Food justice
Write a 1500 word essay about food justice. Pick a topic that (a) is worth communicating because it can help us understand and/or improve food justice, and (b) concentrates on one of the 8 food system supply chain elements in the CRFS Framework (Ventura and Bailkey 2017, p. 20). See the guide for topic ideas and literature.
In this essay, you must write FOOD SYSTEM SUPPLY CHAIN ELEMENTS in the CRFS Framework.
Here are the chain elements you need to write:
Food processing
1. V&B chap. 5; website
2. Gottlieb and Joshi (ch5. Food System Goes Global).pdf
Your essay should include at least 4 scholarly sources (peer-reviewed academic publications). You only need to use the sources I give to you. Structure your essay as a narrative that conforms to an And-But-Therefore (ABT) Story.
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