Introductory to sociology
Read the attached files below and answer the questions attached in the word document
20190221020138questions_ (5) (2)
20190221020113common_sense_knowledge_ideological_sages (2) (1)
20190221020112chapter_2_cultural_sciences (2) (1)
20190221020114intro__chapter_1_of_cultural_sciences_1_ (2) (1)
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Different kinds of knowledge
Historically, knowledge is considered more vital than ever before. The concept of knowledge means the ability possessed by a person to what one wants and is expected to do. There are various forms of knowledge. They include; pragmatic knowledge which one obtains through trial and error or learning from someone else, philosophic knowledge which includes the systematic theories concerning the ultimate principle of everything, and the scientific knowledge which is imparted to learners in the institution like in universities and colleges.
(1,042 words)