For this assignment, you will create an Employment application Package

For this assignment, you will create an Employment application Package

1. For this assignment, you will create an Employment application Package, consisting of a cover letter and resume (traditional style), applying for a specific position. This is an individual assignment.

2. Follow the instructions provided in Chapter Activities 1-2 on pg. 132 of your Course Textbook. Be sure to utilize the following process to create your Employment Package:

Design and incorporate an attractive (but not distracting or extravagant) letterhead for your cover letter. For consistency, be sure to incorporate the same letterhead design into your resume.

Allocate a sufficient amount of time to brainstorm internally (as well as with your friends, family members, or classmates) about your unique skills, capabilities, and training so that you can be sure to incorporate these capabilities into your Employment Package.

Identify the dream job you would like to obtain upon graduation. Consider whether you may be best suited for the job you identified or another.

Once you have selected the job that you would like to pursue, utilize the research skills that you have cultivated in this course to discover the qualifications employers expect to see in candidates for that job. Research the job description.

3. Formatting guidelines:

Please use standard 8 ½ x 11 paper (no resume or elaborately-styled paper), and Times New Roman font. The following minimum font size and margins govern:

Minimum font-size: 11 point

Minimum margins: 0.75” left, top, bottom, and right.

The cover letter should be single-spaced, and written in letter format. Justify cover letter, and resume (if possible), text.

Your cover letter and resume should each be no more than one (1) page in length. Therefore, your Employment Package should not exceed two (2) pages–you will receive no credit if your submission is longer than two (2) pages.

Please ensure that spelling, syntax, punctuation, word choice, or other errors do not appear in your Employment Package.


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For this assignment, you will create an Employment application Package


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