
Journal review of the National Organization for Human Services

Journal review of the National Organization for Human Services Description Student are required to locate a scholarly journal article on human services management. Student will select one or more of the theories and discuss and explain how those theories would best benefit the organization. Requirements: Two to three pages, APA, 12-point font, doubled space, title … Read more

Grant Writing Best Practices Paper

Grant Writing Best Practices Paper Write a 1,050- to 1,250-word paper summarizing the main points of the article. Explain the connections between those points and their practical application to various grant types. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. out Solution Preview Government agencies use grants to outsource money for projects. There are over 100,000 federal website … Read more

Inflation Targeting

Inflation Targeting Directions: Be sure to make a copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single spaced … Read more

Business solutions

Business solutions Directions: Be sure to make a copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to … Read more

Does fraud occur more often by internal employees or external thieves

Does fraud occur more often by internal employees or external thieves Does fraud occur more often by internal employees or external thieves? Why do you think such fraudulent activity occurs? Have you ever witnessed any theft or embezzlement at work? If so, what did you do and what was the outcome? If not, what might … Read more


Communication Details: For this assignment, I have selected “Communication” as my topic of choice that relates to cultural competency in nursing. I need a PowerPoint presentation on “Communication”, with a minimum of six (6) slides and no more than ten (10). NUR 230 Cultural Competency in Nursing Presentation Rubric Criteria Points Possible 1. Provide an … Read more


Philosophy Read the selection in the files section “From the Journals of Soren Kierkegaard.”  Among other themes, existentialists stress action, commitment, and subjectivity.  How does the quote from Kierkegaard’s Journal fit in with these themes?  What do you think is Kierkegaard’s main point in the quote?  What do you think? FromTheJournalsofSorenKierkegaard Solution Preview Existentialism refers … Read more

Community Health Needs Assessment

Community Health Needs Assessment Description 1. List and describe the strengths and limitations of this community health assessment as a public health effort. 2. Identify one social determinant of health that contributes to obesity in Holmes County, and discuss its downstream effects on the community. 3. What additional interventions do you think could be put … Read more

Capacity Planning

Capacity Planning Analyze two or three (2-3) differences between design capacity and effective capacity, and then predict one or two (1-2) challenges that you may encounter when using each method. Provide specific examples to support your rationale. Solution Preview Design capacity entails the theoretical uttermost output that a system can produce in a specified period … Read more

Mass Wasting at Alberta

Mass Wasting at Alberta Here is the assignment. Make your own news article on a mass wasting event (can be recent or historic). How many people does did it effect? What was the trigger (cause)? Where did it happen? How much … 400 words Solution Preview A mass wasting event took place on the northern … Read more


Journal You will need to read a psy report, then write a 1-2 pages journal which basically just ask you to answer  6 questions in details. Questions are: 1. What is the question the authors are asking? 2. Why do the authors believe this question is important? 3.  How do they try to answer this … Read more

Healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Consider the evolution of healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Investigate new proposals or policy implementations that have impacted this evolution, as well as current healthcare access and efficiency issues in the Kingdom. Write a paper that addresses the following: Introduction History and evolution of Saudi Arabian … Read more

What can short story characters teach us about ourselves

What can short story characters teach us about ourselves Description It should be MLA format, using quotation from stories please write in simple language okay write according The Yellow Wallpaper “Bartleby, the Scrivener” and Cask of Amontilado. write with simple language, MLA format. it should be in satire as a main literary element, tone, compare … Read more

Device to read brain chemistry

Device to read brain chemistry . I have a presentation and the title is the device to read brain chemistry( this is our group invented , there is no exist in the world) 2.I want to explain the product first:The device would be something a person could use every day to measure and track specific … Read more

Jesus the Messiah Survey of the Life of Christ

Jesus the Messiah Survey of the Life of Christ I need book review for some bible book. It should be 5 pages and you have to use your own words with simple English. Book : Jesus the Messiah Survey of the Life of Christ by Robert H. Stein You have to write the book review … Read more

Legal Regulations and Compliance Subject

Legal Regulations and Compliance Subject To complete this assignment, you need to access the 2014 case study by Verizon on data breaches, which is available at the following link: attached to assignment. Your tasks for this assignment are: Review the case study. Establish a cause-effect analysis on why financial information is so popular with organized criminals. … Read more

Annotated Bibliography about Guns in Bars

Annotated Bibliography about Guns in Bars I need an annotated bibliography of 6 sources about guns in bars Solution Preview According to this article, many states allow individuals with permits to carry loaded firearms into restaurants and bars. However, there are some which consider certain factors before allowing individuals to carry guns in public areas… … Read more

Leaders and Leadership

Leaders and Leadership Description Once again, we will be considering an experience which has personal significance for you as a means of understanding the material from this module better. For this case, think about a situation involving leadership that made a strong impression on you. Please structure your essay in the following format, using the … Read more

Case Study: Chevron’s Infrastructure Evolution

Case Study: Chevron’s Infrastructure Evolution Read the Case Study and answer the “Discussion Points” in a clear but concise way. Be sure to reference all sources cited and use APA formatting throughout. I prefer your assignment in .docx format – but if you do not have MS Word, convert the file to PDF and upload. … Read more

cross-cultural management outline

cross-cultural management outline Topic: cross-cultural management Details: My final research paper will be based on a topic of I chose related to an aspect of cross-cultural management examined in the course. First, I have to choose a company that is involved in global cross-cultural management. This assignment requires that I explore a key aspect of … Read more

Business Ethics

Business Ethics Unit VII Course Project  Code of Ethics Begin by preparing of Code of Ethics for a fictional company which should include at minimum ten elements. Once you have compiled the Code of Ethics, respond to the following questions: 1. Why did you include each of the ten elements? 2. Why is a Code … Read more

How I intend to used the skills learned

How I intend to used the skills learned minimum 500-word essay on how you intend to use the skills learned at CTU Online to benefit others and society. I am going for  my associate of science degree in business administration.  I I plan to used it go a job in administration  like at healthcare clinic … Read more

Literary Analysis

Literary Analysis A common type of literary analysis asks you to compare and contrast elements of two different texts. This comparative analysis should follow a specific pattern of development, block by block or point by point. For example, you could analyze the similarities and differences between two characters, or you could examine how one theme … Read more

China and United States trade relations

China and United States trade relations The paper should explain the topic and its relevance in terms of the economy. Your paper must be at least 3 full pages typed, double-spaced (zero before, zero after) on standard-sized paper (8.5″x 11″) with 1″ margins on all sides. You must use 12 pt. Times New Roman font, … Read more

Economy in the 1920s.

Economy in the 1920s i need a paper on the 1920’s economy of war and how it affected the economy today it must go in depth of how the war made the economy flourished and not fall into the great deppression once the war was over 2-3 pages need it by 6 am tomorrow please … Read more

Encountering John, The gospel in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective

Encountering John, The gospel in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective  need book review for some bible book. It should be 5 pages and you have to use your own words with simple English. Book : Andreas J. Kostenberger, Encountering John, The gospel in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective, Baker Academic, 2013 You have to write … Read more

Description of the Company: Coca-Cola

Description of the Company: Coca-Cola Most problems companies face are due to a lack of information; with complete and accurate information, the problems could be solved. Explore the topic of how research is conducted in organizations to address problems or issues. Then, select a company that is of interest to you, and respond to the … Read more

Is precautionary principle important in environmental sustainability

Is precautionary principle important in environmental sustainability I attached my assignment with a PDF or how the paper should look like.   Please use “Writing Philosophy Papers: A Student Guide”, pages 64-70 as a guide for developing your position paper Be sure to consider the Criteria of Evaluation on page 65. Be sure to consider the … Read more

Business management

Business management Develop a minimum 1,400-word proposal in which you explain the importance of innovation in your selected division’s vision, mission, and values, and determine your business model for this new division. Include the following: Propose a new product or service for the new company division. The division should be customer-focused with an innovative mission statement. Ensure … Read more

How Has Medication Changed The Face Of Aids? Has Medication Reduced The Rate Of New HIV Infections?

How Has Medication Changed The Face Of Aids? Has Medication Reduced The Rate Of New HIV Infections? Watch Film: Undetectable: The New Face of AIDS. and choose one question from the upload file and write an essay.   CITATION: Undetectable: The New Face of AIDS. Dir. Jay Corcoran. Fanlight Productions, 2001. Film.   You have 24 hours from … Read more

Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology Design a classroom environment that is sensitive to the needs and skills of the learner, focusing on what educators can do to stimulate cognitive development without introducing too much stimulation. Information from assignment Module Topic Personality and psychosocial development Required Readings Chapter from Required Text: Abbeduto, L., & Symons, F. (2009). Taking sides: Clashing … Read more

Toyota Mission and Vision Statements

Toyota Mission and Vision Statement Choose a company that has both a mission and vision statement. This should not be the same company you will choose for the assignments for Weeks 2-5. Prepare a minimum 600-word summary in which you address the following: Identify the company’s mission statement. Identify the company’s vision statement. Explain what role these … Read more

Curriculum Theory and Instruction

Curriculum Theory and Instruction n the reading assignments and lectures, we have discussed the importance of educational philosophy in relationship to curriculum theory and design. In this assignment you are to discuss the importance of educational philosophy. As noted in the lecture, our two textbooks take a somewhat different approach to educational philosophy. As you … Read more

The Rise of Mass Production/Consumption

The Rise of Mass Production/Consumption articulate a thoughtful response to something that came up in the readings. I want you to avoid summary. Instead, make up a topic concerning an issue that was interesting. You must quote the texts to which you are responding at least once Attachments area SplinteringUrbanism-1 Solution Preview Graham and Marvin … Read more

Impact of Financial Planning to Personal Financial Targets

Impact of Financial Planning to Personal Financial Targets Description Please write this paper as well as possible.Ensure all questions are answered. Thank you much! APA FORMAT Solution Preview In this contemporary world that we live in, personal financing planning is vital. Currently, the world faces high costs of living, lack of employment as well as, high … Read more

The Efficiency Market Hypothesis is not True

The Efficiency Market Hypothesis is not True Description Efficient Capital Markets Hypothesis, which is based on the theory that markets reflect information via prices. Do you believe that this is always a valid theory? Why or why not? When do you think it doesn’t apply? Solution Preview No, it is not true; market prices depict … Read more


Globalization 1pg X short paper 1 pg discussion board 2 Attachments ShortPaper DB4 Solution Preview A script as used in the business environment refers to a set of guidelines that employees are supposed to follow in their process of service delivery. Employees in fast food restaurants and the retail market often use scripts… (1049 Words)

Elderly Interview

Elderly Interview Details: I need an outline completed. On an interview with an elderly person. Following the instructions below. Read Bill Mitchell’s (2002) article “Hearts and Guts: Writing the Personal Profile” prior to completing this assignment. Part I:  Answer the following questions.  Include as much detail as possible. 1.)  Who will you write about?  Why … Read more

Contemporary Political Problems

Contemporary Political Problems 4 page Research paper Intro Paragraph 1: Women’s Suffrage Paragraph 2: Federalism Paragraph 3: The Media effect on politics Paragraph 4:  Identify, discuss and describe a specific contemporary political problem in one of the three subject areas you identified ( The media effects on politics) Paragraph 5:  Construct and communicate a solution … Read more

I Cry and Thanksgiving Time

I Cry and Thanksgiving Time Compare and contrast the 2 poems in 300 words Solution Preview What I Cry by Tupac is a poem that can be translated to mean that people were not there to feel what Tupac felt at the moment he expressed the feeling of emptiness. Most people can relate to the … Read more

Mini Ethnography for Fox Valley Mall

Mini Ethnography for Fox Valley Mall Purpose: The goal of this exercise is to observe a ‘cultural scene’ as an anthropologist would (i.e. based on everything you have learned in the course to-date). The student will analyze their observations in terms of themes from the subfield of cultural anthropology such as how it helps frame … Read more

Rhetorical + Visual Analysis Assignment

Rhetorical + Visual Analysis Assignment 1/Clear introduction and conclusion. Address all three rhetorical appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos. 2/Address the issue of audience. 3/Adherence to MLA format (including in-text citations and Works Cited page). 4/Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Include speakernotes, images and videos

Marketing Plan for Imagination Ink Tattoo Studio

Marketing Plan for Imagination Ink Tattoo Studio Description Purpose of Assignment The purpose of The Final Strategic Plan is to allow the student to develop a comprehensive strategy for a new division of an existing company. This analysis will be the culmination of all the previous week’s coursework as well as e objectives covered during … Read more

Importance of protecting Roosevelt Elk on vancouver island

Importance of protecting Roosevelt Elk on vancouver island -The common and scientific name of the organism -the population status of organism (red or blue listed) -where the organism can be found -the habitat requirements and niche occupied by the organism -reasons why the organism is red or blue listed -other then that content of paper … Read more

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge and the Crying of Lot 49

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge and the Crying of Lot 49 This assignment asks that you analyze one or more pieces if American Literature from the 1860 to the Present. You may choose a piece we have discussed in class for this discussion, or you may make your own choices as long as the primary … Read more

Donating to Toys for Tots this Christmas

Donating to Toys for Tots this Christmas Details: Need Persuasive Speech and Outline:  This 5-7 minute speech should advocate the support of, or change in, a current attitude and/or social behavior. Your position should be one that has substantial opposition in the general population.  **  Need Persuasive Speech and Outline for Donating to the Toys … Read more


Leadership   Find 3 articles about leadership. Briefly describe what you learned from the articles about leadership. Discuss what you learned about the traits and skills discussed in the articles that you would like to add to your personal leadership style. Consider how the articles have changed your thoughts on leadership. Solution Preview Often, it … Read more

Exelon Corporation

Exelon Corporation Using your chosen organization, identify individuals within the organization who you could use to form a coalition. List your relationship to these individuals. If you are using an organization that you are not currently involved in, place yourself in a position within the organization (with the exclusion of executive management positions, such as … Read more

The challenges of managing international assignments

The challenges of managing international assignments Unit VIII Case Study To read the case study below, you must first log into the myCSU Student Portal and access the Business Source Complete database found in the CSU Online Library. Bodolica, V., & Waxi, M. (2007). Chicago food and beverage company: The challenges of managing international assignments. … Read more

Price Discrimination

Price Discrimination One method of price discrimination for firms is the use of coupons and rebates. Firms are basically allowing consumers to self-identify their respective price elasticities of demand for a product. Describe the last time you used a coupon or a rebate, and another time where you knew a coupon might be available and … Read more

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