
Final Project – Business Model Assessment

Final Project – Business Model Assessment Topic: Final Project – Business Model Assessment add to what was done for unit 2, attached Details: Utilize that 2 assignment I already purchase with you: Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential evaluation/assessment of the business model of your organization (or one with which you are closely familiar) using the business … Read more

Discussion Essay

Discussion Essay Would you rather have lived in Sparta or in Athens during the classical period (5th and 4th century BCE)? Explain your answer using historical evidence from both societies. Essay Format I. Introduction a.    Opening sentence that gets the reader’s attention b.    thesis statement: this is your argument in a nutshell! State your position. … Read more

Hinduism and the Caste System

Hinduism and the Caste System I’ve H.W 1 page about Hinduism about Using Hinduism terms argue for the destruction of the caste system. Solution Preview Under a caste system, a person’s fate is determined by birth. This system is common in India where Hindus are divided into hierarchical groups that are rigid. They are determined … Read more

Lincoln and the civil war.

Lincoln and the civil war. Write a 875 to 1050 paper on Lincoln and the civil war. INCLUDE a discussion of the following: Lincoln’s position on slavery Southern reasons for secession Lincoln’s desire to preserve the Union The overextension pf executive power during war The scope of the Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln’s position on slavery in … Read more

Free Trade vs. Fair Trade

Free Trade vs. Fair Trade Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. The importance of trade continues to … Read more

Rhetorical Precis

Rhetorical Precis Read the attached article”5 MYTHS ABOUT WHO GETS INTO COLLEG”, then write very well written 4 sentiences as “Rhetorical Précis” Please flow the guidelines and the sample attached . Thanks, 201710240016214_sentence_rhetorical_precis 201710240016065_myths_about_who_gets_into_college Solution Preview Kahlenberg Richard in “Affirmative Action for the Rich: Legacy Preferences in College Admissions” (New York: Century Foundation Press, 2010: 446-448) … Read more


REVIEWING AN ESSAY OF SUMMARY AND RESPONSE In this discussion, you will review a student summary and response paper in your textbook. This is the type of essay you are finalizing this week. By responding to a paper written by a student, you will gain some insight into your own revision work this week for … Read more

Course Progress

Course Progress Could do this Discussion We are Sprinting towards the finishing line. How are we doing so far? Please outline any concerns or questions you may have about the topics we have covered so far. You may also choose to answer any questions or address any concerns other students may have. ——- then could … Read more

Impact of the Settings

Impact of the Settings Analyze how the setting of the story “Nina” by Margarita Mondrus Engle affects the actions of the narrator. Support your points with evidence from the text. Essay must show correct use of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Fewer than 3 spelling errors.Position is clearly stated with 4 or more supporting points. Style … Read more

Animal Science

Animal Science Carcass development for livestock meant for consumption is extremely important. Overall growth is also important for working species like dairy cattle and horses. This week I would like you to present an in depth support for the use of growth curves in determining which nutrients to utilize during different stages of growth. What … Read more


COGNITIVE CHANGES WITH AGING One of the most important and most studied aspects of aging is cognitive functioning; that is, intelligence, learning, and memory. These are critical to an individual’s performance in every aspect of life, including work and leisure activities, social relationships, and productive roles. Aging adults who have problems in cognitive functioning will … Read more

Strategy for Levendary Expansion in China

Strategy for Levendary Expansion in China Mia Foster has hired you as a consultant to resolve the three issues she is facing (see bottom of page nine): What strategy should Levendary adopt to drive its expansion in China? Who should have responsibility to make and implement those decisions? And what changes, if any, should be … Read more

Decision-Making Techniques

Decision-Making Techniques This week’s lecture focused on problem solving and decision making. What are some of the toughest decisions you’ve had to make in your life? What techniques (as explored in the Week 5 reading) did you use at the time to make them? Would you do anything differently now? Feel free to explore decisions … Read more

Decision-Making Techniques

Decision-Making Techniques If I was the President of China I would choose option 2. Although this might not be the best idea, it is the best solution of the three proposals that have been presented. It is important that we continue with our plans even if it means showing more aggressive behaviors towards our enemies. … Read more

Collaborative Solutions to Global Issues

Collaborative Solutions to Global Issues each answer should be 400 words 5 Attachments 4Withdrawal democracyinamericac1u5 http___bowlingalonec1u5 C1unit5d12-1 GlobalIssueResourcc1u5

Shimon Attie’s Acts of Rememberance

Shimon Attie’s Acts of Rememberance At various points throughout the essay, you will be asked to stop and comment in preparation for answering the four questions below. As you progress through the essay your responses should be more and more in depth. At the end of the essay you are required to use your comments … Read more

Aircraft Pressurization Systems

Aircraft Pressurization Systems Part One: As eluded to in the Module Preview, aircraft pressurization systems are critical component in the world of flight physiology. With this in mind, compare and contrast two different types of aircraft pressurization systems. Discuss the key components and how a failure of any of these components could result in a … Read more

Spread of Gunpowder Technology

Spread of Gunpowder Technology  

The French Revolution

The French Revolution please quote two or more source from notes and reading document please, It is mandatory. 2 Attachments 2017102707210220171026194934… 2017102707202720171026194909notes Solution Preview The French revolution of 1848 is also known as the February revolution given that during this month there was a series of revolutions in the entire continent of Europe. This French revolution … Read more

Writing about Bali

Writing about Bali 2 Attachments Fristdraft-1 Essay-5 Solution Preview The world features beautiful places and things that we ought to explore. Bali is a small island that forms part of the Indonesia Archipelago. Other than its unique culture, the island features beautiful panorama and volcanoes… (574 Words)

Exelon Business Strategy

Exelon Business Strategy In order to bring current examples of strategic issues and problems into the class, each student will present a current business strategies report. The report should be drawn from material in the business press and must deal with a topic within the last 12 months. The article(s) should highlight the strategic issues … Read more

Drugs—Are They Present or Not

 Drugs—Are They Present or Not This assignment involves looking for necessary facts and information in a given scenario. It also looks for your thoughts on the investigation, depending on what you have read in the text. There is a reported drug house in Centervale. Neighbors call the police and say that numerous vehicles and people … Read more

– Investment and business talks, technological group, church group, Charity group for donation

 Investment and business talks, technological group, church group, Charity group for donation Group Wise MKT302 | Fall 2017 Blog 8 | The Company We Keep DUE MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 11:59 PM Background In class, we watched the case study of Intermarché’s Les Fruits et Légumes Moches (Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables) campaign to reduce food waste … Read more

Affordable Housing for Low Income Families

Affordable Housing for Low Income Families I need a 4 page essay including the title page and reference page with 1,200 words (essay) not included in title or references. I need to define the problem, analyze the problem, propose a solution, and defend the proposed solution and address any potential objections. An introduction with a … Read more

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence n 1983, Howard Gardner proposed a theory of multiple intelligences (see Table 7.4 on page 235). If given a test that could measure each of them, which of these intelligences do you feel you would score highest on, and which do you feel you would score lowest on? Next, … Read more

Student Loan

Student Loan answer this questions : (answer must be 150 words Reply comments must be 100 words each) Will you graduate with student loans for 10 years? Will you have the resume’ that prepares you for a job that pays well? People who provide us with services we cannot live without did not go to … Read more

Miami Beach Resort

Miami Beach Resort The primary purpose of a profile is to inform readers about a living person, a place visited, or an event attended. For this assignment, choose a place that you have visited. For example, your profile might describe a local business, restaurant, or landmark; your backyard garden; a foreign country; a recent duty … Read more

My Homemade Computer

My Homemade Computer If you could build your own personal computer, what components would you purchase, and why? Put together a list of the components you would use to create it, including a computer case, motherboard, CPU, hard disk, RAM, and DVD drive. What benefits do these components have over the others? How can you … Read more

The Opioid Crisis in America

The Opioid Crisis in America write a paper discussing the opioid crisis in American today. What is it? How did it begin? What are the causes? Who is involved? And, finally, you are to propose possible solution based on your opinion. Solution Preview Opioid crisis refers to type of opioid drug known as fentanyl that is … Read more

Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis ROUGH DRAFT OF CRITICAL ANALYSIS ESSAY 2.FINAL CRITICAL ANALYSIS ESSAY NOTE:FOLLOW THE OUTLINE AND INSTRUCTION IN THE FILE BELOW Article link:… 20171028204151essay (1) Solution Preview The author addresses the topic by giving examples that prompts the reader on curiosity matters. It gives vivid pictures that emphasize on the topic the author is explaining. … Read more

Classifying Workers Properly

Classifying Workers Properly each discussion 1 page separate documents please 4 Attachments Job_Analysis_and_Design-2 16252076 howtoproperlyclassifyworkerscontractororemployee C2unit4d12

Ethics of Domestic Surveillance

Ethics of Domestic Surveillance Paper needs to be 1700 pages long and examine the different perspectives on ethical issues such as relativism, ethical egoism and emotivism.  and ethical theories such as duty or deontology theory and utilitarianism theory.  Further details are in the attachment 2 Attachments Inthiscourse-1 Assignment (4) Solution Preview Global insecurity has led to … Read more

Capitalism; A Love Story” by Michael Moore

Capitalism; A Love Story” by Michael Moore Watch anyone of the following documentary/movie. 1. Capitalism; A Love Story (2010) 2. The Corporation (2005) 3. Food Inc. (2009) 4. An Inconvenient Truth (2006) Share your understanding around WHO: THE PEOPLE INVOLVED. WHAT: THE PROBLEMS, THINGS, IDEAS. WHEN: PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE OF THE TOPIC. WHERE: THE PLACE INVOLVED. WHY: … Read more

How Policing Black Boys Leads To The Conditioning Of Black Men

How Policing Black Boys Leads To The Conditioning Of Black Men What is the relevance of intercultural communication? What was most interesting and/or challenging about your topic/article? What lessons learned from other readings/resources in our course could be applied?  What are some ways that points in your article/resource can help individuals improve their ability to … Read more

External versus Internal Skills

External versus Internal Skills Each discussion should be 1 page long, separate document. include apa reference with intext citation 2 Attachments Unit 5 Job Design and Skills Inventories INTRODUCTION In this unit, you will take up the concept of the job description. Job descriptions are necessary for current employees to understand what they are to do … Read more

Collaborative Solutions to Global Issues

Collaborative Solutions to Global Issues Each discussion should be 1 page long, separate document. include apa reference with intext citation 5 Attachments GlobalIssueResourcc1u5-1 http___bowlingalonec1u5-1 democracyinamericac1u5-1 4Withdrawal-1 C1unit5d12-2

Business Lessons from CSR of Uber and Lyft

Business Lessons from CSR of Uber and Lyft Normally people choose the product or service they purchase based on finding the best quality for the lowest price. It is rare that corporate social responsibility (CSR) plays a big role when most people decide on where to take their business. However, Uber’s largest competitor Lyft is … Read more

Citizen Rights

Citizen Rights In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the assertion that “all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” signals the breakdown of any semblance of a fair society. We have probably all experienced it: a situation where someone who was better connected, more influential, or in a position of power could … Read more

Global Societal Problem

Global Societal Problem Prepare: The topic of your essay needs to be a global societal problem from the following list: adult illiteracy, funding for General Education vs STEM in primary and secondary schools, minimum wage, oceans desertification, overcoming the digital divide, refugee (escaping persecution, war, or death) crises, species extinctions (modern), tax havens, Transatlantic Trade and … Read more

How was World War I a turning point for the United States?

How was World War I a turning point for the United States Give Me Liberty!: An American History (Seagull Fifth Edition) (Vol. 2) 5th Edition ( the orange one),204,203,200_.jpg How was World War I a turning point for the United States? Answer must be in 5 paragraph essay form. (Opening paragraph, 3 supporting, 1 … Read more

The United States Economy

The United States Economy Gordon Rule Written assignments Assignment # Due Date: 1 9/18/17 2 10/16/17 3 11/13/17   Written Assignments (15% of Final Class Grade) To elaborate the written assignments you need to choose from de media any article related to the topics covered in class such as interest rate, taxes subsides, inflation, unemployment. … Read more

Organizational design

Organizational design  need you to read a chapter and answer the questions at the end. The organization you’re answering about is Cabela’s. Attached are the reading required and questions needed to be answered in 1-2 pages. I’ll leave you with some info I found on Cabela’s to keep u on track. DO NOT BASE YOUR … Read more

Problem Solving Steps

Problem Solving Steps \When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it? This assignment asks you to apply a six-step to problem solving process to a specific problem scenario. You will write a paper that presents a synthesis of your ideas about solving the problem using this systematic approach. As Voltaire said, … Read more

Global Citizens

Global Citizens Unit 6 Global Citizens INTRODUCTION The concept of citizenship has both informal and formal (or legal) aspects. For instance, a person who does good work within their community may be recognized as a “good citizen,” but this is an informal acknowledgment that does not affect the person’s legal status. Some aspects of dual … Read more

Impact of social media on adolescents

Impact of social media on adolescents Introduction Social media has transformed how people interact in the modern day digital world. Today, people can communicate with each other at anytime despite the geographical distance between them. Heavy reliance on virtual communication is having devastating effects on people’s interpersonal skills, particularly adolescents. Therefore, the research question intends … Read more


Ethics Overview: The final week of this class is devoted to thinking about the lessons we will take away from the discussions. What are our ethical responsibilities to ourselves and the business we work for? What responsibilities should employers have toward their employees and to society? How do we act ethically across the borders of … Read more

The importance of client follow-up and client referral in a Real Estate Agent’s career

The importance of client follow-up and client referral in a Real Estate Agent’s career Instructions: Please view the question below for your Week 5 Forum Discussion. Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Discuss the importance of client follow-up and client referral in a Real Estate Agent’s career. Describe your plan to develop a solid client follow-up and … Read more

Equality of Humanity

Equality of Humanity Personal Essay #3: Experimental Structure and Larger Themes “In the particular is contained the universal.” – James Joyce For this essay, we will explore ways to combine the earlier techniques of reflection and narrative scenes in unexpected ways that draw out deeper, big-picture meanings. You may also find it useful to draw … Read more

The Proclamation of the Kingdom

The Proclamation of the Kingdom Read four short paragraphs from the bible and answer the questions Jesus’ public ministry comprised four actions through which he revealed his relationship with God: Teaching, Preaching, Healing, Challenging. For each passage below identify the action of Jesus’ ministry, then answer the questions below in relation to each passage provided. (Hint, there … Read more

Diverse Teams

Diverse Teams The article review will be written over an article that are posted on the course website.The article reviews should be approximately 2 pages double spaced with 1” margins and 12-point font. The first 2/3 of the article review will be a summary of the article itself. The second 1/3 of the article review … Read more

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