
Leading with Values

Leading with Values Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business.Theresa and Mike want to create a merged company that is defined by a culture of integrity, thus aiding employees in making ethical decisions, such as in Joes ethical dilemma. They will begin by understanding … Read more

The topic is How does Power, Politics and culture effects LGBT memebers in the military

The topic is How does Power, Politics and culture effects LGBT memebers in the military Solution Preview Expressing sexual identity in the American military, an environment that has not welcomed such personalities in the past, is highly challenging, particularly for the LGBT community… (1692 Words)

Global Talent Management – Impact of E-recruitment at Nike Inc

Global Talent Management – Impact of E-recruitment at Nike Inc please follow instructions strictly. Use Nike.Inc as the company/MNE,remember it should be based on United kingdom Assignment Title- Global Talent Management – Staffing Case Study Report Your task is to write a case study report analysing the 2017 staffing policies and practices of your chosen … Read more


GOVERNMENT AND THE ART Discussion Question 1: Review of RCRA Based on your readings for the week, answer the following questions: In your opinion, what was Congress’ intention when it created the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)? In the context of the major criticisms of RCRA, explain whether you think Congress succeeded in its … Read more

Culture and Power

Culture and Power 2 Attachments ch8CulturePowerc1 C1unit9d1 Solution Preview Appropriate use of power in a multicultural setting can be challenging. Primarily, this is highlighted by the fact that positive handling of power is a source of motivation to others. In this regard, a public administrator in a multicultural… (378 Words)

Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Immigrants Prompt: Most nations deal with immigration in some way shape or form. Write an essay on illegal immigration in the United States. Should the United States try to prevent illegal aliens from entering our country? Why or why not? What is the solution to this problem? Be sure to include the following information: 1) … Read more

Tuberculosis and its Impact on the Society

Tuberculosis and its Impact on the Society Choose a respiratory disease that has a significant impact on society and the health care industry. Some examples are tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, influenza, or a respiratory illness that is currently prevalent. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses the following: State this disease’s type (primary, secondary, tertiary) … Read more

Start-up business

Start-up business Checkpoint Assignment BUS 180 AY 2017-2018 Solution Preview Over the past years, NIKE has been a global leader in the sales of athletic shoes. In essence, the company’s effective brand image has ensured that it remains significantly competitive through empowerment of athletes… (1478 Words)

Why the “Little Red Cap” is so dark

Why the “Little Red Cap” is so dark Brothers Grimm it is enc1102 class, i am second language learner and second year of college, so please don’t write like two completely different person . my attach file it show the style i write. the topic that i pick is the first one “by twenty-first century … Read more

macro level empowerment

macro level empowerment .   Explain  what  “ macro level empowerment ”   means and how it relates to cultural    competent practice ( see  Lum   read ing ).     2 .   “Making the invisible visible” is a common phrase when discussing micro    aggressions.  Explain the context and purpose of the phrase.     3 .   What … Read more

The Presence of Evil in Uncle Tom’s Cabin

The Presence of Evil in Uncle Tom’s Cabin Choose one of the 3 questions please 2 Attachments Solution Preview “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Beecher Stowe features the problem of evil as its core theme. In the novel, evil is shown on different levels including moral, theological, political, economic and political. Primarily, Stowe is writing the book … Read more

Public health informatics

Public health informatics Part 1)Public health informatics Discuss what you find most interesting and relevant on the overall topic of public health informatics based on readings, film festival, and class discussions.  How can informatics, apps, and greater connectivity help improve the health of communities? Part 2) Future Trends Research and share your thoughts on emerging … Read more

Meaning of Leadership

Meaning of Leadership Description Personal Position & Application Paper” (5-6 full pages not including cover, works cited) – Due THURSDAY of Week 8 Students will submit a paper, which consists of two parts. PART I of this paper should include the student’s personal definition of leadership. Discuss the emerging issues of leadership in the study … Read more

Speech Outline

Speech Outline Follow the speech plan Action Steps to prepare a five to eight minute informative speech in which you present carefully researched, in-depth information about a complex topic. You may choose one of the topics from Figure 16.2 in the textbook, or a topic suggested by your coursework; or a topic about which you … Read more

A typical day in my life

A typical day in my life Narrative Essay (tell a story including main idea, coherent and focused body, and conclusion) Include all the conventions of storytelling :plot, character, setting, climax, and ending.  May use dialogue. 5 paragraphs. Minimum 550 words MLA Format check for plagiarism. (I need to turn assignment through only 5% similarity is … Read more

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Assignment The prosecutor is getting feedback from local law enforcement officers explaining that they are discouraged from making arrests in cases of domestic violence and child abuse. They claim that they have been neither making arrests in domestic violence situations nor arresting both parties when they go out on a call. It seems … Read more

British petroleum and business sustainability

British petroleum and business sustainability This assignment gives you an opportunity to practice your newly developed skills in assessing the sustainability of a company. In a statement of its business policies, British Petroleum (BP) asserted that “A good business should be both competitively successful and a force for good.” However, moving from a general statement … Read more

Proposal for starting an organization

Proposal for starting an organization  You are going to choose any topic you want for your proposal. You will use this proposal to write a feasibility report for the next (and final) unit in the class to show what you will need to implement your proposed ideas.  Ideas for the proposal include: changing something in … Read more

Reproduction and gender in New World slavery

Reproduction and gender in New World slavery I want the essay about jennifer L . Morgan Solution Preview Professor Jennifer L. Morgan in her book Laboring Women: Gender and Reproduction in the making of New World Slavery, surveys gender and race intersection in America. In her book, Jennifer L Morgan presented an extremely… (654 Words)

Western Civilization Writing

Western Civilization Writing Martin Luther – 95 Theses ( Henry VIII – Act of Supremacy ( Read, Analyze and Answer; How do these two documents contribute to the establishment of the modern secular state? – 2 pages Solution Preview A secular state is identified as an idea pertaining to secularism. Specifically, this entails a state’s decision … Read more

Motion to Dismiss

Motion to Dismiss Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Provide Discovery State v. John Doe Your supervising attorney sent a request for discovery on behalf of John Doe. The case is presently scheduled for a hearing, and your attorney has still not received the discovery. The attorney asks you to prepare a notice of motion … Read more

The Law of Comparative Advantage

The Law of Comparative Advantage There is a well- known law called ‘The Law of Comparative Advantage’, which basically demonstrates that all economies see an overall gain when they open their borders to free trade. a) How have you, or your parents, benefitted from free trade (hint – think about all the products you can … Read more

Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston

Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston The topic of my essay is a story called sweat and it’s an argumentative essay Solution Preview “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston is a short story that highlights the life of Delia Jones, washerwomen who resided in Florida. The short story is centered in marriage whereby Delia is married to … Read more

The importance of the following vitamins and minerals in health and disease

 The importance of the following vitamins and minerals in health and disease The Harvard Medical School notes the importance of the following vitamins and minerals in health and disease, including: Biotin (this is also a vitamin) Boron Calcium Chloride Choline Chromium Copper Fluoride Iodine Iron Magnesium Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Phosphorus Selenium Sodium Sulfate Zinc Vitamin … Read more

Cross-Cultural Management

Cross-Cultural Management Document Type: Annotated bibliography Subject: Management Deadline: 02/12/2017 00:22 Format: APA sources: 7 Pages: 4 Spacing: Double spaced Topic: Details: Prepare an annotated bibliography of articles collected to date on the topic selected [previous order of the outline]. You will format your paper in APA style, and write two or more paragraphs for … Read more

Literary Elements

Literary Elements each discussion should be on its own page Use MLA discussion 2 (2) discussion 1 (2) Solution Preview Youth in Asia is a humorous story by David Sedaris and talks about the lives of pets in our homes such as dogs, cats, and other animals. David Sedaris tells this story explaining how human … Read more

Loopholes and technicalities

Loopholes and technicalities You may have observed such a situation before: A highly publicized and outrageous crime has taken place, and the suspect is on trial for the entire world to see. It is clear in the media that the defendant is guilty of a heinous crime, and the case is a slam dunk. Then, … Read more

Price Elasticity of Demand

Price Elasticity of Demand You are writing a report to a store manager who wants pricing recommendations (increase, decrease, remain the same) for a particular product .This is a research paper to qualitatively evaluate the demand price elasticity for a particular product at a particular retail location based on identifying the number and closeness of … Read more

Charismatic leadership style

Charismatic leadership style IV.  Describe one of the leadership types addressed in this units’ readings.  Describe a leader who personifies this leadership type. What knowledge, skills, and abilities does this leader have that made them a good fit for this leadership type?. Please use class material to support your answer Solution Preview There are several … Read more

Juvenile transfers to adult court

Juvenile transfers to adult court Juvenile Transfers to Adult Court  Write a 750 word paper in APA style which explores the following questions: Research a case where a juvenile was transferred to adult court. What kind of waiver was used? Summarize the details of the case. Do you agree with the decision to transfer a … Read more

Research The Use Of Sanctions Other Than Incarceration Or Detention For Juvenile Offenders

Research The Use Of Sanctions Other Than Incarceration Or Detention For Juvenile Offenders Instructions are in the attachment must be 2 to 3 pages excluding the title and reference page. Solution Preview Juvenile sanctions are incentives and treatments applicable to juveniles that aimed at ensuring the accountability of the action of the juveniles. It is … Read more

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking Provide a 1−2-page outline on a global social problem that is currently impacting our world and strategies of change that can advance social and economic justice. You must demonstrate an understanding of the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination that influence this issue. Be sure to include at least 5 references using … Read more

Twelve years a slave

Twelve years a slave Choose a film that you like and using the four approaches to film history (aesthetic, technological, economic, and film as social history) argue its significance in film history. Solution Preview 12 Years a Slave by Solomon Northup is a very interesting drama film. The film is about an African-American man who … Read more

Articles response

Articles response Choose any two of these articles. Read the article and write a paragraph about your observations. Be sure to tell me the article you used. At a minimum, answer all of these questions. You may write more if desired. · Main purpose of the study · What information you got from the data/charts · What you found most … Read more

Vision for Change

Vision for Change Develop a vision for change for your selected organization, stating the following 5 factors: Identify the change that you would like to see in your organization. Explain why this change is beneficial to your organization. Determine what values are important for this change. Identify steps that you can take to begin the … Read more

Business Management

Business Management Develop a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should consider, at a minimum, the factors below. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table. Include the SWOTT table in your submission. External forces and trends considerations: Industry Changes Legal and regulatory … Read more

Memoir of a bilingual childhood” by Richard Rodriguez

Memoir of a bilingual childhood” by Richard Rodriguez For this particular paper, your thesis should give an overview of your chosen author’s defintion of success AND tell the extent to which the author’s definition aligns with or contradicts Gladwell’s viewpoints on success.  Report is to be based on Aria: Memoir of a bilingual childhood by Richard … Read more

The Alchemist

The Alchemist I hope you have started reading The Alchemist. Please read this carefully and begin browsing the NCC library for information. Research paper guidelines- Broad subject: A Close Reading of Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist Sample titles and topics below to help you, but you are free to come up with your own. Santiago, the Boy, Becomes a … Read more

Performance Management

Performance Management Scenario: You have just started work as the new Human Resources Manager for Acme Manufacturing, a Fortune 1,000 company. The job has been vacant for six months now. You have been wondering about this, especially since reading about employee harassment incidents and fights recently in the news. The General Manager (GM) calls you into his … Read more

Research about technology

Research about technology Do the second research essay. Topic is technology Solution Preview The impact of technology in the contemporary society is apparent. Notably, technological advancement was critical to the emergence and fall of empires. For instance, the development of farming and hunting tools enabled our ancestors… (1545 Words)

Columbia Disaster

Columbia Disaster look up in Wikipedia, or some similar source, the Columbia and the Challenger disasters.  Examine the engineering and management problems that might have brought about each disaster, and compare or contrast each in terms of assigning responsibility, if any, for the disaster.  In each case determine if NASA officials acted appropriately, as true … Read more

ERP Implementation Project Plan

ERP Implementation Project Plan You are the newly appointed IT Director of Fitter Snacker. You are well aware of the operational problems in the company. Business processes are neither effective nor efficient, due to the presence of multiple legacy systems. The company is falling behind competitors in both operational costs and customer services. You understand … Read more

Personal Values

Personal Values Complete the following three assessments and then write a paper on what you learned about yourself and how these observations affect your motivation and performance in your personal and professional life. The assessments are: Personal Values, Assessment 5, in the text on page W-37 Results: Top 3 areas are professional with 160, financial … Read more


Anthropology Anthropology2237FirstTheyKilledMyFatherExtraCreditF17-1 Solution Preview Khmer Rouge were the Cambodian communists who later became followers of the Communist Party of Kampuchea. (Walque, 2004) While they were in power, Khmer Rouge had organized some policies… (678 Words)  

The Formal Persuasive Speech

The Formal Persuasive Speech Assignment #6: The Formal Persuasive Speech (8-10 minutes)   Speech Assignment: Follow the speech plan action steps to select your topic and prepare a eight to ten minute speech in which you attempt to change audience belief. Your instructor will announce the time limit and other parameters for this assignment. Criteria … Read more

Strategic Objectives Summary

Strategic Objectives Summary Create a minimum 1,050-word strategic objectives summary. Include your balanced scorecard and its impact on all stakeholders, and the communication plan. Identify key trends, assumptions, and risks in the context of your final business model. Develop the strategic objectives for your new division of the existing business in a balanced scorecard format in the context of … Read more

Implementation Strategies and Tactics

Implementation Strategies and Tactics Develop a minimum of 700-word section for your business model and strategic plan in which you add your strategies and tactics to implement and realize your objectives, measures, and targets. Identify marketing and information technology as part of the strategies and tactics section of the business plan. Develop at least three methods to monitor … Read more

Law and Econmics

Law and Econmics You must pick a court decision, and then write a paper analyzing it from the Law and Economics perspective. This means you need to: Summarize the case. Explain the court’s ruling and justification, as well as the dissenting opinions. Throw away all that legal mumbo jumbo and and think like an economist. Was … Read more

Opinion versus facts

Opinion versus facts Write a short paragraph that would be considered an opinion. Write a second paragraph that would be considered a fact. Explain the differences between the two paragraphs. Explain how a reader would know if one statement is opinion and the other factual. Provide support in the research literature for the factual statement. … Read more

Industrial revolution 4.0

Industrial revolution 4.0 Assignment: Research “Industrial Revolution 4.0” Refer to I need 3 pages without cover and references. You need to watch the video from YouTube and then you can write the assignment. Attachments area Preview YouTube video Industrie 4.0 – The Fourth Industrial Revolution Industrie 4.0 – The Fourth Industrial Revolution Solution Preview … Read more

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