
Article Summary: Codevelopment of Preschoolers’

Article Summary: Codevelopment of Preschoolers’ summarize the article on one page i have upload the article and the format. follow the format 20180329023545contentserver (1) (1) 20180329023555formatting_instructions (1) (2) Solution Preview This article involves a study that investigates on how temperament traits of children joining school are influenced by social interactions within a peer setting. It … Read more

Organization Workforce

Organization Workforce 1. Evaluate the workforce education trends in the United States and determine their effect on the organization. 2. Are Moore and Parkinson’s laws important to the future success of the organization? Why, or why not? 3. What can the human resources function do to anticipate these 21st century workforce changes? Your essay should … Read more

Discussion Board on Buddhism

Discussion Board on Buddhism Buddhism is often described as a non-theistic religion. How can we reconcile the terms “non-theistic” and “religion” in the case of Buddhism? What can it mean to describe a religion as non theistic? THIS MUST BE DONE IN DISCUSSION FORM.. Solution Preview Buddhism is non-theistic as it is a lifestyle and … Read more

Personality Theories in Perspective: Honor Student or Killer

Personality Theories in Perspective: Honor Student or Killer Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the transcript Seven Day of Rage: The Craigslist Killer from CBS News and review Chapter 7 from the Harré (2006) e-book as well as the Maslow (1943), Freud (1910), and Bandura (1999) articles. In this discussion you will assume … Read more

Personality Test

 Personality Test Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 7 from the Harré (2006) e-book as well as the required Maslow (1943), Freud (1910), Bandura (1999), and the United States Office of Personnel Management (n.d.) articles. One approach to understanding personality is using trait theories. The most influential trait approach contends that five … Read more

Connecting with ELL Families

Connecting with ELL Families PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW. I HAVE ATTACHED THE CHAPTERS.YOU MUST USE THE CHAPTERS 4AND 5 TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT!!!! 1. Chapters 4 and 5 discuss the importance of early childhood educators making a connection with families. 2.  Review both chapters and reflect on how an educator’s relationship with families can have … Read more

Film Review

Film Review think of this assignment as a review that an anthropologist might write. I want the review for this movie Solution Preview The Flight of the Dove is a film that was produced in 1989 by Nancy da Silveira that documents the culture and experience of the Portuguese Americans. The film comprehensively explores … Read more

Personal Class Design Project – Part 1

Personal Class Design Project – Part 1 Details: Complete this assignment according to the following: 1.Design a class that you would like to teach someday. The class must be at least 4 hours in length and must be multiple sessions. It can be four sessions of 1 hour each, or two sessions of 2 hours … Read more

Effects of Diabetes

Effects of Diabetes everything needed is provided I don’t have time to finish everything I need to graduate so i’m focusing on my tougher classes. she’s not too strict with the essay but please provide a good presentation. Final Project Assignment Sheet-Choose Dates- 7-10 minutes presentations-all options Health Psychology Options: You will present one of … Read more

Summary and Response

Summary and Response Write a brief summary of the main points for two of the reading selections assigned for the week. • Write a brief response to two of the reading selections assigned for the week. In your response you should identify and explain your perspective in the issue(s). • Review the sub-module on Summarizing … Read more

Write a paper with the following requirement

Write a paper with the following requirement write a paper with the following requirement. Solution Preview Thomas Hardy, a novelist and poet was born in England in the year 1840, in June, 2nd. He was the first born son of Mr. Thomas Hardy who was a builder and stonemason and Jemima Hardy. His mother like … Read more

Literature critique

Literature critique summarize the article on one page single spaced i have upload the article and the format. follow the format 20180329194859literature_critique__3 20180329023545contentserver (1) 20180329023555formatting_instructions (1) Solution Preview The children in the developing stage exhibit various temperament changes and social play characters over the School year in the relationship with other preschoolers. The authors of … Read more

The education of children with disabilities or other special needs in our communities

The education of children with disabilities or other special needs in our communities The Child, Family, and Community course looks at the education of children with disabilities or other special needs in our communities. Please prepare a one page written/typed report about what experience [personal or other] have you had with disability? In addition, think … Read more

Gender Reflection

Gender Reflection For each written assignment, you will write a 2-3 page/500-750 word essay reflecting on the assigned topic for the week. Essays will be graded on how thoroughly you address the question, how well you exhibit higher order thinking in your response, and how will you incorporate class material and concepts into your answer. … Read more

Discussion on the Information Technology Workplace

Discussion on the Information Technology Workplace Discuss the changes in the market for IT workers.How do the job market and the current state of the economy affect human resource management? How can being proficient in project management principles help an IT worker? Solution Preview The United States labor market has undergone significant changes over the … Read more

Healthcare consultant/administrator

Healthcare consultant/administrator You are a healthcare consultant/administrator advising the client/employer in each scenario. Read both scenarios and then answer each of the questions as if you were advising your client/employer in writing.   Individual Assignment: There are two case scenarios below.You are a healthcare consultant/administrator advising the client/employer in each scenario. Read both scenarios and … Read more

Sexual Harassment, Power & Vulnerability (Age Of Donald Trump)

Sexual Harassment, Power & Vulnerability (Age Of Donald Trump) I recommend producing at least 10-12 pages for the first draft (suggested length excludes notes and bibliography). It must be typed, double spaced, paginated, in 12-point standard serif font such as Times New Roman. It must be fully proof-read and edited. See Canvas module on Assignment … Read more

A piece of paper combines poetry

A piece of paper combines poetry this is an article combines poetry with the analysis of poetry to write about the peace of world and against war Combining the poem:Anthem for Doomed Youth (written by Wilfred Owen) Combines the analysis of poetry and give one belief statement. It must includes two ideas to explain the … Read more

The Parkinson’s Disorder

The Parkinson’s Disorder RESEARCH PAPER. Why the name of the disorder / concept or definition. Criteria to be followed in order to be diagnosed with this specific disorder according to the DSM-5 Edition. History Causes Symptoms Different types Preventions Treatment plans for short-term goals and long-term goals Tips or suggestions on how to overcome the … Read more

Strategic Human Resources Management

Strategic Human Resources Management In organizations, the role of human resources management (HRM) is increasingly becoming more strategic rather than administrative. Therefore, it is important to understand how to adapt or change longstanding human resources management (HRM) responsibilities to those that support the business strategy and enhance the core capabilities of the organization (which, in … Read more

Can the government avoid arbitration

Can the government avoid arbitration Can the government avoid arbitration when it agreed previously on the arbitration clause in government contracts? I want to have answer for the question based on the case attached here. Also, I want to follow the sample attached here too. I need explanation how the government cannot avoid arbitration when … Read more

Evaluating The Visual Elements of Art & Principles of Organization

Evaluating The Visual Elements of Art & Principles of Organization Evaluating The Visual Elements of Art & Principles of Organization in Pablo Picasso’s painting “Girl Before A Mirror.” After reading chapters 4 and 5 of the “Living With Art” textbook, you should be able to carefully look at Pablo Picasso’s oil painting “Girl Before A Mirror” (shown above) and … Read more

Comparing Views on Ethics

Comparing Views on Ethics Comparing Views on Ethics This assignment has four parts. The task will challenge your critical thinking ability as you formulate the assignment. Write a 3+ page, double-spaced, paper reacting to the following: Describe the Utilitarian, Individualism, Moral-rights, and Commutative Justice views. What are the drawbacks in each view? Compare and contrast … Read more

Reflection journal

 Reflection journal This is an 800-word reflection journal. You need to write about our client’s learning journey for the course and how it helps him in the future and also the film which they made and submitted previously. The course is about creativity and innovation. From the client: I play the role as a “Film director” who … Read more

Team Process

Team Process What do you understand by the term team process? Write a 3+ page, double-spaced paper, describing the five stages of team development. Provide a personal example of each stage as a team member and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your team experience. For example, what things went well and what would you … Read more


  Memorandum look up the article “Baby Boomers Seek New Ways to Escape Career Claustrophobia” through the ABI/INFORM Complete database (from June 24, 2003). Use this article to help write a two-page memo outlining your recommendations for developing managers who are stuck in their jobs or feel underutilized. Use Microsoft Word to create your memo. … Read more

Climate change

 Climate change While not a scientifically controversial issue, climate change caused primarily by human activities is a politically controversial issue. In this course you are learning the science behind climate change. With this knowledge you can help others understand the causes, symptoms, and impacts of climate change. With this knowledge, current and future generations can come … Read more

The problem of corruption in emerging markets and how multinational firms respond

The problem of corruption in emerging markets and how multinational firms respond Present and discuss specific best practices of multinational firms to prevent and punish corruption by employees and suppliers of the firm and ensure ethical behavior within the company. The countries that I am going to talk are 1- Russia, 2- India, 3- China. … Read more

Reflection on the Poem My Father as a Guitar

Reflection on the Poem My Father as a Guitar reflection essay on- “My Father as a Guitar” by Martin Espada ReflectionEssays1102 (1) Solution Preview Poverty is one of the major challenges that immigrants face in the United States. The condition is facilitated by their inability to land well-paying jobs because of lack of the needed academic … Read more

Principle of ethics

Principle of ethics Principle of ethics class , you decide scenario. All information attached below ……………. 20180330002228week5youdecide Solution Preview The main reason for coming up with this memorandum is to provide an evidence for proving the procedures in a decision-making process that entails how it was utilized for the selection the decision on the… (565 … Read more

Domestic abuse

 Domestic abuse 1 page , Domestic abuse. down there is the format.. 3 sources from the moraine valley libray SOCINDEX. Mini Literature Review (5 points): Type a one page, double-spaced essay in the five paragraph format. Include an introduction paragraph and three body paragraphs. Discuss the findings of one scholarly source related to your topic … Read more

Buddhism Essay

Buddhism Essay At least two complete pages, single or double spaced.  No more than five pages. One section in which you explain your topic, providing details and examples. One section in which you explain your opinion about your topic, what you get out of or take away from it and WHY. Provide details, examples, and … Read more

Social Problem Research

Social Problem Research Responding to the social problems that affect the populations(Aging and Adult services) you serve as a social worker is only one aspect of the professional responsibility you must undertake. The ability to be proactive by identifying disparities and gaps in policies is just as important. However, in order to be an effective … Read more

Diverse Family Structures

 Diverse Family Structures ePortfolio Submission 3: Diverse Family Structures PLEASE FOLLOW 1-3 ANSWER COMPLETELY. I HAVE ATTACHED CH 5 FROM THE TEXTBOOK TO HELP WITH THIS  1. This week, you will complete the third section of your ePortfolio, which will demonstrate your cultural competence in the area of diverse family structure. 2. Watch the video featuring Monarch’s Stephen Keiley … Read more

Multicultural Education

 Multicultural Education ON THIS ASSIGNMENT I NEED ANOTHER SOURCE FOR THE THEME LISTED BY # 1 FOLLOW A-C Annotated Bibliography – Resource Two For your literature review, you will continue to develop your chosen theme by reviewing another scholarly source. This week you will add another source for you bibliography for the theme you chose last … Read more

Annotated Bibliography on Hueco Tanks

Annotated Bibliography on Hueco Tanks Topic is waco tanks Solution Preview According to this book, Hueco Tanks is both a remarkable historical and geological site. It is made up of rounded hills, which are composed of granite-like rocks and rise for more than 450 feet above the… (881 Words)

Reading; Chapter 8

Reading; Chapter 8 1. For your homework, please read Ch 8 of St. Augustine’s Confessions, which can be found at this link: file:///home/chronos/u-200e9e3add4b0a6a37c5d81f1616a7a97ea0419e/Downloads/confessions_viii.pdf. 2. While reading, please answer the Reading Response questions in the “Assignments” folder. 3. In order to have a better grasp on the reading, please also watch this (very) short video about … Read more


Interview Solution Preview The chosen profession for this assignment is Electrical Engineering. This field is one of the new branches of Engineering developed in the late 19th century. Notably, Electrical Engineering deals with electrical… (880 Words)

Analyzing character traits

Analyzing character traits This essay should focus on analyzing character traits of a selected character. The character can be anyone in the Traits analyze A rose for Emily? Solution Preview   Miss Emilly Grierson, the main character who is adversely mentioned in the story “A rose for Emilly,” can be deemed to be acharacter of very unique features. … Read more

Counter Terrorism Law

Counter Terrorism Law cont.Law2 Solution Preview The Office of the Secretary’s major role in the Department of Homeland Security is to oversee the agency’s efforts to enhance the national security through managing borders and countering terrorism activities… (848 Words)

The School That Turned Chinese

 The School That Turned Chinese FILM: The School That Turned Chinese: Episode 1 – Full Video (52:10) Description: In a unique experiment, five teachers from China take over the education of 50 teenagers in a Hampshire school to see whether the high-ranking Chinese education system can teach Britain a lesson. Will the harsh regime … Read more

The Changing Status of Children and Self-Report

The Changing Status of Children and Self-Report Using what you’ve learned this week, respond to the following prompts in your post: According to the text, delinquency is an inherently difficult concept to measure. Discuss two (2) of the main challenges with measuring self-reports from delinquents. Next, describe the methods you would utilize to overcome these … Read more

How my English Teacher Inspired my Academic Success

How my English Teacher Inspired my Academic Success An essay recognizing a person (parent, grandparent, teacher, etc.) and explain how he/she/they has personally inspired your academic success. Minimum 500 words Solution Preview Teachers play a crucial role in the lives of students, thus their importance cannot be overstated. Being taught by effective educators has long-lasting … Read more

Motown Girl Groups of the 1960

 Motown Girl Groups of the 1960 Discuss Motown Girl Groups of the 1960s, including specific artists and songs, and describe Motown production techniques. You’ll need 150-200 words at least to cover the topic briefly but thoroughly. Solution Preview Motown was one of the most successful music business companies in the twentieth century. Created in 1959, … Read more

Natural Disasters and Psychological Stress

Natural Disasters and Psychological Stress Natural Disasters and Psychological Stress….We’ve just passed the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Even though many New Orleans residents still have not returned to the city, some believe that we can see the effects of the trauma of the hurrican   Please submit one original post (400-500 words) and … Read more

The Importance of History

The Importance of History I need a discussion forum on how HISTORY IS RELEVANT TO YOUR LIFE? Solution Preview History is an important aspect in my life. One of its benefits is that it allows me to develop my sense of identity. Through this history, I have learned how the United States has developed over … Read more

The Importance of Effective Communication Skills

The Importance of Effective Communication Skills Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below: Being able to communicate verbally as well as written words is very helpful to me as well. The reference you made to “talk-learning” is helpful to me as it reminds me that we all have strengths that allow us to … Read more

High School Grade Portfolio Assessment

High School Grade Portfolio Assessment our selected Indicator and Notes: This is for high school grade Robotic/Manufacturing Class In Connecticut State I will be using Portfolio Assessment rubric in this class Justify what you gained or learned through using portfolio assessment and how it improves student performance and how students changed or otherwise has, also … Read more

Responding To Peers

Responding To Peers PLEASE FOLLOW. RESPOND TO PEER 1 THEN PEER 2. ALSO UNDER PEER POST IS RESPONDING TO THE TEACHER. SEE ATTACHED FILE FOR PEER POST Guided Response:   Respond to  your classmates’ plans that you feel are effective models of communication. Specifically describe why you feel each activity is effective and identify an activity … Read more

Social Media and the USA Presidency

 Social Media and the USA Presidency of the federal system. Describe separation of powers and checks and balances in both theory and practice. Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government. Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in the political system. Describe the rights and … Read more

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