified.Describe the steps of your project:How did your experiences as a social work professional and your own goals for advocacy inform your selection of a social problem?How did your knowledge of, or prior experiences with, the social problem inform your policy … Read more

Internal Supply Chains: Learn Today, Apply Tomorrow

Internal Supply Chains: Learn Today, Apply Tomorrow : Internal Supply Chains: Learn Today, Apply Tomorrow We’ve covered a lot of ground on internal supply chain in our first 5 weeks. Reflecting on what you have learned, comment on the following: Which topics and activities/assignments did you find most challenging? Why? Which methods, tools, readings, or … Read more

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