
Briefly explain one current Health and Technology event in the news

Briefly explain one current Health and Technology event in the news Briefly explain one current Health and Technology event in the news. Post the link to the news source. Solution Preview The health and technology event was held at the University of Toronto on Sunday which was attended by the US. Sen. Bernie Sanders. It … Read more

Responsibility to Self-Versus the Family versus Society

Responsibility to Self-Versus the Family versus Society Using the two works discussed in class (“Us or Me” by Ian McEwan and All My Sons by Arthur Miller), write a 3-page paper to discuss one’s responsibility to self versus the family versus society. Which is the most important to you? Where do you draw the lines … Read more

Taylor v. Baseball Club of Seattle

Taylor v. Baseball Club of Seattle Students must write a case analysis to an assigned case. The professor will hand out assignments in class and they will also be posted to Canvas during the first or second week of class and sent out via e-mail to your CWU group wise account e-mail. NO PAPERS WILL … Read more


Globalization discussion 1pg journal 1pg 2 different documents please MLA format journalquestion Discussionboardquestion Solution Preview Globalization is a process whereby the world is highly interconnected due to cultural exchange and increased trade. (Appadurai and Arjun 2)  There are several examples of globalization which include; globalization in economics, cultural globalization, globalization in… (446 Words)

Open the attached document and follow the instructions.

Open the attached document and follow the instructions. Application Length– your application should be no more than one page in length. There is no need to create a cover page. There is also no need to include a long header with your name, my name, and the class. That takes up unnecessary space on the … Read more

New Service and Competency Inventory

New Service and Competency Inventory Work on assignment 1 in the attachment FINALPROJECTCLASS2hr-2 Solution Preview FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is an organization under Homeland Security in the United States. Notably, the agency is mandated with the responsibility to support both first responders and citizens to ensure that the nation work’s together towards building and… … Read more

Following Dreams

Following Dreams i posted my story Need introduction A) opening attention getter B)Central idea C)Story Title Solution Preview Everyone has a dream which he or she would want to achieve at certain points in their lives. People’s dreams tend vary with others being inclined on family values while other on the careers they intend to … Read more

Brand bull’s eye

Brand bull’s eye requirement:(250 words) a brand bull’s eye provides context to improve everyone’s understanding of the positioning of a brand in the organization. Following the Starbucks example in the Marketing Memo, construct a Brand-Positioning Bull’s-eye for SVSU’s College of Business and Management. And please reply one other classmate’s answer on the last page (less … Read more

Summary and Analysis

Summary and Analysis I need someone to help me with summarising an article 327M-1 Solution Preview Most people perceive engineering to be a learned discipline, thus made up of a community of scholars. The second view of the engineering field is that it is a body of university degree programs and learned works. Therefore, this … Read more

Business Ethics

Business Ethics Part 1 150 words Discuss the evolution of business ethics as a field of study from before 1960 to the present. What historical event do you think has the most important impact on the current business environment?   You are welcome to react to them.  How are these themes meaningful to you or connect … Read more

Hospitality and tourism

Hospitality and tourism add 1100 words to this and ensure you have a recommendations section Hospitality & Tourism Theme Park (2) Solution Preview Outdoor amusement parks is a popular segment of the entertainment and recreational industry (Sun & Uysal, n.d.). Theme parks are an outgrowth of fairs and carnivals that began in England in the … Read more

Costs Accounting

Costs Accounting What percentage of costs are variable? How does volume affect variable costs? What are four major categories of costs? What are two problems associated with assigning indirect costs to departments? What are the three methods of cost allocation? What is the best method? Why? (Please make sure you explain your rationale.) What is … Read more

Business Analysis

Business Analysis Description You are the manager of Acme Fireworks, a fireworks retailer who sells fireworks, puts on ground display fireworks, and large aerial display fireworks. The company started in the owner’s garage two years ago and now has 15 employees that you manage. The company started as a sole proprietorship, and the owner has … Read more

Implementation of the ERP System

Implementation of the ERP System Research a company that has recently implemented a database solution in order to gain competitive advantage. Describe the advantage that this company now has and what potential pitfalls may be in their future. APA format Solution Preview The case study is that of the implementation of the ERP system through … Read more

Annotated Bibliography: Are Business Students Work-Ready?

Annotated Bibliography: Are Business Students Work-Ready? Governmental and media reports suggest that university graduates are not adequately prepared to work in globalised workplaces that are complex and diverse. This view is echoed by; graduates and graduate employers. Using the references cited below explore what competencies would make business graduates more employable in the global environment, … Read more

Health Care System

Health Care System For the final portfolio project, you will submit a written paper developing an organization’s strategic marketing plan to present to the organization’s board of directors. This paper will include an assessment of the organization’s environment, identification of the consumer market, development of a mission and vision statement, a summary of quality initiatives, … Read more

Therapy for Clients With Personality Disorders

Therapy for Clients With Personality Disorders Clients with personality disorders often find it difficult to overcome their problems and function in daily life. Even when these clients are aware that they have a dysfunction with their personality and are open to counseling, treatment can be challenging for both the client and the therapist. For this … Read more

The Story of a !Kung Woman

The Story of a !Kung Woman. Discuss the subsistence strategy of !Kung San society in the time prior to being placed on the reservation at Tchumkwe. Discuss the subsistence strategy of !Kung San society after being placed on the reservation at Tchumkwe. Note any patterns that carry on from before being placed on the reservation, … Read more

The Concept of Alienation

The Concept of Alienation From The Communist Manifesto: … The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his “natural superiors,” and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man … Read more

HIV Management

HIV Management You must watch the film (Does anyone die of AIDS Anymore?) and one other source from the internet. Follow instruction carefully. MAS150B1 FA17 Reaction Rubric (1) MAS 150B1 FA17 Reaction Paper Checklist (1) Guiding Questions Paper 4 Solution Preview HIV and Aids’ has been known to be a world killer disease for ages … Read more

Henry Washington’s Role in American Revolution

Henry Washington’s Role in American Revolution Here some websites Students will be assigned a side in the American Revolution (the Rebels/Patriots or Loyalists/Tories) and will write a 2-3 page paper from that perspective. Papers will include background information on a specific participant (assigned), primary sources that corroborate that position, and a response to … Read more

What are the three types of basic principles

What are the three types of basic principles 1. What are the three types of basic principles? (Keep answers short to 1- 1-3 words) a. b. c. 2. What are the basic three step procedure that should be followed when installing a peripheral device? (Keep answers short to 1-5 words) a. b. c. 3. How … Read more

International Expansion

International Expansion The most popular way for international expansion is for a local firm to acquire foreign companies. One of the most benefits for international expansion is global distribution capability that helps expanding the market share. There are different implications of running a company that is within or outside of the European Union. If you … Read more

Is torture permissible to an individual

Is torture permissible to an individual Explain the topic you are addressing and your position on it. Provide a preview of your paper and a statement of your thesis in your opening paragraph. [Approximately 100 words] For help crafting a good thesis statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., go to the Ashford Writing Center (Links … Read more

Walgreens company

Walgreens company 1. The group will write a 3-5 page paper on the company. Papers should be properly sourced. The following information should be completed in the paper: a. Summation of the company and what it does to make money. b. The competitive situation with the company and how this will affect future cash flows … Read more

Health Public policy act

Health Public policy act Health Public policy act H.R. 2430: FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 This bill tries to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that was originally passed by Congress in 1938 Solution Preview Despite the fact that healthcare is one of the familiar political subjects, the Health Public Policy Act H.R 2430 … Read more

A smoking ban in public places

A smoking ban in public places Argumentative essay.  In a minimum 5 paragraph essay, you are to argue for or against a topic of your choice.  Your topic must present two opposing sides/arguments; in other words, there should be arguments/reasons in favor OR against the issue/topic. You must argue for OR against   Your essay must … Read more

Allergan Pharmaceutical Company related to Botox

Allergan Pharmaceutical Company related to Botox ALLERGAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY PERTAING TO BOTOX INJECTABLE I. General state of Allergan a. stakeholders b. culture c. culture influences d. human assets e. distinct capabilities II. Core Competencies of Allergan III. Allergan’s Main Competitors a. competitors current state b. activities and how they will affect Allergan IV. Porter’s Five Forces affect … Read more

Hank Greenberg and AIG, and Steve Cohen and SAC Capital

Hank Greenberg and AIG, and Steve Cohen and SAC Capital 1.8 “sx\Hank Greenberg and AIG, and Steve Cohen and SAC Capital” – page 31 from business ethics  case study and selected readings by  Marianne M. Jennings 20170522034845business_ethics_case_studies_and_selected_readings__8th_ed Solution Preview From my perspective, Mr. Greenberg violated several rules while he was serving as a soldier. The … Read more

Diet and Nutrition

Diet and Nutrition write me an executive summary in memo format about Diet and Nutrition . Be sure to summarize three to four main points about the issue in the outline attachment Include a conclusion and any recommendations . dietandnutrition8th1 Solution Preview Diet refers to the various types of food that a community or individual consumes. It is affected by various … Read more

Relationship between kuru and cannibalism

Relationship between kuru and cannibalism Minimum 250 words – single space – NO cover sheet – must use US credible references from internet that are free for all to access and cite in APA format: Forum Question: Explain the relationship between kuru and cannibalism among the Fore.  How is the kuru story a good example of … Read more

Morality of personality

Morality of personality Read the material in the files section on Kantian Ethics, Utilitarianism and Kant’s ethics, and look at the selection from J.S. Mill’s Utilitarianism.  Then read the material about Holmes and the Lifeboat.  Holmes is a seaman who has been ordered to throw people out of an overcrowded lifeboat (which will result in … Read more

The Elements of Innovation

The Elements of Innovation I have 2 reading that are  “The Ten Faces of Innovation ” and  “creative confident group book ” chapter 6 just I  want one page reflection for this two reading 2 Attachments TheTenFacesofInnovation1 1100 Solution Preview Creativity and innovation are vital to the growth and development of the world. They facilitate the … Read more

Stand we deliver

Stand we deliver the homework is under the attachment. Please just write one page. no references because i will post the essay in a discussion group. no plagiarism please. you need to watch a movie to do this essay. StandandDeliverGroupAssignment-1 Solution Preview It was my pleasure to be assigned the character of the principal for … Read more

Describe the function of each application of Microsoft productivity apps and how it can be used to be more productive in the work environment

Describe the function of each application of Microsoft productivity apps and how it can be used to be more productive in the work environment Research: Describe the function of each application of Microsoft productivity apps and how it can be used to be more productive in the work environment. Microsoft® OneNote Microsoft® Sway Microsoft® Office Mix … Read more

The Environmental Injustice of “Clean Coal

The Environmental Injustice of “Clean Coal After reading the article The Environmental Injustice of “Clean Coal” located in Files, students are assigned to Review, Discover, and Comment on the assigned article using the PDF accessories Hi-lighter and Add Sticky Note. Students are required to review each paragraph, to discover the intention of the author’s message, and to summarize, agree, disagree, respond to, … Read more


pol_goverment n a five-page (minimum) essay, explain and analyze the following: 1). From federalism to capitalism (huberman, jillson chapter 1, and the history book) A. Feudal so ciety in an economy and the merchants B. The church in feudalism C. The Protestant Reformation, political and ideological D. The French Revolution E. Emigration to the thirteen … Read more

Should Ai Be Allowed To Achieve a Higher Functional Level in Today’s Society

Should Ai Be Allowed To Achieve a Higher Functional Level in Today’s Society I want you to write: **Must be with A.I.** 1- Title of paper 2- The introduction part of your paper (this should convey a sense of what your paper will be about) 3-  A sentence or two of your “My Opinion” section … Read more

IT Disaster Recovery plan

IT Disaster Recovery plan After watching the video, Modern Disaster Recovery Workshop: Developing an IT Disaster Recovery Plan, each student will create their own thread discussing at least three concepts presented in or that you learned from the video. attachments area Preview YouTube video Modern Disaster Recovery Workshop: Developing an IT Disaster Recovery Plan Modern Disaster … Read more

Judicial Process

Judicial Process Political Science: Judicial Process (APA) 4 full pages Body #1:   The overall costs of the criminal prosecutions are reduces Body #2:  the administrative efficiency of the courts is greatly improved Body #3:  resources can be devoted more efficiently to cases that need greater attention Solution Preview The judicial process rehabilitates or punishes individuals … Read more

Plea Bargaining

Plea Bargaining Thesis: Plea Bargaining is beneficial to the judicial process because the overall cost of criminal prosecution reduces, the administrative efficiency of the court is improved, and resources can be devoted more effectively to more critical cases. 4 full pages Body #1:   The overall costs of the criminal prosecutions are reduces Body #2:  the … Read more

Information Systems/Database PowerPoint

Information Systems/Database PowerPoint 15 Slides plus additional slides for references )(6-10 references)on Trends in Databases. Each Slide should have notes in the notes section or in word for that particular slide. Work count per slide should be 100-150 words. The PPT Presentation (req. 15 slides) should present an argument using the literature, formulating, and declaring a position … Read more

Description of a printer

Description of a printer include detailed description on color, shape, etc Technical-Description-Assignment Solution Preview A printer is an example of a technical machine commonly used in many organizations. This device prints documents, spread sheets and images. The reading materials we see like the newspapers, books, magazines… (1059 Words)

New Service and Competency Inventory

New Service and Competency Inventory add 3 more pages to the document attached, part 1 i just revising what is attached, so the 3 pages should be on part 2, but add to the attached document This assignment has two parts: Part 1: Begin by revising the following elements from your previous assignment as needed, in … Read more

The Pilgrim To Santiago

The Pilgrim To Santiago t’s the year 1183. You are making a trip along the pilgrim road to Santiago de Compostella from Paris, France. Your route will take you through Paris, Orleans, Tours, Poitiers, Angely, Saintes, Bordeaux, Leon, and finally Compostella. Choose FIVE of the cities along the route to highlight. Your assignment is to write about … Read more

Judith Ortiz Cofer

Judith Ortiz Cofer Description I need a 4-page, essay about poet Judith Ortiz Cofer and an analyzation of the poems Latin Women Pray and Quinceanera. MLA style with two references. I have attached instructions. Solution Preview Judith Ortiz was born in a small town in Puerto Rico known as Hormigueros, an environment where she began … Read more

The Peaceful Warrior

The Peaceful Warrior Watch the Peaceful Warrior movie and pick 5 quotes from the movie (different than the ones used in class) and for each quote, write a minimum of a paragraph (5 sentences) explaining what that quote means to you and how you can apply it to your life. Solution Preview According to this … Read more

Collective Identity

Collective Identity discussion 1 1pg discussion2 1pg 2 different documents ch5Identities-1 C1unit7d12-2


LEADERS AND LEADERSHIP Most of what is written about leadership has been written by western scholars and practitioners—mostly from the United States. Thus, what we have studied in this module so far reflects western assumptions and values about how to improve leadership performance. But leadership quality, we know, is mostly about perception. If the followers … Read more

Trending topics in your concentration

Trending topics in your concentration Find and discuss 3 articles in your concentration area (i.e., OB, CB, or General Psych) that discuss trending topics that relate to your concentration. Use the following Web sites to find the trending topics in your concentration: Organizational Behavior (OB) Consumer Behavior (CB) General Psychology (Gen Psych) Identify your concentration, … Read more

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