What kinds of changes were made in the short term to accommodate the active pandemic

Anatomy and Physiololgy

Style APA
Number of words 421
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


Topic: What is really interesting, is that back in the 1930s, long before vaccines and antibiotics were the norms, there was a Polio epidemic. This changed life much like COVID has done for us in the past year.

Details: For the assignment, I want you to write a reflection on what you read. Make comparisons to how the Polio epidemic changed life compared to how COVID changed our lives. Think of this not just how you personally were affected, but across all age groups, from young, school age, young adults, middle age, and the elderly. What kinds of changes were made in the short term to accommodate the active pandemic, and which of those changes were long-lasting and/or permanent. How are those changes similar to what has happened during the COVID mitigation efforts? I think it is quite startling how many similarities you will find.

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What kinds of changes were made in the short term to accommodate the active pandemic

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