
Infectious and Chronic Diseases

Infectious and Chronic Diseases Imagine you are in charge of your local health department. You have found that your community has an epidemic of one of the diseases below (as noted by your last name). Explain the actions you should take to reduce or stop the spread of the disease in your community. Develop a … Read more

Reflect on the knowledge

Reflect on the knowledge Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following: What were the most compelling topics learned in this course? How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still … Read more

Company is Apple

Company is Apple Consider if your strategic plan is a market entry plan (entrepreneurial), a market expansion plan for an existing organization, or a mergers and acquisitions plan. Deciding who the target market is and determining their demographics, behaviors, motivation, needs, and goals is essential because the target market drives the marketing plan. This is … Read more

Field Experience

Field Experience Allocate at least 3 hours to complete this part of the clinical field experience. Complete two or more field experiences from the Focused Field Experience Activity List A: Identify and prioritize areas of general curriculum and accommodations for individuals with exceptionalities. (InTASC 4) Integrate affective skills with academic curricula individuals with exceptionalities. (InTASC … Read more

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices Select a 1-5 grade level and a corresponding Arizona College and Career Ready Standard or other state standard from the Measurement and Data domain. Compose an aligning learning target and select a group of three to four students, from the “Class Profile,” who would benefit from the use of augmentative … Read more

Walking the Walk, Talking the Talk

Walking the Walk, Talking the Talk Read the following scenario and answer the five questions that follow using APA style formatting where appropriate. Provide sufficient detail in your responses to demonstrate a good understanding of the material in the textbook regarding the philosophy of and management approach to community policing. The Greenfield Police Department’s new … Read more

The psychological processes assigned to the mind and to the body according to Descartes

The psychological processes assigned to the mind and to the body according to Descartes 1. For this assignment you must read chapters six and nine from Brennan’s book, Readings in the History and Systems of Psychology (2nd Ed.). 2. Write 3 pages on the following: Which psychological processes were assigned to the mind and to the … Read more

How might marketers go about respecting privacy while helping companies

How might marketers go about respecting privacy while helping companies 2 Attachments McK_How_digital_marketing_operations_can_transform_business Fall17 MKT302_Blog 4 Solution Preview It is a matter of fact that digital marking operations can have a significant impact on companies’ return on investment. However, achieving growth through digital marketing appears to be elusive to most firms… (337 Words)

Beauchamp: ” public health as social justice

Beauchamp: ” public health as social justice you have to read DAN E. BEAUCHAMP ” public health and social injustice” and briefly explain how beauchamp views public health as a kind of social injustice . consider how such a perspective connects with other social issues in the us today. please right this in MLA format … Read more

Horace Mann and Problems in Education

Horace Mann and Problems in Education The following are needed into the essay: * 6 paragraphs needed * ¶1 : introduction with 1 sentence long of thesis should be included * ¶2 : Summarize the articles using at least 2 of sections in the article * ¶3-5: Write problems today – relate to any, such … Read more

The Mystic Monk Coffee Study

The Mystic Monk Coffee Study Read the Mystic Mont Coffee Case and write 3 page single spaced draft summary. The case should be in 4 parts. Current sitation a. Revenue b. Profit C. Cost 2. Analysis – SWOT 3. Issues – use polite points 4. Recommendation (should have ROI) 2 Attachments MysticMonkCoffeeCase_468016 CaseAnalysisGuide_1497405 Solution Preview Father … Read more

Intervention and Evaluation

Intervention and Evaluation This must be an APA-style formatted paper, so please see the syllabus and essay grading rubric for full instructions on how to complete the essays. You can find a sample APA-style template here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. CREATE A 3-4 PAGE PAPER EXPLAINING THE FOLLOWING • What is intervention? • … Read more

Senior project

Senior project As an administrator, address the challenges of employee recruitment and retention of health care professionals. Additional subtopics may include trends in the nursing workforce, shortage of primary care physicians, staff turnover, retention, and staffing patterns. After identifying your topic, choose a health care organization in your area. This organization may be small or … Read more

Business Law

Business Law businesslaw8 (3) Solution Preview In the wake of periodic oil spills, some members of Congress expressed their interest in the implementation of oil spill legislations. Often, the term is applied when oil is released into the sea or ocean, but it can also take place on land. Therefore, legislations have been… (1268 Words) … Read more

Legislations to Minimize Damage Caused by Oil Spills

Legislations to Minimize Damage Caused by Oil Spills businesslaw8 Solution Preview In the wake of periodic oil spills, some members of Congress expressed their interest in the implementation of oil spill legislations. Often, the term is applied when oil is released into the sea or ocean, but it can also take place on land… (1268 … Read more

Coca-Cola Company Trade Secret

Coca-Cola Company Trade Secret businesslaw4-1 (2) Solution Preview Trade secrets refer to information whose value is derived from limiting its accessibility. The essential components of a trade secret are that it must be a real secret, one that can only be disclosed to the employees of the organization …. (1227 Words)  

The Lesson” By Bambara

The Lesson” By Bambara The Lesson by Bambara.pdf  Click here to read this text which is from an earlier RRA edition. What kind of social and economic injustice can you explore as you read?  Bambara questions from Rereading America.docx Click here to access the questions from Engaging the Text for this assignment. You need to develop … Read more

Civil Litigation and Personal Injury Assessment

Civil Litigation and Personal Injury Assessment Assignment 3: Civil Litigation and Personal Injury Assessment A forensic assessment may serve a number of purposes in both criminal and civil contexts. In the context of civil litigation, a forensic mental health professional may be called to provide an assessment in a personal injury case. For example, the … Read more

Risk of Dangerousness Assessments

Risk of Dangerousness Assessments Assignment 1: Risk of Dangerousness Assessments: Harm to Others vs. Harm to Self The safety and protection of individuals and the community have been discussed and identified in earlier modules. The safety and protection of others are another significant responsibility of the forensic mental health professional. Forensic assessments are often utilized … Read more

Ethical Issues during Forensic Assessments

Ethical Issues during Forensic Assessments Assignment 2: RA: Ethical Issues during Forensic Assessments When conducting forensic assessments, it is important for forensic mental health professionals to have a thorough understanding of the following: Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct Including 2010 Amendments Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology: Adopted by APA Council of Representatives … Read more

Ancient women in a mans world

Ancient women in a mans world Description Analytical Essay in MLA style -4 pages. Analytical essay comparing women’s gender roles in Antigone versus candide Solution Preview Women have always struggled to be regarded as being equal to men. The situation has been facilitated by the aspect of men dominating the world throughout the history of … Read more

Greenhill Community Center Case Study

Greenhill Community Center Case Study Description Please read/follow the assignment instructions carefully. Submissions are to include the following: Your Name The Date Your Section # Assignment Heading The purpose of this assignment is to get students to delve into the inner workings of a nonprofit organization, applying the concepts learned in the coursework. Introduction: Students … Read more

Personal Happiness

Personal Happiness This is a personal essay on happiness witch intails you do light research and have crediable sources that coincide with your experience . (also on the work cited a breif reason why you trust the crediable source you chose) I am a single parent of two children and a full time student persuing … Read more

San Diego Sands for Perfect Vacation

San Diego Sands for Perfect Vacation i did the essay proposal. I need you to use my proposal and do a 5 paragraph paper. Thank you DESCRIPTION ESSAY PROPOSAL perfect vacation2 Solution Preview San Diego is an island paradise for perfect vacation. The island is perfect because it has the best climate which is mild … Read more

Gabriel Garcia Marquez “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings”

Gabriel Garcia Marquez “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” These are the instructions from my professor – “This critical essay is for The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez A tale for Children: What does the text suggest about how identity is shaped and considered? The Essay must be typed, … Read more

Sex In An Epidemic

Sex In An Epidemic Film: Sex In An Epidemic directed by Jean Carlomusto, fl. 1991; produced by Jean Carlomusto, fl. 1991, Sunyata Films (West Hollywood, CA: Stag Films, 2013), 1 hour 10 mins   In the four questions file. Answer only one question and focus on one of your choice and let me know which one. Guiding+Questions+Paper+2 MAS150B1 FA17 Reaction Paper Format … Read more

Response to Dean Ryan Speech

Response to Dean Ryan Speech use this link to access the speech Solution Preview After giving his commencement speech at Harvard school of education, a portion of it went viral. This piece discusses the five essential questions that we should ask ourselves while striving to better our careers. Notably, Ryan’s ideas were expanded from … Read more

Sexual Offending Risk Assessment

Sexual Offending Risk Assessment Assignment 2: Sexual Offending Risk Assessment Risk assessment is the process of forensic mental health professionals for determining the risk that a sex offender presents to the community at large. Tasks: Using resources from the professional literature, research risk assessment tools used with the sex offender population. The literature may include … Read more

The Location of the Ark of Covenant

The Location of the Ark of Covenant I have 1 page H.W  about  (What is the latest theory of the location of the Ark of the Covenant?) HINT *Not in Ethiopia* can u help me with that? thank u Solution Preview There are a lot of people searching in the world searching the exact location … Read more

Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison

Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison Fiction Analysis Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison Compose an analytical essay of at least 1,200 words in which you offer an interpretation of a literary element in one of the assigned short stories. Write your analysis focusing on one of the following elements in one of the assigned stories: •Character … Read more

Health Care Insurance

Health Care Insurance 1. Medicaid Questions a. The article titled “Understanding the Intersection of Medicaid and Work” states that 51% of non-elderly (i.e., 19-64) able-bodied adults in Medicaid (most of them eligible given the ACA Medicaid expansion option) are working full-time for the entire year. The article also states that 40% of the Medicaid individuals … Read more

How did the church become divided, and how was it reunited?

How did the church become divided, and how was it reunited? Description How did the church become divided, and how was it reunited? Why was the conciliar movement a setback for the papacy? Solution Preview There are several factors that led to the division of the Roman Catholic Church during the late Classical era. During … Read more

Marketing Mix Strategies and 4Ps

Marketing Mix Strategies and 4Ps The summary in an annotated bibliography provides an overview of whole source in 200 words for each. no more than 210 words each – relate to the marketing mix strategies and 4Ps do 5 pieces of 200 words AB writing Solution Preview The article reviews the importance of branding and … Read more

Victims Stereotypes

Victims Stereotypes Assignment 2: Victims Stereotypes Part 1 The purpose of this assignment is to make you aware of your beliefs about being a victim. What happens in society at large in any group when the topic of victims arises? Use the technique of free association and then analyze the thoughts behind those associations. To … Read more

How to Plank

How to Plank how to plank this is for a speech.i also need 3 references Solution Preview The popular culture has led to people developing a huge sense of their physical appearance. People want to have an ideal physique that will make them attractive to others. To have a good body, you have to engage … Read more


Journals Unit 2 journal: Let us assume that you have antivirus software installed on your computer and it is up to date. You can trust it to do a pretty good job of protecting your computer from what threats? List at least three items, and discuss each one. Also, discuss any of your experiences with … Read more

Staffing a New Business

Staffing a New Business Small business owners often have to assume more than one role when starting their businesses. In a sense, a small business owner has to be a “jack of all trades”, living up to the meaning of the figure of speech, where one is versatile at many tasks. Likewise, employees of a … Read more

Describe what society looks like in London in your assigned film (28 Weeks Later

Describe what society looks like in London in your assigned film (28 Weeks Later  Consider the fact that the story in this film is part of the same world of 28 Days Later, which experienced an apocalyptic contagion event in several densely populated cities across the globe that led to the collapse of society. Describe what society … Read more

my work related problem is alcoholism

my work related problem is alcoholism I need help completing an assignment with six questions, but i need each answered with the number of the question present. Please do not provide answer in the form of a paragragh. English5.3Assignment-5 (1)

PowerPoint n evaluation

PowerPoint n evaluation

Death Penalty

Death Penalty The assignment is divided into two (2) parts. In Part I of the assignment (due Week 2), you will first read a book excerpt about critical thinking processes: “The Believing Game and How to Make Conflicting Opinions More Fruitful” at Next, you will review the Website in order to gather information. … Read more

Letter of Recommendation

Letter of Recommendation Description 1)When you review the Letter of Recommendation Request form Discuss the purpose of a letter of recommendation. Who will you ask? 2) Who would you ask to write a letter of recommendation for you? What information could they provide to a potential employer that would help to increase your chance of … Read more

To Build a Fire

To Build a Fire Description Written Assignment Instructions: Goal: Describe the man’s attitude in the beginning of the story. What has he learned by the end of the story? Support your answer with examples from the story. Requirements: 250 words or more 12 point font Double Spaced Attach Web links to Sources Solution Preview The … Read more

Victims Stereotypes

Victims Stereotypes Assignment 2: Victims Stereotypes Part 1 The purpose of this assignment is to make you aware of your beliefs about being a victim. What happens in society at large in any group when the topic of victims arises? Use the technique of free association and then analyze the thoughts behind those associations. To … Read more

The Difference between Eternity and Infinity

The Difference between Eternity and Infinity I have one page H.W about Christianity about What is the difference between infinity and eternity? Solution Preview Infinity refers to a procedure in time. For instance, there can be an infinity if space such as distance or numbers. In mathematics, there are functions which have infinite solutions. When … Read more

The Chariot” By Emily Dickinson

The Chariot” By Emily Dickinson Solution Preview The emotional stance of the speaker is the central artifact of the poem as highlighted by the first line “Because I could not stop for death.” With this, it can be presumed that the speaker is giving some explanation to a question or an argument… (884 Words)

Urban Planning Studies

Urban Planning Studies Urbanization and sub-urbanization (pay particular attention to graphs we discussed in class.)   Explain some of the major reasons for sub-urbanization in the United States, as discussed in class. (Pay special attention to the 1950s and beyond)   Why planning as discussed in the textbook and in class. (political aspects, roles, types … Read more

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Solution Preview Critical thinking refers to the aspect of evaluating issues and facts using data rather than personal opinion. Critical thinkers have the ability to draw reasonable conclusions from a set of data, thus able to differentiate facts from people’s… (291 Words)

Identify a task that you would need to perform in your current or future career

Identify a task that you would need to perform in your current or future career Identify a task that you would need to perform in your current or future career, and explain how you would apply the knowledge you have learned in this course to succeed in performing a task in a real-world scenario. Your … Read more

The Burger King Google Home of the Whooper

The Burger King Google Home of the Whooper Blog-It 7 MKT302 | Fall 2017 Viewers Choice DUE Monday, October 23rd @ 11:59 PM The Assignment PART 1 1. Visit the Clio 2017 Award Winners website. The Clio Awards is an annual award program that recognizes innovation and creative excellence in advertising, design and communication, … Read more

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