
Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments I had to go to a live concert in my university and watch peopleplay this music linked below, so when you write the report do it as you were in the concert. First link: Second: Third: Attachments area Preview YouTube video Beethoven String Quartet No. 6 in B-flat Major, Op. 18, No. 6 … Read more

Theory of Consumer Choice and Frontiers of Microeconomics

Theory of Consumer Choice and Frontiers of Microeconomics Exposes students to subjects that are intended to whet their appetites for further study in economics. Students will use the theory of consumer choice and the impact of the concepts of asymmetric information, political economy, and behavior economics, to describe how consumers make economic decisions. Assignment Steps … Read more

Why study economics

Why study economics More world leaders have an economics degree than any other type of degree. Discuss how the study of economics has helped you understand the world around you and how the knowledge of economics can be used to better the world. Also discuss how, with your knowledge of economics, you can profit in … Read more

Description of WeChat Company

Description of WeChat Company Description MLA format DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPANY Briefly describe your company’s products and services, its strengths, and its operations in other countries. Your Appendix should list the countries in which the company currently has operation(s). You should also provide information about total revenue/sales, profit (by regions of the world if data … Read more

Report on the Book Looking in Classrooms

Report on the Book Looking in Classrooms We read three chapters of a book. The book is “looking in classrooms” by Good & Brophy. The book is about classroom management. We did three assignment for each chapter which we read. In the first assignment, we list the question which a teacher asks, then we improved … Read more

Optimism in Charlotte’s Web

Optimism in Charlotte’s Web Description clear thesis please. credible sources. MLA style Solution Preview It is a novel relevant to children. It was written by an American Writer known as E.B White and was illustrated by Garth Williams. It t was published by Harper and Brothers in the 15th of October 1952. The novel is … Read more

SIOP Presentation

SIOP Presentation need 3-5 sources. pictures on each slide as well For this benchmark, create an in-depth, 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation to inform other teachers in your school district of the benefits of using the SIOP model as a teaching framework. This presentation should elaborate on the empirical research that shows the benefits of the … Read more

Resistive RAMs and Phase Change Memory

Resistive RAMs and Phase Change Memory Provide your perspective (~400 -500 words/ ~ 1 page [ no hard limit ]) on the potential value that any two of the following three new memory technologies, Phase Change Memory (PCM-RAMs), Spin-Transfer Torque RAMs (STT-RAMs), and Resistive RAMs (ReRAMs), add to the more mature memory technologies (SRAM and … Read more


Leadership Strategies for self-management Your personal leadership style Your sense of self Your strengths and weaknesses Solution Preview To many, self-management is perceived as an elusive goal. Due to this, self-management has been a challenge. Despite this, the issue lies in one’s ability to manage their daily undertakings by making sure they conform… (552 Words)

Explain the success or failure of this venture using these 9 building blocks

 Explain the success or failure of this venture using these 9 building blocks Find any relatively new start-up/company (anywhere in the world, except the USA) established in the last 5 years and provide a PowerPoint presentation about that company. Use the 9 building blocks of the Business Model Canvas (Part III of class notes) as … Read more

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby Research paper about the great Gatsby. I have to write a 6 page research paper with a work cited page included. Have to the use primary text and 4 credible outside source with quotations from those sources in the paper. Also the professor wants a 4 part introduction to the research paper … Read more

Culture and Identity

Culture and Identity Select any of the pieces we read from the list below and compare, contrast or analyze it in terms of the themes, symbols, imagery, characterization or any other literary elements we’ve been exploring. Be sure to use passages from the works to illustrate your points. Choose any of these works: • “What … Read more

Lincoln’s assassination

Lincoln’s assassination Once you know what you want to write on you will find a Credited online article or articles on it to write over….(Sometimes it helps to choose 2 or 3 articles to help learn more about your topic) credited means official., George,…. ect. Sites such as Wikipedia and others that … Read more

Understanding the Psychology of Diversity by Blaine

Understanding the Psychology of Diversity by Blaine Read and Explain each topic covered in each chapter. Writer Two papers for each chapter summarizing and use life experiences on what is covered in the chapter. Use citations for all paraphrased or quotes. Use MLA format style. ps://,+B.E.(2013)+Understanding+the+Psychology+of+Diversity+(2nd+ed)+Los+Angeles+Sage&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj4ltav9_zYAhWB0xQKHSbsC9UQ6AEIJTAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Solution Preview We live in a social world populated … Read more

Anxiety, panic, ptsd and dissociative disorders

Anxiety, panic, ptsd and dissociative disorders Create a 15- to 20-minute multimedia presentation–such as slide, including speaker notes with cited sources in APA, to teach a population of your choice, discussing the following: Describe the population you are presenting to. Describe the causes of anxiety, panic, PTSD, and dissociative disorders Explain the treatments of anxiety, panic, … Read more

Motivation and Performance Management

Motivation and Performance Management Due Week 5 and worth 100 points For this assignment, use the same company you researched in Assignment 1. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Compare the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Determine which is more strongly related to performance for your selected company. Apply motivational … Read more

Observational Study

Observational Study Solution Preview Gender plays a vital role in the manner in which people behave in public setting.The manner in which men conduct their activities in public spheres is very different from that of the female members of the society… (862 Words)

Financial Management Questions

Financial Management Questions Should a company ever accept a negative NPV project? Is it useful to use spreadsheets for financial forecasting? How do independent projects compare to mutually exclusive projects? Solution Preview Within business contexts, spreadsheets are used in varied ways. Spreadsheets are used for storing data sets whereby they also provide additional utilities for … Read more

Business Plan Breakdown 2 — The Marketing Plan

Business Plan Breakdown 2 — The Marketing Plan This is the second milestone of your business plan—the marketing plan. Tasks: Research the market of your chosen project. Based upon your research and what you have learned in the program, generate a 4- to 5-page marketing plan for your chosen project. In your marketing plan, you … Read more

Analysis of the Porter Five Forces Model on eBay

Analysis of the Porter Five Forces Model on eBay Assignment: Examining Business Strategy and the Five Forces Model: The Challenges Facing eBay; Time for Changes in Strategy? This week we look at strategic thinking in the business environment. Your assignment this week is to: 1. First, research, and create, a Porter’s Five Forces Model of … Read more

International Relations

International Relations There are two separate sets of readings in this section. The series of articles by Atran, Hurd, Fox & Sandler, Kubalkova, Falk, Juergensmeyer, Wæver, and Haynes, deal with the general challenges that IR is facing in handling religion and its inclusion in theories of IR and world politics. Read these together and devote a section to them. The two readings by Piscatori deal … Read more


PHYSICIAN-CODER COMMUNICATION Watch the video below and answer the question. 1. Why do you think it is important physicians and coders to work together on the accuracy of coding? 2. Why an unspecified code shouldn’t be used when the more specified code is available? Enter your initial post and response to at least one of … Read more

Reflection on Oppression, Intersectionality and White Privilege

Reflection on Oppression, Intersectionality and White Privilege Students will submit a reflection on the course material for grading. These reflections may take any form, but must include: 1) reference to the course material or one theoretical concept for the week and 2) relation to one’s personal life and/or a popular culture example. Reflections may take the form of: a … Read more

The Sanctuary Cities’ Case

The Sanctuary Cities’ Case In 2017, the Texas legislature passed and Governor Greg Abbott signed legislation banning so-called sanctuary cities.  The new law threatens sheriffs, police chiefs and other officials with jail time and removal from office if they do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities. And it allows police officers — even those on … Read more

Differences you noted between the TV series and the novel and the differences in how they portray Dexter

Differences you noted between the TV series and the novel and the differences in how they portray Dexter Please choose one of the following questions to answer for this unit by Wednesday. You should also respond to two of your classmates’ postings . Before answering this unit’s questions, you should view at least the first two episodes of Dexter and … Read more

American National Security Issues

American National Security Issues An important purpose of this assignment is to examine what the different branches and layers of government do to address a policy using a current issue to illustrate it. Complete a research essay on the government and national security. Remember this is being written for the president to read. Here are … Read more

Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth Century

 Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth Century America became a free independent nation. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, the former mother country, England, recognized that its children, the colonies, were now on their own. A constitutional republic was birthed, thus the challenges began. Slavery, the “Peculiar Institution,” was a monumental issue facing … Read more

Selecting a Theme and Gallery Pieces

Selecting a Theme and Gallery Pieces Throughout this course, you will be working towards completing your course project, which is an art gallery. This project will be a PowerPoint presentation that you will build upon with each unit. After each unit, you will review your instructor’s feedback and revise your presentation accordingly. For your first … Read more

Systems Development Life Cycle

Systems Development Life Cycle References used in this document with specified references per topic please review reference. Will need a total of 6 references. References need to be current (2016-2018) and from the web. These references need to be again referenced in the work. · Examine the activities in the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). … Read more

Juvenile Deliquency

Juvenile Deliquency Please watch the following film titled “Drop Out Nation”. The film can be located here: After reviewing the film relate behavior’s in the film to either conflict theory or a developmental view from your readings. Which do you believe explains this film the most and why? In your opinion, do you think reducing … Read more


Automation Description Work on making the thesis more specific and detailed. It is currently very vague. Use the outline to make a 12 page paper on the topic(automation). Make sure to expand on the ideas on the paper and feel free to put you intel too. The paper should follow the outline fairly closely, although … Read more

Citizenship Without Borders

Citizenship Without Borders Write a well-constructed essay on the following question and in your answer include information from lecture and class material – as well as what may not have been included. What would you like to see included? Compulsory Question You have been asked by a publishing company to provide a detailed outline of … Read more

Diversity in a Work Place

Diversity in a Work Place Work With Diverse Population Solution Preview With increasing globalization, interaction among people from different background is vital to drive businesses towards goal attainment. Individuals no longer want to work in an environment that does not support cultural… (457 Words)

Social media and easily obtainable information

Social media and easily obtainable information Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper answering the following questions: What are the advantages and disadvantages of easily obtainable information? What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media? How might knowing these advantages and disadvantages alter how a person might use social media? What credibility issues can arise from … Read more

Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis Description Your first paragraph should very briefly contextualize the passage, and the rest of your essay should explore how literary features such as language, structure and imagery generate effect and significance. Passage One: Katherine Mansfield, Prelude As they stood on the steps, the high grassy bank on which the aloe rested rose up … Read more

Homelessness and housing shortage

Homelessness and housing shortage DB7-1 Solution Preview The issue of Homelessness in the United States of America has been popular over the past decades.  According to the new study, the number of people who are homeless is rising rapidly under pressure of housing shortage… (507 Words)

Are all religions basically the same

Are all religions basically the same write  at least a 4-paragraph essay, for one pages and  provide as much detail: Some people say all religions teach basically the same thing. Is this true, or partly true, or false? Defend your answer by searching for: 1. two beliefs shared by at least three of the religions we covered, … Read more

Sources of Information

Sources of Information I live in USA, in the state of Illinois so try to stay close in your search to where I live Description After completing the assigned readings and viewing the various resources answer the following discussion questions. Part 1: 1.Find a site on the internet that provides primary data. 2.Describe the site … Read more

Oedipus the King

Oedipus the King It should be 3-4 pages long. Be sure to use *only* Fagles’ translation and provide page numbers for your quotes. Good luck! Using direct quotations from Fagles’ translation of “Oedipus the King” provide detailed character studies of Oedipus, Jocasta, and Tiresias. From your readings, what kind of king was Oedipus? Was he … Read more

Elderly interview

Elderly interview elderly interview Solution Preview To understand the process of ageing and what it means for someone to be regarded as an elderly individual, I interviewed a senior woman approaching her seventieth birthday in December. For this assignment… (1113 Words)

Technical memo

Technical memo well I choose graphine One of the required course outcomes for EASC2213 is that Solution Preview Graphene is a material developed from honeycomb-sheets of carbon that is just one atom thick. This compound is superlative whereby it is associated with broad applications ranging from electronic use to medicine as heart monitors… (1008 Words)


Psychology Optional Extra credit assignment (if you were unable to attend the presentations) 1.     Find a current news article or viral video that you can clearly connect to psychology concepts. 2.     Write a general summary of the article or video (include web address or url) in your first paragraph.  In the subsequent paragraphs, complete # 3 & … Read more

Gender and Negotiation

Gender and Negotiation ArtcleAssignment7-1 Solution Preview Negotiation is a fundamental form of human interaction, essential to the management of relationships, the creation of economic value and the distribution of resources. Comprehending the effects of gender on negotiations is increasingly… (636 Words)  

Payment Application Data Security Standards

Payment Application Data Security Standards                                                                      The paper: Your paper must consist of the following: At least five (5) pages of written … Read more

United Cereal

United Cereal Description Im doing a presentation on a case study United Cereal and my part is to determine the alternate solutions to the issues they face and which is the best solution. My teammate decided the issues are Management, Budget,Product and Launch. 4269-PDF-ENG Solution Preview The company was established in the year 1910 by … Read more


Hypothetical Description Write TEN of your own hypotheticals, within the Klosterman tradition of hypotheticals. They should do exactly what his do–that is, give a kind of story and/or context for the question that you are asking. Set up the question with clues as to how that question should be answered. And as in all of … Read more

starting and ramping up a new business

starting and ramping up a new business just follow the questions on the general Business Model: HW88283902382389 (3) Solution Preview Persons setting up a business need to take into consideration several legal and ethical issues. The United States federal government has established various which regulate how enterprises carry out their activities and treat their employees. … Read more

Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper Description this assignment is really for my point of view but i have the feedback ready to be attached so it will be easier for someone to complete. Summarize each assignment you have completed for this course, and indicate what you learned from it, and what you still need to improve. Identify your … Read more


Sustainability Discussion—Course Reflection As business leaders, you must decide whether the concept of sustainable business is valuable for each of your organizations. Each module of this course covered a different aspect of sustainable business practice and theory or model for achieving sustainable business practice. Reflect on your work throughout this course and respond to the … Read more

Community Health Assessment

Community Health Assessment reply to each of the attached one with ” agree with something they posted that was interesting and such Discussion post 1 &2 Solution Preview The Cumberland County of North Carolina state-owned provides information that was generated by the Community Health Assessment surveys’. It is this site where I was able to … Read more

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