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Activity 4

Activity 4 epic oral poetry: Kendrick Lamar’s DNA: Please follow all the instructions. attached assignment sheet Preview YouTube video Homer and the Oral Traditions Homer and the Oral Traditions Preview YouTube video Kendrick Lamar – DNA. Kendrick Lamar – DNA. Solution Preview Notably, the epic oral poetry works through storytelling. The storytellers recite tales of heroic … Read more

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Health Biology

Health Biology magine that you are a public health professional working for a nonprofit organization whose main purpose is to advocate and promote kidney health. Your supervisor has asked you to lead a team, with the purpose of increasing awareness of chronic kidney disease. Before you are given this opportunity, your supervisor asks you to … Read more

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Elements of an Effective Marketing Campaign

Elements of an Effective Marketing Campaign By the end of this activity, you will draft an expository essay. This essay will be submitted to the discussion board for peer review (see instructions for M2D1). You also will submit a draft in the M2A1 assignment drop-box by the Sunday night deadline for your instructor’s feedback on … Read more

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Sports Psychology: Case Study

Sports Psychology: Case Study questions and case in the file, this case is applied sport psychology, please must use related knowledge to answer the questions. must read the squeeze those gluts and case study questions first. 2 Attachments 20180517171503case_study_questions 20180517171516squeeze_those_gluts______ Solution Preview Diana’s primary problem in her thought process, in which she views everything as potential … Read more

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Editions article about imperialism or World War I or the post-World War I era.

Editions article about imperialism or World War I or the post-World War I era Write a three paragraph summary of any Annual Editions article about imperialism or World War I or the post-World War I era. Solution Preview The Cuban Missile Crisis during the cold war is one of the most studied events of the … Read more

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California Indians

California Indians California Indians exhibit room 1. Read all of these linked articles and summarize them in two well-developed paragraphs. The first paragraph should be a summary of the social structure and culture area, the second a summary of their history in the modern era. 2. Choose three artifacts from … Read more

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Activity Watch the Documentary: Ancient Greeks: The Revolution of Democracy – History Channel Documentary 3 Attachments assignment sheet assignment sheet Solution Preview Compare three characters or entities from ancient Greece (ones that are discussed in the documentary) and compare them to three characters or entities from the American Revolution. The meaning of “characters” should be… (431 … Read more

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McGee Carpet and Trim installs carpets in commercial offices

McGee Carpet and Trim installs carpets in commercial offices McGee Carpet and Trim installs carpets in commercial offices. Andrea McGee has been very concerned with the amount of time it took to complete several recent jobs. Some of her workers are very unreliable. A list of activities and their optimistic completion time, the most likely … Read more

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Rhetorical Analysis Essay

 Rhetorical Analysis Essay For this assignment you will do a 1 page research proposal prepare a research proposal composing a proposal .Below is an outline of the research proposal. Attache dis my paper on Rhetorical Analysis Essay to help guild you on the Proposal . The proposal should be in MLA Style Below is the … Read more

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Management information systems

Management information systems . Define an expert system, and explain the benefit of having multiple rules in a knowledge base and, by default, the expert system. Your response should be at least 75 words in length. 2. What is a balanced scorecard, and how are information systems used to support it? Your response should be … Read more

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Discussion board response

Discussion board response 100-150 words. Again, for each post you should provide student original writing and citeyour source in text as well as provide full end ref information in APA format. Question 5: It is easier for a person to float in the ocean than in an ordinary swimming pool. This is because the salt in the ocean water … Read more

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Select eight items from the following list and write a short paragraph for each

Select eight items from the following list and write a short paragraph for each Select eight items from the following list and write a short paragraph for each item that you selected.   Select eight items from the following list and write a short paragraph for each item that you selected: Great Exhibition Concert of Europe … Read more

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Anthro homework

Anthro homework i have an anthropology homework. i need small paragraph as an answer to the questions the directions and requirements are in the file attached 20180520084712directions (2) Solution Preview Genes are genetically modified body traits. Human beings are attributed to possess some of the most influential genome from dinosaurs even though they are extinct. … Read more

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Answer the questions

 Answer the questions Project 1 Guiding Questions for ENC 1102 This project asks you to analyze the arguments that two stakeholder organizations make about their conflicting views on a given issue. You will find common ground between their two viewpoints, and suggest a compromise that both stakeholders can actually do. These guiding questions will help … Read more

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Writing assignment journals

Writing assignment journals Hello below are all the links to the videos i need done for my assigament and also what she is expecting in the eassy. Personal reactions and observations References to video specific video content that supports reactions/observations…–ok…… Students are required to submit one Video Journal for … Read more

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Whole life and universal life insurance policies.

 Whole life and universal life insurance policies. Review the Sample Whole Life Insurance Policy and answer the question in 45- to 90-words: Explain the payment of policy proceeds provision. Review the Sample Universal Life Insurance Policy and answer the question in 45- to 90-words: Explain the cash value loan policy. 20180521035517fin428r4_universal_life_sample_policy (1) Solution Preview The … Read more

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Help me with my essay

Help me with my essay The next time you’re in a museum, and you see artifacts from Mexico, Africa, Pacific Islands, Indonesia, Native American, and so on, ask yourself—how did it get from “there” (the country of origin) to “here”—in this museum? Did the museum buy it from the native peoples where it is from? … Read more

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Discussion board: Frequency, Ions, current

Discussion board: Frequency, Ions, current Your initial response to this week’s discussion should be well-written in your own words, paraphrasing from your sources. You must also cite at least one credible academic reference source in text and provide full end ref information in APA format. The initial post must be at least 300-400 words Question 1: Explain what the amplitude, frequency, … Read more

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Workplace Privacy and Employment Law Discussion Boards

Workplace Privacy and Employment Law Discussion Boards THIS ASSIGNMENT HAS 2 PARTS. THERE ARE 2 CASES DISCUSSION BOARD QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS CORRECTLY ON EAHE DISCUSSION BOARD. Be careful with grammar, be professional, no plagiarism. REMEMBER THE REFERECES, ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS, IN TEXT-CITATION AS WELL. ******DISCUSSION BOARD #1: Think about an unethical workplace privacy … Read more

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International Accounting Standards Board

International Accounting Standards Board With the move toward a common set of global accounting standards, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has created the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to meet this goal. •Research the IASB, and discuss its structure. •Provide a brief history for this organization. •Compare and contrast the differences between principles- and … Read more

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State and Local Emergency Management Functions

State and Local Emergency Management Functions Localmanagement2 (1) Solution Preview The paper highlight on the Emergency Management Plan for the state of Texas. The four phases of the plan have been summarized including mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Recommendations have been highlighted to enhance… (712 Words)

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Game-based Learning

Game-based Learning An annotated bibliography is a bibliography in which you write a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) of an article or book chapter that you have read. Included with this summary is the American Psychological Association (APA) citation for each reading. An annotated bibliography is a great resource given that you will be reading a … Read more

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography A four-entry annotated bibliography( 150 words each) Include summary, reflect and assess Here are the link and the attachment below. Attachments area Rappor03 Solution Preview Katherine Bourzac says that coral reefs across the globe face an enormous existential threat from several challenges, with the plastic waste being the leader. These … Read more

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Hawaii Society

Hawaii Society Write a Mission Statement for Hawaii : think about their agriculture ( fruits ) and education, people – What type of government going to be there? ex : Monarchy, communism – How is the society going to be ? What Job for people ? – select the political philosophy for your country creation … Read more

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The Ancient Hellenic Heritage

The Ancient Hellenic Heritage I want a 1 Full Paper summary about The Ancient Hellenic Heritage, which related to the Greeks history, and their Olympic Philosophy. Solution Preview During the ancient times, the Greeks used fable, myth, and metaphors to gather accumulate and conclude information and perspectives. The Greeks citizens used to be vacuum cleaners … Read more

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A single-injection vaccine for the polio virus

A single-injection vaccine for the polio virus HW3 (2) Solution Preview Recently, chemical engineers have speed up the process of developing lifesaving vaccines. Primarily, this is enhanced through the use of nanoparticles to pave way for eradicating diseases worldwide. A nanoparticle vaccine has been developed by MIT researchers to assist… (339 Words)

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Apa Mobile Heathcare

Apa Mobile Heathcare You are a project manager with a national nonprofit health organization specializing in a single class of disease. Senior leadership of the organization has asked you to put together a mobile health promotion outreach program able to reach a diverse population from inner-city areas to rural communities. Focal to this program is … Read more

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Leadership styles: Steve Jobs vs. Tim Cook

Leadership styles: Steve Jobs vs. Tim Cook Steve Jobs was a strong, charismatic leader who cofounded Apple and is credited with much of the success of the company. Some believe that Tim Cook, who became CEO in 2011, embraces a more collaborative leadership style. Do research to compare and contrast the leadership styles of the … Read more

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Overcoming Resistance AND Strategies of Change


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Securities and International Regulatory Agencies

Securities and International Regulatory Agencies The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the effect of domestic and international regulatory agencies and court systems on business transactions and dispute resolution. Read the following scenario: You are the CEO of Bonner, a U.S.-based farm equipment corporation. Bonner recently announced the release of an innovative new tractor with … Read more

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Warfare in Asia Minor

Warfare in Asia Minor Read Goetze, “Warfare in Asia Minor,” post 200 word response to the article identifying the main argument(s), the main sources of evidence used by the author, and also the other scholarly commentaries on this subject to which the author is responding 201805220338431._goetze_warfare_in_asia_minor (1) Solution Preview According to Albrecht Goetze, the Asia … Read more

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Comparative Analysis of the Application Vulnerability Assessment and the Application

Comparative Analysis of the Application Vulnerability Assessment and the Application In 1-2 pages conduct a comparative analysis of Application Vulnerability Assessments and Application Penetration Tests. Make sure to include an analysis of the following variances: Scope Methodology Techniques Tools The assignment must be a minimum of 1-full page in length with a minimum of 2 … Read more

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American Military History

American Military History I need a 20 slide, PowerPoint Presentation on American military history. I need the presentation to span back to the Revolutionary War in 1775. Please make an elaborate presentation with detailed speaker notes. Thank you.

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Presocratic Philosophers and Socrates

Presocratic Philosophers and Socrates Discuss the differences between Protagoras’s relativism and Socrates’s dialectic method in terms of what is assumed about the nature of Truth. Each philosopher has his own conception of what is truth, and that conception drives his methodology. Minimum of 100 words. Solution Preview Protagoras use relativism method to define the nature … Read more

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When are some ways that technology can help companies and leaders to manage compensation, benefit plans, and associated costs

When are some ways that technology can help companies and leaders to manage compensation, benefit plans, and associated costs Please read below and answer the below questions:  When are some ways that technology can help companies and leaders to manage compensation, benefit plans, and associated costs? How does managing employee compensation relate to overall business … Read more

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Intermittent catheterization

Intermittent catheterization Identify your refined PICOT question. Using PubMed and the Cochrane collaboration database, do a systematic review of your clinical question. Describe your systematic review and include an errors analysis. Determine an evidence-based quantitative article from the search that contains an evidence-based randomized control trial. Summarize the case study selected. Describe the study approach, … Read more

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Biotechnology Development

Biotechnology Development Write a paper of 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page) paper for your proposed evidence-based practice project solution. Address the following criteria: Proposed Solution Describe the proposed solution (or intervention) for the problem and the way(s) in which it is consistent with current evidence. Heavily reference and provide substantial … Read more

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The Impact of Social Media on Real-Life Communication

The Impact of Social Media on Real-Life Communication Solution Preview The emergence of social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram has provided persons with new ways of communicating with each other. Thus, social media has become an important tool for social interactions in the modern society… (600 Words)

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Response to Standard IMF Policy Prescription

Response to Standard IMF Policy Prescription Do you think the standard IMF policy prescription of tight monetary policy and reduced government spending are always appropriate for developing nations experiencing a currency crisis? How might the IMF change its approach? What would the implications be for international businesses? Solution Preview The tight monetary policies implemented by … Read more

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Natalie Pregnancy complications

Natalie Pregnancy complications Assignment Directions For this Assignment, you will select one of the following case studies below. Then, using the case information and best evidence, complete the chart below. Make sure to address all columns in the chart. Natalie is a 27-year-old G4P0120. Natalie is married; she and her husband both work two part-time … Read more

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IT Related Question with Amazon as the company

IT Related Question with Amazon as the company For this assignment, your company is Amazon. Complete the following using screenshots, images or diagram of sample products, processes, etc. to illustrate and address the items below (you may also consult as a source) This is not a research paper; however provide your source(s): What are … Read more

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Mental Disorder: Responses

Mental Disorder: Responses Each reply must be at least 400 words in length and include citation(s) and two references in APA format. These responses are to be informative and contribute to advancing the knowledge of the topic. This is the minimum required. Please make a response to these posts: 20180521234005replies Solution Preview According to the post, … Read more

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Technical definition assignment

Technical definition assignment Technical Definition Assignment Description Technical Definition Outline (1) Solution Preview Target audience: The technical document is for first-year engineering students studying mechanics as their major. The purpose of the document is to enable the students to understand how the colorimeter works, its vital parts and its applications in chemistry laboratories… (675 Words)

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Methodology in Research

Methodology in Research Response should be between 600-750 words. A minimum of two peer reviewed references need to be used in the development of your answer. Also, be mindful of including references and citations whenever citing facts to support your position. APA 6th edition citations and references must be used always! 20180522003255question (1) Solution Preview … Read more

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Livy’s History of Rome

Livy’s History of Rome 5 Attachments Written Response Template – CLAS 160B1 (1) MLA Formatting and Style Guide for Citations (1) Mod 9 Readings Solution Preview From the reading, Livy’s reason to write history was to show the development of Rome. The outlook is derived from the text, which explores how Rome came to be what … Read more

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Juvenile And Adult Courts

Juvenile And Adult Courts Create a 10- to 16-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes comparing juvenile courts with adult courts. Include the following: An overview of the juvenile justice system The key differences between juvenile and adult courts, including the effects of the Gault decision. The roles and authority of the judge, prosecuting attorney, court-appointed … Read more

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Writing essay about “quotes

Writing essay about “quotes Choose one quote from the many you chose for your semester journal and write an essay about why the quote is important to you and/or how it applies to your life. (first person OK). Write a 6-8 paragraph essay. Watch spelling and grammar. Make sure you have to write OUTLINE for … Read more

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Invisible man

Invisible man its a psychoanalytic analysis of the narrator in the book “Invisible Man” by Ralph Ellison Solution Preview The “Invisible Man” by Ralph Ellison is narrated by an unidentified speaker. “Who the hell am I” (Ellison 386)? This is the question puzzled by the novel as the narrator is anonymous throughout the story. The … Read more

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Empowering Communities to Tackle HIV

Empowering Communities to Tackle HIV Questions for Case Study #3 Empowering Communities to Tackle HIV (India’s Avahan Program) -Case 21 on sheet 1. In India, what social groups are at high risk for HIV? 2. Describe the Avahan program? 3. Why was Avahan implemented? 4. What are barriers to Avahan’s success? 5. What is the … Read more

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Haiti Polio Case Study

Haiti Polio Case Study Questions for Case Study #2 An Outbreak Halted in Its Tracks-Eliminating Polio in Haiti (case 7 on form) 1. Why are some countries at risk for continued outbreaks? 2. What stages did Haiti’s ESS follow in the summer of 2000? 3. What agents (groups) were involved in stopping the outbreak in … Read more

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