Week 4 Journal: Bad Seed: Full question in description!
This week’s journal allows you to consider James Knoll’s (attached file) argument. As you read, be careful to distinguish between the historical background information and the position he takes. Summarize his argument in a paragraph.
Then consider the following questions:
- What purpose does the lengthy historical overview serve in his overall argument?
- How does his argument help us to understand Christine’s decisions that build up to the novel’s final scene?
Support the analysis with direct quotations and paraphrases from the article attachment and book in a 2 to 4 page critical response.
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Journal Review
Purpose of Historical Overview
Evil has no solid scientific definition or explanation since evil is believed to originate from religion and methodology based on moral illusions. Therefore, there is no existence of evil since research into the issue is pre-based and influenced by moralistic judgment; therefore, an individual cannot reach an impartial conclusion since evil deeds have been termed to be in existence since way back. Moreover, individuals doing good and avoiding doing the bad has been a motivation for many people, therefore, psychiatry has been greatly influenced by this factor.
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