Interview Response

Interview Response

The discussion for this week is actually quite fitting, considering on Wednesday I had a job fair where I interviewed over 10 potential candidates for a couple open positions at my job. Interviews are something I am still new at, and I get better every time I do them. Regardless, here are a few questions I would avoid asking and some ways to rephrase them: 

Avoid – How old are you? 

I would avoid asking this considering asking someone’s age can be seen as discriminatory. Especially if the position has no age requirement. Often times, you can read over someone’s resume and find their date of birth. This is a question I have never had to ask considering I normally know before the interview is started. 

Avoid – Do you have children or plan to start a family? 

This can be seen as discriminatory towards gender or familial status. 

Rephrase – Would you be able to travel or meet the hours required? 

Avoid – What is your native language? 

This can be seen as discriminatory towards ethnicity. 

Rephrase – 

Do you speak any other languages? 


Unit 3


Having to interview was one of the things I disliked most about being a manager. I had my set script of what to ask and how to describe the positions being applied for which made everything a bit easier. A question that I always avoided was asking if someone had kids or a car. (Verhulst and DeCenzo, pg.200, 2022)  I usually asked, “Do you have any restrictions with the schedule we just discussed?” If they said they could not do the early shift at 6 am but they could do the 1030 am shift I was usually ok with it, or certain days because of school. Every other weekend was also a highlight to the schedule not seen in other food businesses. As I was the one who did the schedule if I liked the candidate and thought they would make a good fit and I could work around the schedule I would.

Second question “What is your native language? (Verhulst and DeCenzo, pg.200, 2022) If a job description does not refer to needing to speak another language this question should not be asked. But, if it is in the description, refer to the requirement and ask “Do you fit this requirement, followed up by what languages?” Another question that should not be asked is “Do you wish to be addressed as Mr.?, Mrs.?, Miss?, or Ms.?” There is no proper way to ask this question. Only if an applicant introduces themselves and says but you can call me “whatever name they say.”


Verhulst, S. L., and DeCenzo, D. A.(2022). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (14th Edition). Wiley Global Education US

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