
Retirement Plans

Retirement Plans Please find attached the grading guide A new employee joins your company at age 24 making $40,000 per year. Currently, banks are paying 5% interest on saving accounts, and the rate of return on the company stock is 4% per year. During benefits enrollment, the employee stated that she would like to retire … Read more

Comparative Essay

Comparative Essay Based on our readings of Asian Empires in Chs 20 and 24, write a 700-word comparative essay to answer the following question: How did Asian Empires change from the early modern period to the modern era? The best papers will select three themes of comparison: consider social class, gender roles, government leadership, foreign … Read more

Neo-Classical Art and Romanticism

Neo-Classical Art and Romanticism The Age of Enlightenment was followed by the Romantic period, an expanse of time that saw the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon, major scientific advances, major loss of human life, devout faith in the doctrine of human reason, and the loss of faith in human … Read more

Project Script

Project Script Please Follow all the instructions and finish it ASAP. MLA Formatting and Style Guide for Citations Documentary Script Template (MS Word) CLAS 160B1 – Assignment 2 – Documentary Script Research Proposal Solution Preview The development and spread of modern sport can be accredited to the growth and expansion of the Roman Empire. The … Read more

Globalization Discontents

Globalization Discontents This activity will enable you to: Explore a variety of perspectives on the different dimensions and complexity of globalization. Analyze significant economic questions according to the standards of the economics discipline including in broad subfields of economics, such as applied microeconomics, global and macroeconomics, econometrics, or finance. Answer the question below based on … Read more

Big Five personality factors

 Big Five personality factors Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper describing your personality traits based on your findings from the Big Five assessment tool. Include the following in your paper: Summarize your results. Propose solutions for working with other personality types using the information from the Big Five assessment and the underlying principles of trait theories. … Read more

Risk Management Plan

Risk Management Plan During this class you will be learning how to manage project risks and opportunities. The risk management process, which is part of the project management process, consists of these primary steps: Understand the environment. Understand the organization’s approach to risk management and establish overall priorities. Identify the risks. Recognize potential project risks and build … Read more

Fall of Humanity

 Fall of Humanity Please write my Fall of Humanity assignment. If there are any questions please feel free to ask. 20180525234145cwv_101_301_rs_t3fallofhumanityworksheet_online__2_ (1) Solution Preview Revelations from the Biblical text in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 indicate that man God created man in his own reflection, which implies that he was intended to be pure and … Read more

Compare/Contrast essay

Compare/Contrast essay The instruction is in the file below please follow instruction. Compare/Contrast Essay read the whole paper before starting. 20180525170358__compare_contrast__1_ Solution Preview On the other hand, the two differ in the role of the government within the society in question, with Marxists arguing that the government acts as an enabler of the class differences, as … Read more

Chicano Movement Essay

Chicano Movement Essay All the instructions are in the attachment below I have to write a final essay It has to be 5 pages long Based on the Chicano Movement 20180522062715final_paper (2) Solution Preview Ethnic differences in different societies have often been a cause for concern, with the minority groups often being victimized by the … Read more

Haiti Earthquake of 2010

Haiti Earthquake of 2010 Major earthquake and volcano eruptions have occurred long before there were humans on Earth. However, there have been many in recorded history that significantly impacted human civilization. Choose one significantly important earthquake or volcano and report on it. Be sure to cover how it affected the Earth, damages and death tolls, … Read more

Simulations and Manakins

Simulations and Manakins This is a group assignment with 3 other students and this will be the choice I will choose to be done for my part. b. History & Current Use i. Describe significant findings that prompted the development of the technology ii. Discuss the history and current use of the technology in healthcare … Read more

Major depression and bipolar disorder

Major depression and bipolar disorder Follow the directions below to write a single, cohesive essay of a minimum of 450 words. Select one of the paired disorders provided in the list below, and research them both. Major depression and bipolar disorder Schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder and panic disorder Social anxiety disorder and … Read more

Toddler Growth and Development

Toddler Growth and Development For this assignment you will: Complete the Overview of Infant Development Table (attached) Compose a 2-3 page scholarly analysis addressing the physical, cognitive, social/emotional and oral language development of toddlers and the interdependence across domains. Connect your findings to at least three theories and/or theorists, such as Constructivism, Behaviorism, Progressivism, Piaget, … Read more

How to Develop an Effective Agenda

How to Develop an Effective Agenda 1.Imagine you are writing a short email to another coworker regarding how to develop an effective agenda. Draft that email below. In your email, be sure to explain what it takes to write an effective agenda and all the parts that you should include. Make sure you provide examples … Read more

Literature and Humanities

Literature and Humanities Please read and review the attachment for directions on this assignment, any questions please let me know asap. 20180524001838hn450_and_hu200_unit_6_dbq (1) Solution Preview Literature could be an effective tool in bridging the differences between societies. It is an essential tool which can only be appropriately understood if one has the ability to understand … Read more

The advice given in Proverbs

The advice given in Proverbs The advice given in Proverbs is to listen to many counselors, and the advice in Isaiah is to ask God for wisdom. This is true for business endeavors and for our own personal lives. However, popular culture tells us to listen to our own heart. Is that compatible or incompatible … Read more

Political Ecology

Political Ecology Develop a point of view on an environmental sociologically-related theme related to a environmental topic. This paper must be organized by an arguable thesis that is developed throughout the paper and maintains a strong sense of purpose and focus.  The argument must be based upon and supported by scholarly research and other reliable … Read more

Select a company that has violated an HR law

Select a company that has violated an HR law Imagine that you are a HR manager within that organization. You have been tasked with developing a training to help prevent future violations of the HR law. Compile research and information to include in your training. Address the following in 700 to 1,050 words from your research: Summarize the … Read more

Select and review one of the following Western films or TV series

Select and review one of the following Western films or TV series 1) Deadwood, 2) 3:10 to Yuma, 3) Open Range, 4) Once Upon a Time in the West, 5) The Magnificent Seven, 6) Shane, Stagecoach, 7) The Big Valley or 8) The Virginian; What makes it History, what makes it Hype and what makes it … Read more

Choose a professional nursing organization

Choose a professional nursing organization Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization. In your flyer, include: The function of the organization, as … Read more

Soap notes

Soap notes 40 summarized brief women’s health SOAP notes. Each of them not more than 6 lines. Only women’s health S: O: A: P: Solution Preview SOAP notes are highly structured subjective (S), objective (O), assessment (A) and plan (P) aspects which are applied in documentation healthcare. The sentences will highlight the patient’s subjective, objective … Read more

Turn a memory into a short story

Turn a memory into a short story choose a memory of yours and turn it to short story that can be understood by others.write about any memory that will make a meaningful story. i evaluate the the piece for it overall success as a story. the story must be between 3 full and 6 double … Read more

American Presidents

American Presidents 1. In an era where most Americans are so enthralled with politics; why then are late 19th Century presidents so bland? Do we have the same problem today? 2. What do we mean by ‘ethnocultural’ politics? Why was it important in the Chapter 19 era and do we have a similar situation today? … Read more

What does Social Security look like 20 years from now

What does Social Security look like 20 years from now Please answer the question below from a personal and HR standpoint both in about 100-150 words each. List reference used What does Social Security look like 20 years from now? Will there be funds for retirement? Should employers be offering a more employee friendly retirement … Read more

Choose the new product or service that is ready to “go to market

Choose the new product or service that is ready to “go to market STRATEGIC MARKETING PLAN INTRODUCTION This assignment entails development of a comprehensive strategic marketing plan for a new product or service that is ready to “go to market”. A Project Template is provided that allows you to organize your work in increments and … Read more

Accounting Management Enterprises

Accounting Management Enterprises In this case, you are provided the overhead cost data for the Auerbach Enterprises. Management needs advice in determining how to allocate these costs utilizing a job order costing system either department-wide or company-wide. Address Questions 1 through 5 located at the end of the case. Based on the case questions, you … Read more

Ethical Issues in Corrections

Ethical Issues in Corrections In the small town of Tidewater, an Assistant District Attorney was found guilty of child molestation and sexual exploitation of children. The ADA was sentenced to 5 years in prison and 10 years on probation. Write a 2-3 page, APA style paper addressing the different ethical conflicts the ADA might experience … Read more

Ethical Standards for MNCs

Ethical Standards for MNCs “You are a $tockholder (and/or perhaps, a manager) in a large U.S. multinational company (MNC) that manufactures athletic shoes in several different countries in Southeast Asia, and sells these shoes both here in America, and in many other countries around the world. Is it acceptable for your company to lower its … Read more


Cybercrime Alleged computer hacker Gary McKinnon of the United Kingdom has publicly admitted to compromising computer systems belonging to NASA and the Department of Defense. Using information from your classroom, additional materials provided by your instructor, and your own independent research, discuss the impact of these widespread intrusions, and comment on McKinnon’s self-proclaimed motivations. Describe … Read more

Press Release Analysis

Press Release Analysis Choose your favorite company or a company related to your field of study, and then review a press release made by that company (usually located on the company’s Web site). Include the link to the company’s press release within your primary post so that your fellow classmates can review it. After reviewing … Read more

High and Low Art

High and Low Art Within the past few years, Reality TV has become a staple in the homes of people not just in America but around the world. Many celebrities have given in to the undeniable effect of Reality TV, choosing to have their own lives played out in front of the lens. The term … Read more

Addiction and Mental Disorder

Addiction and Mental Disorder 1.How would you explain the challenges regarding which disorder came first, the mental illness or the addiction? Provide an example to support your explanation. 2. How would you incorporate psychopharmacological treatment when working with a client suffering from anxiety and addiction? What types of medication would you expect the client to … Read more

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation theory

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation theory Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation theory is a particularly good theoretical framework to apply to an EBP project. However, students may also choose to use change models, such as Duck’s Change Curve Model or the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change. Other conceptual models presented such as a utilization model (Stetler’s model) … Read more

The Research Process

The Research Process n 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page) provide a description of the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution. Include the following: Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. … Read more


Interview The Scenario: Hiring Committee for Waking Up, Inc. Congratulations! As a member of the Waking Up, Inc. staff, you have been asked to serve on a hiring committee. Based on your understanding of Waking Up, Inc. and the skills needed to be a successful Life Coach, you must create a list of 10 interview … Read more

This is America: Cultural Message

This is America: Cultural Message each paragraph should have 6-7lines. write a 750 word post on “the cultural significance and possible interpretations behind the recent controversial song by Donald Glover “This is America?” Solution Preview Art is an essential part of the society, largely because of the aesthetic value associated with the different depictions used in … Read more

traditional values

 traditional values write atleast 3 pages, and dont use the word i, we, our, us, me, etc. no reference needed why are people so prone to just following along with what everyone else does? is it a good thing that people cling to traditional values? why? why not? Solution Preview The society at large expects … Read more

Three basic types of costing systems

 Three basic types of costing systems There are three basic types of costing systems (job order; process; and operations). Which of the three would be used by a CPA firm? By a potato chip factory? solution Preview Given the different types of costing, a CPA firm is most likely to use a job costing approach … Read more

Passion and Perseverance

Passion and Perseverance Please read this PBS Newshour column, “When To Quit, from an Expert on Grit,” and then respond to the following questions: Duckworth defines grit as “passion and perseverance for long-term goals.” Describe an actual example of grit from your own life or the life of someone you know personally. (Make sure to include what … Read more

medication assisted treatment and pharmacological substance use treatment.

Medication-assisted treatment and pharmacological substance use treatment. Short Answer Questions on medication assisted treatment and pharmacological substance use treatment.   Complete the Topic 8 Short Answer Worksheet. Follow directions on worksheet. Use references for each questions and cite within answer. Attachments area 20180529025944pcn_527_rs_t8shortanswerquestions__1_ (1) Solution Preview . The first generation medications in treating psychiatric disorders … Read more

Dante’s Inferno

Dante’s Inferno Follow all the instructions. Written Response Template – CLAS 160B1 MLA Formatting and Style Guide for Citations Dantes Inferno Solution Preview Dante’s Inferno is built on the ancient Roman and Christian iconography. This is because it is driven by Dante’s Christian values and beliefs and the values of the classical Roman society. The … Read more

Political Globalization

Political Globalization Lechner and Boli (Eds.), (2015). The Globalization Reader (5th ed.): Introduction to Part V Chapter 29: Global Organized Crime Please answer the following questions: In Mittelman’s analysis, in what ways does global organized crime diminish the capacity of states to manage their affairs? How do states respond to the challenge posed by global criminal organizations? … Read more

Judging Rome based on Monty Python’s Life of Brian Film

Judging Rome based on Monty Python’s Life of Brian Film Follow all the instructions. Youtube movie: Youtube name of the movie: The Life of Brian (Monty Python) full movie 3 Attachments Preview YouTube video The Life of Brian (Monty Python) full movie The Life of Brian (Monty Python) full movie Solution Preview The Monty Python’s Life … Read more

ethical issues around managed care

Ethical issues around managed care Given the ethical issues around managed care, discuss (in about 100 words) whether MCOs are good arrangements for patients? Provide a concrete example (in about 100 words) for either pro arrangement or against arrangement. solution Preview The managed care organizations are quite vital in ensuring quality health and service. The … Read more

Plaza de la Raza Cultural Center

Plaza de la Raza Cultural Center Your research assignment is designed to permit you the opportunity to experience Chicano history through the visitation of a local cultural site in southern California. You may select any of the following types of places to visit in order to complete your assignment: museum (Example: Southwest Museum, Natural History … Read more

The US Expands its Reach, 1890s to 1920s

The US Expands its Reach, 1890s to 1920s 2nd Discussion Essay Prompt- “The U.S. Expands its Reach, 1890s to the 1920s” Analysis of one primary source from Schaller’s ch. 19 and one major film theme from our film “To Conquer or Redeem: Manifest Destiny,” Acts I and III You’ve read all of your required readings … Read more

judicial review

 judicial review Explain the concept of judicial review. Give an example of one court case that involved judicial review and how it was used in that case. This should be at least 400 words. Please write your essay in MLA format, and follow the standard five paragraph model. Your essay should have an introduction paragraph, … Read more

Discovery Civic class

 Discovery Civic class A research paper about a civic issue related to my class. So I chose to talk about “Sexual Assualt on College Campuses in the United States” I almost covered everything but there is something missing which is : To explain why this problem or civic issue is important and require civic actions … Read more


Globalization What are the four different perspectives on globalization? (Part II) Explain and give examples. According to Huntington (Part I, Ch 5), what is new about world politics today? Does this image of a world embroiled in clashes of civilization contradict the conventional view that the globalization process creates new bonds across cultural boundaries? Does … Read more

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