Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health

Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health

HUS 4333 Assessment and Interventions in Mental Health

Textbook Information:  (uploaded with Module 1)

American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, Fifth Ed. [DSM-V]. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.

Assessments & Interventions in Mental Health

Final Project Break Down

Reflecting on all of the readings and supplemental instructions, think back to a disorder type (i.e. developmental) or a specific disorder which stood out to you the most. Go back and review the corresponding readings and work that was completed in that module. Using both what was provided to you (DSM, notes, texts, etc) and 2 new references you have found (you may use ones you have found & used in previous assignments) write about the following:

Describe the Disorder(s); define, provide symptoms, presentations, etiology, etc.

Define and describe the type of disorder. If you are using disorder type or a cluster as your main idea, give specific disorders within the type.

Give a brief overview of how this disorder may be assessed and diagnosed. Are there any special tests that go along with the diagnosis?

Finally, create/ provide a treatment plan that could be used for this diagnosis.

Please include your plan for treatment on a separate page, with its own title/ heading. Exa:

Treatment Plan

Complete a Reference Page. You will need to have a minimum of 4 references, including the DSM. Provide in-text citations and all references in APA 7th edition. For help with APA use the link below as a guide. You may also consult with the library for help on research and citation formatting.

You must also have a title page, as indicated with APA. In total, your document should be about 6 pages. Be sure to include proper headings.

APA link: 

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