
Intermediate Macroeconomics research paper

Intermediate Macroeconomics research paper An original research paper demonstrating your command of the economic way of thinking and your ability to apply it in an original and insightful way is a major component of this course. The topic can be on any theme related to the course material that you wish to examine. You must … Read more

Renaissance Essay

Renaissance Essay Synthesize the literary examples from the Renaissance using three noted writers Jean Toomer, Eric Waldron and Zora Neale Hurston and by using all of the following areas of discussion to develop your narrative:1) the use of vernacular to develop narrative; 2) references to symbols that were most used to help describe the conditions … Read more

Servant Leadership in Islam and Nursing Culture

Servant Leadership in Islam and Nursing Culture While servant leadership is often associated with Christianity and the Bible, one could argue it is compatible with most religions and philosophies and that it transcends cultures. This assignment presents you with an opportunity to explore other cultures, philosophies, and religions and asks you to think critically about … Read more

The delivery of bad news to employees is a critical organization process

The delivery of bad news to employees is a critical organization process Assignment 4: Locate a business or technical article in a journal of your choice. Write an informative review of the article listing the main idea or thesis statement for the entire article, the audience for which the article was written, the difficulty of … Read more

Culturally Competent Strategies for English Language Learners (ELLs)

Culturally Competent Strategies for English Language Learners (ELLs) This week, you will complete the first section of an ePortfolio, which will demonstrate your cultural competence in using culturally relevant methods.  Since this is the first component in your ePortfolio you will need to begin your ePortfolio.    Review the “Creating an ePortfolio” job aid( WHEN YOU … Read more

What’s Up With Culture

What’s Up With Culture 20180319015000assignments (1) Solution Preview I have been intrigued by the fact that learning specific details of ethnic groups before going abroad can be frustrating.  This is highlighted by the fact that it is nearly impossible to comprehend attitudes, beliefs, and values of the different cultural groups… (606 Words)

How gender policing has functioned and still functions in your own life

How gender policing has functioned and still functions in your own life Discuss the concept of gender policing. For this discussion board post, think about how gender policing has functioned and still functions in your own life. For example, how have your parents, family members, friends, and/or peers demonstrated normative gender ideology (or “taught” you … Read more

Disaster Preparedness among Families of Children with Special Needs

Disaster Preparedness among Families of Children with Special Needs analysis of the current literature. The assignment should be a minimum of four (4) pages long and analyze your synthesis (conclusions) a minimum of 10 references, with an additional attached page of the references. This should be written as a cohesive paper that integrates and discusses … Read more

Cyber Terrorism is different from Cyber Warfare

Cyber Terrorism is different from Cyber Warfare Conduct some research of your own to find and select one act of cyber terrorism or cyberwarfare Solution Preview One of the cyber terrorism incidents in the world involved a hacker known as Ardit Ferizi. The latter hacked a United States online retail firm and stole the personal … Read more

Abnormal Psychology

 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 205 – Abnormal Psychology (Psychopathology) Read carefully through the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions in the class lecture. Choose 1 step and 1 tradition that really resonates with you. Answer: 1. Which step of the 12 steps do you believe is of paramount importance and could be very beneficial for someone with … Read more

The most significant legal and business implications of establishing the relationship with the Chinese manufacturer of the headphones are intellectual property protection

The most significant legal and business implications of establishing the relationship with the Chinese manufacturer of the headphones are intellectual property protection Question One SuperLoud Headphones develops, markets and sells unique headphones in the United States utilizing its patented Deafening Technology. SuperLoud decides to have its headphones manufactured in China to reduce costs and increase … Read more

The Veteran

The Veteran Solution Preview The poem “The Veteran” is written by Margaret Postgate Cole, a pacifist during the First World War and a supporter of the Second World War. Cole is an author and a political reformer who was born in Cambridge… (385 Words)  

Poem Reply to White Flock by Anna Akhmatova

Poem Reply to White Flock by Anna Akhmatova Read below what i have to write about. It should be more details, examples and sources. it is worth for high points. but make sure to follow the instructions and write more details and examples with sources. which specific. please Special Projects  Individual Projects Write a poem … Read more

American government

American government Please read Chapter 4 sections 18 and 19 and in the Enduring Debate “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions” by Abraham Lincoln and “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr. Please write a two page essay explaining the main points of disagreement between the two authors. Solution Preview There are several points of … Read more

Planned Change in a Department or Unit

Planned Change in a Department or Unit Health care organizations are continuously immersed in change from the emergence of new policies, to promote quality care and improve patient safety to keeping pace with the rapid growth in knowledge and best practices. Establishing a solid framework for planning and implementing change is a wise move, as … Read more

Addiction Case Study

Addiction Case Study PSYC 205 – Abnormal Psychology (Psychopathology) Text: Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology 7th Edition, Ronald J. Comer Notes to consider: One of the most debated areas in the field of addiction is whether people with alcoholism must become abstinent (not drink at all) in order to overcome their disorder, or whether they can … Read more

Big Data and Analytics

Big Data and Analytics After reading the article, post a 1-2 paragraph response.… Question: Research a use of big data and predictive analytics that has helped an organization move beyond forecasting and tap deeper into customer preferences. For your example, explain how big data and predictive analytics is creating a competitive advantage for the … Read more

Communication Plan

Communication Plan Create a 350- to 700-word Communication Management Plan for the project scenario you chose in Week 2. Develop a table in which you identify project and portfolio stakeholders and their influence on the project Align effective communication tools and techniques with each stakeholder. Explain why the methods of communication identified are most effective. Format your paper consistent with … Read more

Awareness on the Existence of Social Disconnectivity in the Contemporary Society

 Awareness on the Existence of Social Disconnectivity in the Contemporary Society After reviewing the Learning Activities, think about whether you want to continue exploring the problem you discussed in Unit 2 (topic shown in question title). Then, respond in at least two well-developed paragraphs to the following questions: Create three research questions about your selected … Read more

Ethics in Medicine

Ethics in Medicine In this week’s Discussion, you will explore how ethics applies to issues in medicine. Bioethics is a distinct subject that takes medical and biological issues and analyzes them using ethical reasoning and theory. The topics discussed in bioethics are varied but these issues impact your lives directly. Ethics in Medicine Confidentiality is … Read more

Rhetorical Analysis: Nike Londoner Ad

Rhetorical Analysis: Nike Londoner Ad This week, you will use the drafting and planning work from the Week 3 Extended Draft Outline to write the final three- to four-page Rhetorical Analysis essay. Draw upon last week’s assignment, the lesson, and textbook reading to help you understand and meet the requirements for the Rhetorical Analysis. Other … Read more

Literature Review Outline on Classroom Management

Literature Review Outline on Classroom Management INSTRUCTIONS In preparation for your Week 8 literature review, create an alphanumeric outline with relevant comments taken from the 15 (or more) articles, including the ones you have collected in the previous assignments. Comments will be consistent with what you would use in paraphrasing a paper, including citations with … Read more

Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection 1. Please answer in DETAIL the following questions regarding Climate Change, The Greenhouse effect and Greenhouse Gases 1) What is the Greenhouse Effect? Is it good or bad? Explain. 2) What are Fluorocarbons? What % of Green House gases emitted are they? What human activities cause them? How can we cut back? 3) … Read more

Health Psychology: Discussion

Health Psychology: Discussion As you have gathered in the previous weeks, social psychological insight is relevant to many fields. Some branches of social psychology are specifically focused on application. In this discussion, we will consider practical applications beyond the scope of previous material. To inform your thinking on this topic, begin by perusing The Stanford … Read more

Gender Roles in Vanaja

Gender Roles in Vanaja Once you have completed the film, please write a 2-3 page summary double-spaced of your thoughts on the main male and female roles in this film. Here is the link: Attachments area Preview YouTube video VANAJA (Feature film with English Subtitles) VANAJA (Feature film with English Subtitles) Solution Preview The role of different … Read more

Analyze the benefits and the problems posed by the four approaches to the implementation of resource management policies

Analyze the benefits and the problems posed by the four approaches to the implementation of resource management policies Analyze the benefits and the problems posed by the four approaches to the implementation of resource management policies: control theory, machine learning, utility-based, and market-oriented and share what you found with your classmates. Solution Preview The implementation … Read more

Medical Technology and Surgeries in the 18th Century

Medical Technology and Surgeries in the 18th Century I want to do it on medical technology and surgeries in the 18th century Details: Paper on Changes in Medical Technology in the 18th century Please refer to syllabus Research-Paper-What-I-want-modified-1 (1) Solution Preview The use of medical technology became central in Europe in the 1800s. While medical … Read more

State parks in California

State parks in California… Summarize the article while discussing the value of state parks in CA to the public. write 1 full page no space Solution Preview State parks in California have for a long time been considered to be a treasure since the time Lincoln created an historic action in 1864 to allow … Read more

Choose one event in Gilgamesh’s life and explain what lesson a modern reader may learn from Gilgamesh’s experience

Choose one event in Gilgamesh’s life and explain what lesson a modern reader may learn from Gilgamesh’s experience In your response, provide specific details from the story and present-day examples to strengthen your argument. You should provide at least one direct quote from the textbook formatted in MLA Style. Solution Preview The important lesson that … Read more

Summary and Response

Summary and Response I need One paragraph summary about it and One paragraph respond and conclusion Solution Preview Homework is not about doing the assigned task but rather stands as a symbol of our culture which entails admiration of long hours of work. However, this admiration has often been questioned on the notion of its … Read more

The family and the society

The family and the society )Explain the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives about the family institution. What are some of the similarities? Which perspective do you identify with and why? Does this perspective best explain the family institution overall? Explain your answer. 2)After reviewing the data in the 2010 and 2016 “Status and Trends … Read more

Article Review and Evaluation

Article Review and Evaluation Utilizing the Library, locate and read three scholarly peer-reviewed articles on standards and regulation for healthcare administrators, such as medical privacy, autonomy, and electronic health records. Write a three- to four-page paper providing a brief summary of the key points in each article from a legal and ethical perspective; then compare … Read more

The Four Temperaments.

The Four Temperaments I am attaching a document called “The Four Temperaments.” I. The first part of the assignment is for you to analyze your results according to what Hippocrates and Galen believed about the four bodily fluids. In one robust paragraph tell me why you resulted in this Bodily Humour. What does this mean … Read more

Debate Post Favoring W.E.B. Du Bois over Booker T. Washington

Debate Post Favoring W.E.B. Du Bois over Booker T. Washington You have been divided into two groups. Group A will support Booker T. Washington’s position. Group B will support W. E. B. Du Bois’s position. To participate in the debate, you need to research both positions. The required work will help you. Who will you … Read more

The Enterprise Resource Management

The Enterprise Resource Management As an IT manager, discuss how your company will use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to integrate the various functions of an entity. What are the advantages of using ERP? In your discussion, please be sure to provide substantive explanation of what ERP is and give example(s) of ERP. Use APA throughout. … Read more

What are the differences between risks, threats, and vulnerabilities

What are the differences between risks, threats, and vulnerabilities What are the differences between risks, threats, and vulnerabilities? How do these concepts relate to each other? i expect a good work, no plagiarism, and i want references and APA Formated. Solution Preview The terms, risks, threat, and vulnerabilities are often used to imply the same … Read more

American Psychological Association

American Psychological Association Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Schantz (2014) “A Young Scholar’s Guide to Building a Professional Network” article, review the Divisions listed on the APA website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. paying special attention to the divisions that may interest you, and review the O*Net Online (Links to an external … Read more

Netflix: Push and Pushback in Streaming Video

Netflix: Push and Pushback in Streaming Video “MBA 530 Case Preparation Guidelines”.  The case study has very strict guidelines. Uploaded Case Study:  Netflix: Push and Pushback in Streaming Video 2 Attachments MBA530_Case_Preparation_Guidelines (2) CASESTUDY1 (2) Solution Preview The Netflix business was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, a software executive. After the business … Read more

Performance Management Systems

Performance Management Systems In a paper, discuss a performance management system (PMS) that you would implement as the human resources (HR) manager of an organization (fictional or real). Be sure to include information that addresses the following aspects of your PMS: Organizational Strategy, including description of the organization’s purpose, vision, mission Systems, including defining and measuring results, … Read more

Discussion Post

Discussion Post Please weigh in on each of the 3 questions related to this week’s topics. Remember to review the discussion board rubric for details about scoring. 1. Look at the Death Penalty Chart 4.2 in the text. Why do you think the results look like this? How do the positivist theories of External Restraint … Read more

Healthcare Information System

Healthcare Information System Imagine you’re on the implementation committee on a hospital that is in the process of implementing a new healthcare information system. What types of tools would you use to monitor the progress made on the individual progress tasks? Consider the importance of the timeline and schedule in the efficient and effective completion … Read more

Energy Sources and the Environment: Nonrenewable and Renewable

Energy Sources and the Environment: Nonrenewable and Renewable In this activity Solution Preview The location for use both the heating fuel and biofuel is suitable in San Jose, California. San Jose is known for its legacy in protecting the environment, watershed protection, sustainability initiatives… (396 Words)

Child Development Observation

Child Development Observation Observations: Please choose ONLY ONE age group to observe a) of a infant/toddler in any setting b) of a preschool child in any setting c) of a school-age child in any setting d) of an adolescent in an informal or formal setting Papers will include the data recorded during the observation with … Read more

Dynamics in the Family System

Dynamics in the Family System To prepare for this Discussion: Consider each of the tenets of systems theory that are discussed. Consider how the family systems theories discussed reflect the basic tenets of systems theories. Think about how the dynamics of a family or couples system may be expressed transgenerationally, and how rules, roles, boundaries, … Read more

Training Project Evaluation

Training Project Evaluation For your final course project assignment, create a one-page evaluation / feedback form for your training. Also include a second page describing why you included the questions you did and how they relate to the goals and objectives of your training program.*** Training guide for facilitator and participants are attached for reference … Read more

Aligning Organizational Goals

Aligning Organizational Goals Background With proper goal alignment, each person within an organization can clearly see the direction of the business and understand how the activities he or she is engaged in contribute to meeting the overall organizational goals. However, goals need to be tailored for each functional area (department) because each area contributes differently … Read more

Annotated Bibliography on Advertising Food to Children

Annotated Bibliography on Advertising Food to Children I need a bibliography of 7-10 sources for the community report attached. follow instructions as well 2 Attachments Week 08 – Research & Annotated Bibliography(1) (2) Community Problem Report (2) Solution Preview According to this book, there is a growing global concern about the relationship between childhood obesity and … Read more

Heroin Addictive potential

 Heroin Addictive potential Addictions come in many forms and almost always involve a complex three-way interaction between the person, the object of the addiction (e.g., drugs, gambling, chocolate), and the societal context of the addiction. This complex interaction raises a controversial social question: Is addiction always a bad thing? Although there is often a significant … Read more

Reflection on the Theme of Neglect in John Updike’s Oliver’s Evolution

Reflection on the Theme of Neglect in John Updike’s Oliver’s Evolution Add 3 pages as well to make it 5 page 2 Attachments reflectiveessay1 ResearchEssayGuidelines1102 Solution Preview All parents hope that their children grow up and become responsible adults to take care of them once old age strikes. However, they have to show their kids … Read more

How to Address Climate Change

How to Address Climate Change topic proposal How to Address Climate Change Solution Preview Climate change is one of the major issues affecting the well-being of the modern-day global society. Over the recent years, nations have been working together to develop the appropriate measures to deal with the challenge… (886 Words)

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