
Press Release Analysis

Press Release Analysis Choose your favorite company or a company related to your field of study, and then review a press release made by that company (usually located on the company’s Web site). Include the link to the company’s press release within your primary post so that your fellow classmates can review it. After reviewing … Read more

High and Low Art

High and Low Art Within the past few years, Reality TV has become a staple in the homes of people not just in America but around the world. Many celebrities have given in to the undeniable effect of Reality TV, choosing to have their own lives played out in front of the lens. The term … Read more

Addiction and Mental Disorder

Addiction and Mental Disorder 1.How would you explain the challenges regarding which disorder came first, the mental illness or the addiction? Provide an example to support your explanation. 2. How would you incorporate psychopharmacological treatment when working with a client suffering from anxiety and addiction? What types of medication would you expect the client to … Read more

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation theory

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation theory Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation theory is a particularly good theoretical framework to apply to an EBP project. However, students may also choose to use change models, such as Duck’s Change Curve Model or the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change. Other conceptual models presented such as a utilization model (Stetler’s model) … Read more

The Research Process

The Research Process n 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page) provide a description of the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution. Include the following: Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. … Read more


Interview The Scenario: Hiring Committee for Waking Up, Inc. Congratulations! As a member of the Waking Up, Inc. staff, you have been asked to serve on a hiring committee. Based on your understanding of Waking Up, Inc. and the skills needed to be a successful Life Coach, you must create a list of 10 interview … Read more

This is America: Cultural Message

This is America: Cultural Message each paragraph should have 6-7lines. write a 750 word post on “the cultural significance and possible interpretations behind the recent controversial song by Donald Glover “This is America?” Solution Preview Art is an essential part of the society, largely because of the aesthetic value associated with the different depictions used in … Read more

traditional values

 traditional values write atleast 3 pages, and dont use the word i, we, our, us, me, etc. no reference needed why are people so prone to just following along with what everyone else does? is it a good thing that people cling to traditional values? why? why not? Solution Preview The society at large expects … Read more

Three basic types of costing systems

 Three basic types of costing systems There are three basic types of costing systems (job order; process; and operations). Which of the three would be used by a CPA firm? By a potato chip factory? solution Preview Given the different types of costing, a CPA firm is most likely to use a job costing approach … Read more

Passion and Perseverance

Passion and Perseverance Please read this PBS Newshour column, “When To Quit, from an Expert on Grit,” and then respond to the following questions: Duckworth defines grit as “passion and perseverance for long-term goals.” Describe an actual example of grit from your own life or the life of someone you know personally. (Make sure to include what … Read more

medication assisted treatment and pharmacological substance use treatment.

Medication-assisted treatment and pharmacological substance use treatment. Short Answer Questions on medication assisted treatment and pharmacological substance use treatment.   Complete the Topic 8 Short Answer Worksheet. Follow directions on worksheet. Use references for each questions and cite within answer. Attachments area 20180529025944pcn_527_rs_t8shortanswerquestions__1_ (1) Solution Preview . The first generation medications in treating psychiatric disorders … Read more

Dante’s Inferno

Dante’s Inferno Follow all the instructions. Written Response Template – CLAS 160B1 MLA Formatting and Style Guide for Citations Dantes Inferno Solution Preview Dante’s Inferno is built on the ancient Roman and Christian iconography. This is because it is driven by Dante’s Christian values and beliefs and the values of the classical Roman society. The … Read more

Political Globalization

Political Globalization Lechner and Boli (Eds.), (2015). The Globalization Reader (5th ed.): Introduction to Part V Chapter 29: Global Organized Crime Please answer the following questions: In Mittelman’s analysis, in what ways does global organized crime diminish the capacity of states to manage their affairs? How do states respond to the challenge posed by global criminal organizations? … Read more

Judging Rome based on Monty Python’s Life of Brian Film

Judging Rome based on Monty Python’s Life of Brian Film Follow all the instructions. Youtube movie: Youtube name of the movie: The Life of Brian (Monty Python) full movie 3 Attachments Preview YouTube video The Life of Brian (Monty Python) full movie The Life of Brian (Monty Python) full movie Solution Preview The Monty Python’s Life … Read more

ethical issues around managed care

Ethical issues around managed care Given the ethical issues around managed care, discuss (in about 100 words) whether MCOs are good arrangements for patients? Provide a concrete example (in about 100 words) for either pro arrangement or against arrangement. solution Preview The managed care organizations are quite vital in ensuring quality health and service. The … Read more

Plaza de la Raza Cultural Center

Plaza de la Raza Cultural Center Your research assignment is designed to permit you the opportunity to experience Chicano history through the visitation of a local cultural site in southern California. You may select any of the following types of places to visit in order to complete your assignment: museum (Example: Southwest Museum, Natural History … Read more

The US Expands its Reach, 1890s to 1920s

The US Expands its Reach, 1890s to 1920s 2nd Discussion Essay Prompt- “The U.S. Expands its Reach, 1890s to the 1920s” Analysis of one primary source from Schaller’s ch. 19 and one major film theme from our film “To Conquer or Redeem: Manifest Destiny,” Acts I and III You’ve read all of your required readings … Read more

judicial review

 judicial review Explain the concept of judicial review. Give an example of one court case that involved judicial review and how it was used in that case. This should be at least 400 words. Please write your essay in MLA format, and follow the standard five paragraph model. Your essay should have an introduction paragraph, … Read more

Discovery Civic class

 Discovery Civic class A research paper about a civic issue related to my class. So I chose to talk about “Sexual Assualt on College Campuses in the United States” I almost covered everything but there is something missing which is : To explain why this problem or civic issue is important and require civic actions … Read more


Globalization What are the four different perspectives on globalization? (Part II) Explain and give examples. According to Huntington (Part I, Ch 5), what is new about world politics today? Does this image of a world embroiled in clashes of civilization contradict the conventional view that the globalization process creates new bonds across cultural boundaries? Does … Read more

Christian World View Class.

 Christian World View Class Please help with my Mark 8:29 Worksheet. Please finish the assignment on the attached document. This is also for a Christian World View Class. Attachments area 20180530221107mark_8_29_worksheet (3) Solution Preview In Matthew 5: 43-48, Jesus highlighted the importance of a compassionate lifestyle by urging his audience to treat the friends and … Read more

Treatment of Schizophrenia and Depression

Treatment of Schizophrenia and Depression Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon … Read more

The Generational Influence on Healthcare

The Generational Influence on Healthcare Attached below are the articles along with the assignment description. Babyboomer Generation is Changing the U.S. Healthcare System – Huffington Post Solution Preview The healthcare industry is experiencing significant changes due to generational influence by both the millennials and baby boomers.  As the largest living demographic group, the millennials are … Read more

Organizational research and theory discussion

organizational research and theory discussion Discuss the elements of a bureaucratic organizational structure, and summarize the levels of authority. Explain the impact of that structure on delegation, communication, and motivation. 75+ word Solution Preview Specialization, office hierarchy, organization rules and regulations, formal writings are the main elements of bureaucratic organization structure. These elements assist in … Read more

Data Visualization and Geographic Information Systems

Data Visualization and Geographic Information Systems As an IT manager, discuss how you would use the materials in Chapter 11 of your textbook communicating IT information to other department. Material is : Data Visualization and Geographic Information Systems notes Solution Preview Communication is an essential tool in business enterprises as it facilitates smooth operations. For this … Read more

Social Media Feedback Activity

Social Media Feedback Activity This tasks for this assignment need to be fully met. Resource: Social Media Feedback Activity Worksheet Review feedback from previous individual assignments. Complete the Social Media Feedback Activity worksheet. 20180530140929social_media_feedback_activity (1)

Discussion Week 3

Discussion Week 3 Solution Preview Multi-tenancy is a term, which refers to an information technology architecture whereby a single software application runs on servers and feeds multiple clients with data. Under this approach, each client served by the software is referred to as a tenant. For example, a software… (348 Words)

Principles of Success Plan

Principles of Success Plan How will you use what you have learned about the psychology of success to accomplish the three goals you set in Assignment 1? Chapters 4-9 of the Webtext present information on the psychological concepts of selective attention, spaced repetition, habit formation, mindset, and grit. For Assignment 2, you will summarize each concept … Read more

Growth Strategies

Growth Strategies The best growth strategy for an entrepreneurial venture or a small business is a well-planned one.” What’s your interpretation of this statement? Do you agree? Disagree? Provide supporting rationale. This is a discussion and must be at least 350 words and APA format. Solution Preview The well planned development strategy is the most … Read more

Growth Strategies

Growth Strategie The best growth strategy for an entrepreneurial venture or a small business is a well-planned one.” What’s your interpretation of this statement? Do you agree? Disagree? Provide supporting rationale. This is a discussion and must be at least 350 words and APA format. Solution Preview The well planned development strategy is the most … Read more

Describe the components of the ecosystem and the trophic interactions using vocabulary from lab

Describe the components of the ecosystem and the trophic interactions using vocabulary For this assignment, pick one specific real existing ecosystem (forest, ocean, desert, river etc) and IN DETAIL describe the components of the ecosystem and the trophic interactions using vocabulary from lab. Pick an ecosystem that actually exists (like the cloud forest in Costa … Read more

Complete a research paper IGED 280

Complete a research paper IGED 280 A research paper about a civic issue related to my class. So I chose to talk about “Sexual Assualt on College Campuses in the United States” I almost covered everything but there is something missing which is : To explain why this problem or civic issue is important and … Read more

Globalization exam

Globalization exam   What are the four different perspectives on globalization? (Part II) Explain and give examples. According to Huntington (Part I, Ch 5), what is new about world politics today? Does this image of a world embroiled in clashes of civilization contradict the conventional view that the globalization process creates new bonds across cultural … Read more

Mark 8:29 Work Sheet for CWV 101

Mark 8:29 Work Sheet for CWV 101 Please help with my Mark 8:29 Worksheet. Please finish the assignment on the attached document. This is also for a Christian World View Class 20180530221107mark_8_29_worksheet (3)

Week 4

Week 4 Week 4 – Interactive Assignment 11 unread reply.11 reply. Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum … Read more

Discuss the elements of a bureaucratic organizational structure

Discuss the elements of a bureaucratic organizational structure Discuss the elements of a bureaucratic organizational structure, and summarize the levels of authority. Explain the impact of that structure on delegation, communication, and motivation. 75+ words   Image preview for discuss the elements of a bureaucratic organizational structure APA 155 words

Growth Strategies

“The best growth strategy for an entrepreneurial venture or a small business is a well-planned one.” What’s your interpretation of this statement? Do you agree? Disagree? Provide supporting rationale. This is a discussion and must be at least 350 words and APA format.

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