
Choose business and target market

Choose business and target market Section 1 of the Capstone project: 1. Business: What business will you be developing? Provide main products and services. (1 page) 2. Target market: Who are your main customers, local, national, global. How will you obtain these customers? What is your marketing plan? (1 – 2 pages) The business that … Read more

Research Methods and Evidence Based Practice for Nursing Education

Research Methods and Evidence Based Practice for Nursing Education Assignment Title: Sampling MethodsStep 3 for your Evidence-Based Practice Mini-Project (Nursing Education)Assignment Overview:For your Research Proposal Step 3, you will submit your target population listed and a clearly stated and though description of your study population with scholarly sources. There is a sampling plan that identifies … Read more

Symbolic Interactionism

Symbolic Interactionism For this assignment, you will use what you’ve learned about symbolic interactionism to develop your own analysis. Your assignment is to select a television program that you know contains social inequality or social class themes. In 3-5 pages make sure to provide the following: Answer preview for Symbolic Interactionism APA 922 Words

Diversity and Influence

Diversity and Influence Choose ONE of the prompts to respond to: Option 1: For this option, we will explore the influence of media on our attitudes and behaviors by examining our connections with fictional characters. We will reflect on how these characters fit into or challenge social norms related to race, ethnicity, gender, and other … Read more

Thomas Theorem

Thomas Theorem Instructions Answer preview for Thomas Theorem APA 600 Words

How the pt/pta may provide culturally competent care

How the pt/pta may provide culturally competent care A. Explain methods of effectively providing an in-service to others. B. Give an effective oral presentation on a topic related to this course. In this project, the student will complete a presentation by video educating an audience of at least 3 people on a topic regarding physical … Read more

Concept Map on a Patient

Concept Map on a Patient PurposeThis assignment is designed to extend the learner’s use of concept mapping as a tool for clinical care planning. The nursing process continues to provide the foundation for organizing information and thought, whereas the mapping becomes the process for intentional critical thinking and clinical reasoning.Course outcomes: This assignment enables the … Read more

Today’s Digital Age

Today’s Digital Age Iqro Adan I believe that in today’s digital age, technology has opened up many opportunities for women to connect, express themselves, and thrive in various fields. In a research done in 2013 there are “over  200 million more men had access to the internet than women” (Mackey & Petrucka, 2021). Despite that , … Read more

Nursing Profession

Nursing Profession Shadiya Option C : In the last few years, I found myself standing at a crucial intersection, torn between pursuing a nursing career alongside a full-time job and the responsibility of caring for my three children, all under the age of 10. Despite exploring various alternative career paths, the persistent desire to become … Read more

Socialization and Biases in Social Media

Socialization and Biases in Social Media Choose ONE option to answer thoroughly. Select a peer and respond.  Option A: Reflect on your experiences with social media and its impact on your attitudes and behavior. How has social media influenced the way you view things, what you strive for, and your social interactions? Share specific examples … Read more

HR Professionals

HR Professionals Justin Mazioli  HR professionals face many challenges but the most challenging can be “legal compliance, recruitment, and D&I efforts.” (Verhulst and DeCenzo, 2022) Legal compliance is ensuring that companies are following the law and that they are keeping their employees safe from hazardous conditions. A strategy to do this would be to always … Read more

The Roles of Human Resource Management

The Roles of Human Resource Management Identify two different functions of human resource management and their impact on the organization.  Discuss the importance to the organization and possible challenges to human resource professionals. Answer preview for The Roles of Human Resource Management APA 672 Words

Anatomy and physiology

Anatomy and physiology In this Mid-Course Reflection Assignment, you will evaluate your performance in the course so far, reflect on your learning journey, and set goals for the remainder of the term. This assignment provides an opportunity for self-assessment, self-reflection, and interaction with your instructor.Instructions:Write a reflection on how you are doing in this course … Read more

 Human growth development

 Human growth development In this Mid-Course Reflection Assignment, you will evaluate your performance in the course so far, reflect on your learning journey, and set goals for the remainder of the term. This assignment provides an opportunity for self-assessment, self-reflection, and interaction with your instructor.Instructions:Write a reflection on how you are doing in this course … Read more

Diversity in Counseling

Diversity in Counseling How can a counselor/school counselor with Christian beliefs demonstrate the Golden Rule when working with clients/students who have diverse worldviews? Answer preview for Diversity in Counseling APA 311 Words

Counseling the Culturally Diverse

Counseling the Culturally Diverse Explain in detail how and when you became aware of people being treated differently because of race, culture, or religion. How does this effect your cultural growth? Answer preview for Counseling the Culturally Diverse APA 302 Words

Module 02 Written Assignment – Privacy

Module 02 Written Assignment – Privacy Now that you have seen that digital technology has affected sociology, it is time to try your sociological skills and knowledge on the concept of privacy. In a 3-4 page paper please do the following: This paper will need to include both valid references and also some of your … Read more

Social Roles Being Created By Technology

Social Roles Being Created By Technology Since you have been looking at how technology and social roles are connected in this week’s discussion you will take on the role of a debater on the side of how technology has enhanced the social roles of the female population. For your discussion: Please make your initial post … Read more

Module 02 Written Assignment – One Status, Three Takes

Module 02 Written Assignment – One Status, Three Takes Answer preview for Module 02 Written Assignment – One Status, Three Takes APA 382 Words

One Status, Three Takes

One Status, Three Takes As you know, social media is an all-encompassing media network to get information out there. It ranges from TV, internet, and apps, to radio, newspaper, and podcasts and impacts many individuals. The final project for the course will be for you to demonstrate your knowledge on a topic of your choice … Read more

The Message of Pop Culture

The Message of Pop Culture It is common knowledge that media communicates messages, both reflecting social norms and reinforcing specific ideas of who we are and how we should act. When considering popular culture and the messages embedded in a given song, video, television show, movie, or magazine advertisement, sociology directs us to consider the … Read more

Discussion unethical

Discussion unethical Answer the following question based on the reading from Chapter 1 Operations Management Why do people do things that are unethical? You may use the book as a reference along with 2 other peer reviewed journal articles to support your answer. Requirements: 3 paragraphs Answer preview for Discussion unethical APA 302 Words

SW Practice Res II-Winter 2023

SW Practice Res II-Winter 2023 While it may be easy to measure program outputs (such as how many people attended program events), it may be more difficult to measure outcomes. And while you may be able to look at someone and observe change over time, how do you really know change has occurred? The goal of validated measurement … Read more

Motivating A Client Toward Self-Care

Motivating A Client Toward Self-Care Details: Empower the client to engage in personal self-care strategies. What would be an appropriate starting place?Use a self-created 1-page handout to educate and guide your client on self-care strategies to address vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, or burnout (as appropriate to the case) Chosen Case study is Tyrone/ a social … Read more

Human growth and development

Human growth and development Description:In this discussion board you will describe the life of markers indicating the transition into adulthood. You will identify ways in which social beliefs are shaped by life-cycle forces and cohort effects.Instructions:Initial Discussion Post- After reading the assigned chapters from the textbook and reflecting on your own personal experiences answer the … Read more

Double-Entry Accounting System

Double-Entry Accounting System Submit questions in a Word Document. The answers to each question should 100% be in your own words without citing sources. However, a reference page in APA format is required, and should include the sources from where the knowledge was gained to write your answers. Respond to the following six questions. Each … Read more

Workforce Effectiveness Measurement Model

Workforce Effectiveness Measurement Model For this assessment, design a model with which you can measure workforce effectiveness. You can return to your change model and strategic performance improvement plan to devise a model with which you can measure effectiveness. Prepare a 5- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you walk leadership through the model … Read more

Literature Review Paper

Literature Review Paper Assignment Overview:For your Research Proposal Step 2, you will submit your Literature Review matrix for each of your 5 articles, which are to be Levels I-IV. If you have found additional articles, and would rather use them than the first 5 articles you found in Week 1, use them in the Matrix. … Read more

PICO Question

PICO Question Make a PICO question and find 5 quantitative research articles related to the area of your choice. Do Chapter 1 of your Evidence-Based Mini Proposal. you will submit a 2-3 page paper plus your Title Page and Reference Page that identifies the following areas:1) PICO Question;2) 5 Research articles with Levels of Evidence … Read more

Abdominal Assessment Case Study

Abdominal Assessment Case Study Abdominal Assessment Case Study Review the Episodic note case study your instructor provides you for this week’s Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your Episodic note case study. With regard to the Episodic note case study provided: o Review this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the … Read more

PICOT Discussion

PICOT Discussion Clinical Question – Formulate a clinical question using the PICOT format. P: Patient Population I: Intervention or area on Interest C: Comparison intervention or group 0: Outcome T: Time Ex: “In acute care hospitals (patient population), how does having a rapid response team (intervention) compared with not having a response team (comparison) affect … Read more

The Effects on Work

The Effects on Work Explain how the social worker’s response to trauma exposure (i.e., burnout, compassion fatigue, or vicarious trauma) is impacting their work.Imagine that the social worker was your colleague.Explain how you would address the work issue with them, and why it is important to do so, based on the NASW Code of Ethics. … Read more

Diagnosis of Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders

Diagnosis of Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders Explain how you support the diagnosis by specifically identifying the criteria from the case study.Describe in detail how the client’s symptoms match up with the specific diagnostic criteria for the disorder (or all the disorders) that you finally selected for the client. You do not need to repeat the … Read more

How has technology changes Education

How has technology changes Education Directions: Now that you have studied digital technology’s effect on various areas within society, it is time to discuss the way(s) that technology has changed the field of education. For your discussion: Directions: Now that you have studied digital technology’s effect on various areas within society, it is time to … Read more

What Can Digital Sociology Offer to Employees

What Can Digital Sociology Offer to Employees Now that you have been introduced to the many concepts that technology affects the world, it is now your turn to demonstrate your knowledge on the way digital sociology is involved in the employment industry. Using material from the lecture as well as additional resources, and in 3-5 … Read more

Social Media Profiles

Social Media Profiles Week 1: Social Media Profiles We have been looking at different psychological theories and how we can use them to examine social media better. Answer preview for Social Media Profiles APA 522 Words


Fight–Flight–Freeze Details: These are all common symptoms of fight–flight–freeze, which is a mechanism that protects the body from perceived danger. When exposed to trauma directly or indirectly, our bodies often react in this way as protection. But, repeated exposure to trauma can lead to a perpetual fight–flight–freeze state, thus contributing to the development of burnout, … Read more

Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive

Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive Explain how you support the diagnosis by specifically identifying the criteria from the case study.Describe in detail how the client’s symptoms match up with the specific diagnostic criteria for the disorder (or all the disorders) that you finally selected for the client. You do not need to repeat the … Read more

Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Exemplar

Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Exemplar Use the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template and create an episodic/focused note about the patient in the case study to which you were assigned using the episodic/focused note template provided in the Week 5 resources. Provide evidence from the literature tosupport diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different … Read more

Native Cultures Across the Americas

Native Cultures Across the Americas We’ve quickly looked at a wide variety of Native Cultures across the Americas.Which one would you like to know more about and why?Please provide specific examples to support your answers.HELPFUL HINTS:“Across the Americas” means across North America, Central America, and South America, including the islands surrounding this lands. Do not … Read more

Diabetes and Drug Treatments

Diabetes and Drug Treatments Post a brief explanation of the differences between the types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. Describe one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected, including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Besure to include dietary considerations related to treatment. Then, … Read more

Case Analysis

Case Analysis Review the Learning Resources on the Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale, SUD Scale, and Self-Compassion Scale. Complete these scales from the perspective of the social worker in your identified case. Analyze the case you have chosen, considering the risk and protective factors, the categorization of what the social worker is experiencing (e.g., vicarious trauma, … Read more

Skin Condition

Skin Condition Choose one skin condition graphic (identify by number in your Chief Complaint) to document your assignment in the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) note format rather than the traditional narrative style. Refer to Chapter 2 of the Sullivan text and the Comprehensive SOAP Template in this week’s Learning Resources for guidance. Remember … Read more

Understanding Environmental Justice

Understanding Environmental Justice Instructions:Step 1: Respond to the following: Understanding Environmental Justice APA 380 Words

Impact of Humanism

Impact of Humanism Throughout history, humanitarians have played a vital role in society, striving to alleviate suffering and promote well-being.a. Present-day challenges faced by humanitarianism?b. Impact of humanism in our society?c. Future directions for humanitarianism? Answer preview for Impact of Humanism APA 927 Words

Advanced Pharmacology

Advanced Pharmacology Advanced Pharmacology Case StudyPatient HL comes into the clinic with the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  The patient has a history of drug abuse and possible Hepatitis C.  HL is currently taking the following prescription drugs:   Synthroid 100 mcg daily  Nifedipine 30 mg daily  Prednisone 10 mg daily Write a 1-page paper that addresses the … Read more

Diagnosis of Bipolar and Depressive Disorders

Diagnosis of Bipolar and Depressive Disorders Explain how you support the diagnosis by specifically identifying the criteria from the case study.Describe in detail how the client’s symptoms match up with the specific diagnostic criteria for the disorder (or all the disorders) that you finally selected for the client. You do not need to repeat the … Read more

Humanity and Philosophy

Humanity and Philosophy For this assignment, choose a work of art that made an impression on you during this course. Then, address the following: Include an image of or link to the work. Identify the artist, the title, date completed, and the medium. Explain how learning about the work will help you in your life … Read more

Health History and Physical

Health History and Physical Before any nursing plan of care or intervention can be implemented or evaluated, the nurse conducts an assessment, collecting subjective and objective data from an individual. The data collected are used to determine areas of need or problems to be addressed by the nursing care plan. This assignment will focus on … Read more

Health Promotion in Minority Populations

Health Promotion in Minority Populations Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Using health information available from Healthy People, the CDC, and other relevant government websites, analyze the health status for this group. In a paper of … Read more

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