
Political Research Paper

Political Research Paper Research paper (8-page, 12 point font, double spaced) required for this course. For this paper students will select one current political issue related to one of the sub-fields of Political Science (political theory, comparative politics, international relations, public policy/administration, or American government) and conduct research on that issue that apples the knowledge … Read more


Humanism Description MLA You need to write an essay about humanism. 5 written pages. You need to find 3 sources online and 3 sources from book. So total are 6 sources. objective:1,clearly explain the philosophy and its beliefs.(1 page) 2,clearly explain the philosophers associated with your philosophy.(1 page) 3,give examples from your research on how … Read more

Biology and Technology in the Real World

Biology and Technology in the Real World Description MLA Written Assignment: Biology and Technology in the Real World Addresses course outcomes 1-4: recognize and explain how the scientific method is used to solve problems make observations and discriminate between scientific and pseudoscientific explanations weigh evidence and make decisions based on strengths and limitations of scientific … Read more

Art History Survey

Art History Survey ESSAYSarthistory Solution Preview Highlighting on Byzantine art is problematic primarily because the Byzantine Empire and its art penetrated geographic regions far from its capital and spanned for more than a millennium. Byzantine arts comprises of works created from early fourth century to the fifteenth century… (1259 Words)

How Music Connects with civil Engineering

How Music Connects with civil Engineering Description SEMESTER PAPER The value of a liberal arts school surrounded by professional schools is that it potentially provides unique opportunities. One aspect involves applied interdisciplinary critical thinking strategies for problem solving. You will be involved with problem identification and problem solving regardless of your field and future employment. … Read more

Creative Reflection

 Creative Reflection Topic: Creative Reflection Details: Creative Reflection (cover page included): overview and requirements = Be a minimum of 400 words (may include poetry, personal narrative, profile, blog/journal entry, etc.) It should focus on a personal experience or belief, and carefully proofread and free of errors. Creative Reflection DOES NOT HAVE TO : be in … Read more


Epidemiology Three days into a voyage on a cruise ship 50 people developed fever,  vomiting, and diarrhea. It was determined that all 50 of them attended a  banquet the night before the onset of symptoms. You decide to take your  team to investigate this sudden onset of illness among 50 people. Requirements: Answer the following … Read more

Analyzing Conflict in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen

Analyzing Conflict in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen Choose a common theme such as marriage, death, conflict, male/female relationships, reality vs. illusion, freedom/oppression, or justice, and use that theme to analyze the topic using A Doll House with a debatable, analytical thesis statement with key points.  Additional options for topics are available below. Locate at least … Read more

Music Question

Music Question Description I need you to answer those 15 questions. It is multiple choice and blank. music exam (2) Solution Preview Robert Schumann’s work Dichterliebe is a collection of fifteen songs, also known as ‘A Poet’s Love. The two jazz musicians most responsible for the creation of bebop…(273 Words)    

The Atlantic Charter

The Atlantic Charter Read chapter four in your textbook: The European and colonial empires.  Select one of the historical events or historic figures that are introduced in this chapter, e.g., Suez Crisis 1956, Khalifat Movement 1919-1923, the French experience in Algeria and Tunisia, Mahatma Gandhi, the Atlantic Charter, etc…, and do a bit of research … Read more

Cross-Cultural Management

Cross-Cultural Management Format: APA sources: 7 Pages: 10 Spacing: Double spaced Topic: Cross-Cultural Management Details: Write an 8-10-page research paper (excluding the title and reference pages) on the topic of your research topic choice selected in Week 2. Solution Preview Cross-cultural management refers to the work of managing diverse teams in ways that take into … Read more


MASS SHOOTINGS Description I CHOSE THE TOPIC ‘MASS SHOOTINGS’ Understanding how media cover events in our world is a powerful skill, not to mention the focus of our class. This paper is designed to help you exercise that skill by having you examine news from a more objective vantage point, from which you seek out … Read more

Discrimination at Workplace

Discrimination at Workplace Conclude your review of literature relevant to your issue. Your list of references for Phase 3 will include those you previously cited in Phase 2, but should be augmented. It may include added material located through the Global Issue Resources interactive, course readings and media presentations if relevant. In addition, the final … Read more


FEASIBILITY STUDY TEMPLATE Using what you did for your proposal, use the template provided to do a feasibility report on your proposal. FeasibilityStudyTemplate-1 (1) Solution Preview The organization is a new venture in the shipping and courier services industry. Most of the organization’s operations have been conducted manually thus heightening the need of adopting a … Read more

Diversity in the workplace

Diversity in the workplace Description all what I need is in the file I attached Scan Dec 14 2017 11.35 PM (1) Solution Preview Diversity is a point of differences. It includes the state where individuals possess different aspects. The act of applying many varieties can be used to demonstrate diversity. In other words, it’s … Read more

Behavioral and Mental Health in Saudi Arabia

Behavioral and Mental Health in Saudi Arabia Evolution of mental health Structure of care and access Financing of mental healthcare Intervention through policy and research Preventative measures enacted by governmental and nongovernmental entities Requirements: Your presentation should be 10-12 slides in length, not including the title or reference slides. Presentation notes are required for each … Read more

The Consumer Needs that Technology Fulfills in the Banking Sector

The Consumer Needs that Technology Fulfills in the Banking Sector 1)Why is technology potentially important to the banking industry? 2) What consumer needs does it fulfill? remember i need each question 3 paragraph introduction, body and conclusion each paragraph 12 lines, each 2page separate    

Recommendation letter

Recommendation letter I’m wr a recommendation letter for a HR Specialis, who are applying for an MBA, and I struggled with this question: Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response. 500 words Solution Preview John Kelly has worked as a human … Read more

Items of a work ethics program

Items of    a work ethics program II. What specific items should be included in an ethics program in order to attract clients and good employees?  Explain why these items should be included in the ethics program and how they attract clients and good employees. 200 words or more Solution Preview Ethics are customs or habits … Read more

Ethical Values

Ethical Values Description final paper ethical behavior in criminal justice (2) Solution Preview Values are things that are relevant to an individual or an organization. Some of the organizations’ core values include caring, stewardship, teamwork, professionalism, and integrity. Values such as honesty and loyalty are constituents… (3098 Words)

Performativity in “the Yellow Wallpaper

Performativity in “the Yellow Wallpaper Description MLA Write an essay using the theorotical concept “performativity” on “the yellow wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman. No other sources can be used. i need an essay for 4 to 5 pages on gender performativity in the yellow wallpaper. but according to my professor, I can’t use any other source … Read more

Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget requiremet Solution Preview Jean Piaget was born on the 9th of August 1896 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. He was the first child in his family. His mother was known as Rebecca Jackson and the father Arthur. According to the mother, Piaget’s immense interest in… (1184 Words)

Housing problem in urban area and solution

Housing problem in urban area and solution intro body-lay out the key fundamentals-economic basics, axims and assumptions 1. how do economist think 2. axioms needed to understand spatial and density analysis applied to typical economic study examine four areas of concern – 1. market analysis/economic development 2. land use/ smart growth service/ community Dvelopment … Read more

The Relevance of Dantes’ Inferno to the World Today

The Relevance of Dantes’ Inferno to the World Today the top part of the paper are choices from which you can choose one to write the paper on my teacher is a very hard grader as well so grammar and proper use of citations and format are very very important just a heads up! thank … Read more

Ethics in the Courts Presentation

Ethics in the Courts Presentation Description Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you discuss ethics in the court system. Include answers to the following in your presentation: Who is the governing authority for licensing and monitoring attorneys in your area? What are some of the common ethical issues or pitfalls related … Read more

Whooping Cough Epidemic in Washington

Whooping Cough Epidemic in Washington Federalism is the sharing of powers between the national government and state governments. State governments remain fearful of federal government intervention yet today, public health issues are arising that impact more than just a single state and its resources. Federal agencies must tread softly while carrying a big stick when … Read more

Macbeth Tragic Hero

Macbeth Tragic Hero MLA FORMAT WRITE ABOUT Macbeth Tragic Hero Solution Preview A tragic hero refers to a character of a decent stature and possesses heroic qualities. The character of the tragic hero is seen as a commonplace in Shakespeare’s writings. The role of Macbeth is a standard illustration of Shakespeare tragic hero… (661 Words)

XYZ Corporation

XYZ Corporation The XYZ Corporation has decided to make some changes to help with the work–life balance of its employees. Currently, the organization has 40 employees: 25 full-time employees and 15 part-time employees. Each part-time employee currently works 20 hours on the grounds of XYZ and spends 5 hours working from home. The full-time employees … Read more

Effects of global communications in business

Effects of global communications in business I am looking for assistance writing a 3 page report on global communications effect on business. whats needed: Cover page 3 pages of content reference page all in APA format Solution Preview Global communication is basically being able to provide and access information of different cultures. This can be … Read more

Ironic Psychology Exercise

Ironic Psychology Exercise   Part One Discuss why you think plagiarism is so problematic in higher education today. Have you seen examples of it? What do you think you can personally do to help develop your own academic voice? Does it stir up any emotions when you think others are “getting away with it”? Part … Read more

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain Select a chief complaint from the following list and provide a list of differential diagnoses and an initial workup for the patient, including laboratory tests, imaging studies, and medications. Left lower quadrant pain Dizziness Altered mental status Dysuria Chest pain Numbness in an ipsilateral extremities Blurring vision that is sudden Cold, blue … Read more

Data Preparation

Data Preparation Question-1: The first step in data preparation is to edit the collected raw data. What purposes editors want to achieve? Also discuss about field editing and central editing used in survey. Question-2: Explain the followings: (a) coding rules (b) Data entry Solution Preview Editing is the process of preparing data before it is … Read more

Proposal a team approach to achieve a long-term business goal

Proposal a team approach to achieve a long-term business goal Develop a slide presentation that includes the following: Title slide – remember that this is being presented to the executive team. Introduction – Be sure to introduce the reason you are proposing a team approach by identifying the long-term business goal you desire to achieve. … Read more

The Ramayana/The Metamorphosis

The Ramayana/The Metamorphosis Respond to 1 of the following essay prompts of each book. Each essay should have a clear introduction, supporting points with get evidence support and a clear conclusion. Be specific in your examples. Your final conclusion should be obvious in a concluding paragraph. Cite the page number of the quotes used. Solution … Read more

The Proposed Product

The Proposed Product 1,400-word proposal in which you explain the importance of innovation in your selected division’s vision, mission, and values, and determine your business model for this new division. Include the following: Propose a new product or service for the new company division. The division should be customer-focused with an innovative mission statement. Ensure you … Read more

Organizational Change

Organizational Change Think of an organizational change that you experienced. Describe how you were impacted by the change. What could the leadership have done to make the transition more successful? Cite one or more change models to support your assertion. Your initial post should be at least 100 words in length. Support your claims with … Read more

What are the benefits and responsibilities of becoming a US Citizen

What are the benefits and responsibilities of becoming a US Citizen What are the benefits and responsibilities of becoming a US Citizen? Please list them and provide some background following MLA guidelines. Solution Preview A good number of individuals strive to get citizenship in the United States. The good American life is the main motive … Read more

White Privilege and Colorism

White Privilege and Colorism Write a 100 – 500 words essay comparing and contrasting White privilege and colorism. Organize your paper as an essay with introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs. Include answers to the following questions: What is White privilege? If you are a person of color, what are some examples of being denied privilege … Read more

Learning Strategies Psychology

Learning Strategies Psychology Topic is : Human Rights 1. Define the topic 2. Why do you believe that topic is social problem in our society? 3. How are people in this group treated in our society? 4. How have government (local, state and / or federal) attempted to address this problem? 5. What can you as … Read more

General Machinery

General Machinery Ratio analysis is a method used to analyze the financial reports of a company and interpret trends in the company’s performance. As a nonaccounting manager, you use numerous ratios to analyze your company’s performance year-by-year and benchmark the performance to industry averages, to an individual competitor’s performance, or against a predetermined target. For … Read more

The Flawed Emergency Response to the 1992 Los Angeles Riots

The Flawed Emergency Response to the 1992 Los Angeles Riots 20180102125121week_9_instruction_cj510 Solution Preview In 1992, four Los Angeles Police officers were caught beating an armed African American motorist for over speeding. The incidence was captured by a roadside camera. An amateur video was used in the court of law… (2130 Words)

Resistance to Change

Resistance to Change Description  MLA format Post an explanation of a threat to internal validity and a threat to external validity in quantitative research. Next, explain a strategy to mitigate each of these threats. Then, identify a potential ethical issue in quantitative research and explain how it might influence design decisions. Finally, explain what it … Read more

The reluctant Fundamentalist

The reluctant Fundamentalist For this assignment, you will write a summary-and-response paper about The Reluctant Fundamentalist. You should: • Introduce the reader to the novel. Sum up its storyline and theme in a few sentences, and include relevant publication information (when it was published, where it was set). Briefly describe the historical context, or background information … Read more

Apple Gaming Console 2

Apple Gaming Console 2 Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis for your proposed new division and its business model. Develop a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should consider, at a minimum, the factors below. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table. … Read more

What changes in business software platforms have you experienced, and what was the driving force behind the change

What changes in business software platforms have you experienced, and what was the driving force behind the change What changes in business software platforms have you experienced, and what was the driving force behind the change? What important trends in business hardware are occurring?  What relationship do you see happening between hardware changes and software?  … Read more

Initiating, articulating, and doing strategic planning

Initiating, articulating, and doing strategic planning For this assignment you will visualize a personally selected work scenario for which you will present a plan for leadership through change. Your plan is based on a stage model and includes the key goals and objectives and the activities and tools you would use to achieve them. While … Read more

cyber security foundations

cyber security foundations MLA There are five steps that will help you create your final deliverables. The deliverables for this project are as follows: Nontechnical presentation: This is an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation for business executives and board members. Technical report: Your report should be a 6-7 page double-spaced Word document with citations in APA … Read more

Marxist and Functionalist Social Theories of Education

Marxist and Functionalist Social Theories of Education Description MLA FORMAT Details about the essay: 1. Marxist Social theory (class conflict) 2. Functionalist Social theory should mention about big figures such as: Durkheim, Parsons and Merton 3. Marxist theory of Education 4. Functionalist Theory of Education 5. Compare and contracts the theories and the way they … Read more

Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Psychology Intro to Psychology (1) Solution Preview The behaviorist and psychodynamic are some of the early perspectives on psychology. The behaviorist perspective is concerned with the study about the relationship individuals’ behavior and his or her environment… (863 Words)

Baby Monitor Exposures and Vulnerabilities

Baby Monitor Exposures and Vulnerabilities case study analysis requires you to investigate a problem, examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence.  Your submission should be no more than 2 pages and needs to adhere to APA formatting for spacing and citations.  Include a title page, your case study (1-2 pages), and … Read more

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