Interview Questions and Instructions

Interview Questions and Instructions

Earlier in this course, you were asked to prepare for and conduct an interview with a curriculum and instruction leader in your school or organization setting. For this assignment, in the form of a narrated and recorded presentation, report the highlights of your interview with this leader. In particular, address the following aspects as your takeaways from this interview:

Include an explanation of the leader’s role or position and a description of the school or organization in your introductory remarks. Also, be sure to keep the leader’s identity confidential. If needed, use a pseudonym.

Note: If you use assistive technology or any alternative communication methods to access course content, please contact with any access-related questions or to request accommodations.

Additional Requirements

  • Communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professional practice. Writing must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Presentation length: Suggested length of your presentation is 8–10 slides and 8–10 minutes of audio narration. Include a transcription of the audio in the speaker’s notes of your presentation to ensure accessibility for everyone.
  • Media presentation: Record your presentation using the KalturaLinks to an external site. recording tool. Refer to the Audio and Video in this Course section of the Tools and Resources for more information on using Kaltura. Presentation software such as PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, or Google Slides is acceptable; save the file as a PDF before submitting. Refer to the PowerPoint section of the Tools and Resources for additional resources on creating effective presentations.
  • What to submit: Upload your Kaltura recording to the assignment area. Additionally, attach the presentation file (saved as a PDF) with the narration in the speaker’s notes. 
  • Resources: Reference at least three scholarly resources other than the course text or assigned journal articles. Include citations at the end of the presentation.
  • APA guidelines: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatLinks to an external site.
  • Font: Use an appropriate size and weight for presentation, generally 24–28 points for headings and no smaller than 18 points for bulleted text. 

Competencies Measured

  • Competency 2: Describe instructional strategies that lead to enhanced learning.
    • Analyze how curriculum and instruction leaders assist educators to improve learning, based on knowledge gained from this interview. 
  • Competency 3: Evaluate techniques and tools utilized to enact change in instructional practices for improved learning.
    • Describe the tools, models, and strategies that impact curriculum development and instructional practices according to the leader interviewed.
    • Explain the effective ways of integrating technology into the design of curriculum and instruction that the leader conveyed. 
  • Competency 4: Analyze the factors curriculum leaders consider in the effective curriculum development process.
    • Compare curriculum development findings from the interview with research-based evidence in the literature. 
  • Competency 5: Analyze the factors instructional leaders consider in the effective instructional development process.
    • Compare instructional development findings from the interview with research-based evidence in the literature.
  • Competency 6: Apply principles of effective communication, written and/or oral, competently for the intended audience.
    • Apply principles of effective oral and written communication for the intended purpose.

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